7 Tips for a Great Mother's Day Lesson

7 Tips for a Great Mother's Day Lesson | Children's Ministry Deals

Mother’s Day always falls on a Sunday! This special day is a wonderful opportunity for children's ministries to create a lesson around moms, celebrate the blessing of mothers or other guardians, and encourage kids to show appreciation towards their caretakers. We have provided seven must-know tips for creating a successful lesson for a Mother’s Day Sunday here:

Tip #1 – Kids Love To Celebrate Their Moms! 

If you are curious if Mother’s Day is a good theme for a lesson, don't worry: kids love to celebrate their moms. This is an opportunity for kids to notice how much their moms love them and appreciate all their mothers do for them. It’s a chance to show gratitude towards their mothers in the form of a gift or act of service. Don’t miss the chance to do a great Mother’s Day lesson in your children’s ministry!

Tip #2 – Take Your Lesson from the Mothers of the Bible

Searching to find a good lesson for Mother’s Day? There are many excellent choices in the Bible:

Tip #3 – Be Sensitive to Kids Without Moms at Home

One of the most important things to be aware of during Mother’s Day is that some kids attending church will have a mother, and some kids won’t. Some children may be adopted or possibly estranged from their biological mother. There may be a few kids who are being raised by another family member. Children may not have any motherly figure in their lives and could be raised by their fathers alone.

Our mission in the church is to reach every heart. Ignoring the fact that Mother’s Day might not be the same for every kid can be detrimental. As teachers and volunteers, we can face this fact honestly and acceptably and show compassion.

A great way to help make kids feel included is to acknowledge the truth about different situations and guide children to focus on who they do have, not who they don’t. Here are three ways you can approach this delicate topic with your kids:

  1.  Ask: Who do you live with at home? How are they related to you? What is one way you enjoy spending time with them?
  1. Acknowledge: Once you know more about your kids' home lives, acknowledge it. Use language like, “Your mom, your dad, your Grandma, or whoever is raising you.”
  1. Apply: Adapt your lesson to who you are teaching. Use examples of Bible characters who had similar situations, such as a parent passing away or someone having to live with a caregiver.

Tip #4 – Encourage Gratitude

The idea behind Mother’s Day is to help kids to think outside of themselves. As human beings, it can be easy to become selfish. Lessons like these get kids thinking about others, help them to appreciate those around them, and give kids opportunities to learn gratitude and thankfulness.

Tip #5 – Allow Extra Time for Crafts and Gift-Making

When planning your lesson, be sure to leave extra time to create the gifts for Mother’s Day. Kids enjoy making things for their loved ones and like taking their time to make it special. If this means having a shorter game or taking out an object lesson for one week, it’s worth being flexible!

Tip #6 – Give ALL Moms the Day Off!

Invite church members who aren’t mothers to do a special day of service and give “mom” teachers and volunteers a break in children’s ministry. You can do this by making an announcement a month ahead of time and asking for help on Mother’s Day. 

Tip #7 – Honor Mothers and Caretakers Throughout the Year

You can support moms and other guardians year-round by offering help and resources. One way to do this is by inviting women caretakers (mothers, aunts, grandmas, nurses, etc.) to be part of a support system in a women’s small group or bible study setting. 

Another way is to create children's ministry events at the same time as adult ministry events so parents can drop their kids off and attend a conference or a Christian book club. This is especially helpful when a single parent is having difficulty finding time for their spiritual growth.

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