Vacation Bible School 101: An All-in-One VBS Guide

Do the words "Vacation Bible School" get you excited? Maybe a little anxious, too? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This All-In-One VBS Guide is your go-to for everything VBS, from planning and promotion to choosing the perfect VBS curriculum and creating daily schedules. With this guide, you'll have a step-by-step roadmap to make your VBS experience smooth and stress-free!

Discover how to make your next Vacation Bible School the best one yet!

Featured VBS Theme: What a Mess! VBS

Sometimes Life Can Get A Little...MESSY!

The good news is, Jesus loves messy people! Whether you're 5, 45, or 105, we all have our own messes. "What a Mess! VBS" is about how Jesus deals with our messes—our sins, mistakes, and weaknesses. This year’s featured VBS theme covers exciting and relevant topics that align with our church’s goals and engage children in a fun, meaningful way.

Dive Into Your Comprehensive VBS Guide

Feeling a little lost and wondering, “Where do I even start?” That’s ok! Just dive right into this guide and follow along step by step. This all-in-one VBS guide has everything you need.

Table Of Contents

      1. Choosing The Right VBS Theme
      2. Mobilizing Your VBS Team And Resources
      3. Creating A Successful Budget
      4. Effective VBS Advertising and Communication
      5. Creating An Inclusive Space For All

With this Vacation Bible School guide, you’ll have everything at your fingertips to make your VBS a success from start to finish!

Choosing the Right VBS Theme

Is VBS Right for Your Ministry?

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to connect with kids and families? VBS is all about creating a space where faith and fun come together, and you can totally customize it to work for your church.

When choosing the right VBS curriculum for your church, it is essential to consider factors such as the theme, age group, and duration of the program to ensure it meets the needs of your congregation.

Questions to Ask

Choosing the Theme and Curriculum

  • What is our vision for VBS?
  • What are we hoping to accomplish?
  • What age group are we targeting for VBS?
  • Do we want to do this for the kids in our church, or do we want to open this to the community?
The Team and Resources
  • Do we have enough VBS volunteers to cover things like skits, worship, and teaching?
  • Should we buy pre-made supplies, or can we DIY some of them?
  • Can we create our own décor, or should we purchase it ready-made?
VBS Budget
  • What’s our VBS budget?
  • Do we need to fundraise for more?
VBS Advertising and Communication
  • How do we communicate to parents about VBS?
  • What’s the best way to connect with and reach out to our community?
  • What advertising and communication resources do we need? 
All the Logistics and Minute Details
  • What dates and times will work best for the families you're trying to reach?
  • When do local schools let out for summer break?
  • Are there any big community events happening at the same time?
  • How many kids do we expect to attend?
  • What’s a rough outline for each day’s schedule?
  • Where should we host VBS?

    Trending VBS Themes

    Explore the top VBS themes we recommend for their popularity and effectiveness in engaging kids

    For a comprehensive overview of current themes, check out our blog post “Top Vacation Bible School Themes (With Videos)”.

    How to Pick Your VBS Curriculum

    When choosing a Vacation Bible School curriculum, there are a few important factors Children’s Pastors should consider to ensure a fun, meaningful, and successful Vacation Bible School.

    What to Look For

    • Engaging Themes: Look for themes that spark kids’ imagination and keep them excited to learn.
    • Comprehensive Resources: Make sure the curriculum provides everything you need—lesson plans, craft ideas, music, and multimedia tools.
    • Flexible Scheduling: Whether you're running a week-long VBS program or spreading it out over the summer, flexibility is key.
    • Strong Biblical Foundation: The VBS lessons should be deeply rooted in Scripture and offer a solid faith-based experience.
    • Alignment with Church Values and Doctrines: Ensure the teachings align with your church's teachings so kids don’t get mixed messages.
    • Clear Presentation of the Gospel: Choose a VBS curriculum that makes the Gospel easy for kids to understand and apply.
    • Inclusive and Accessible: Make sure all kids, regardless of special needs or provisions, can fully participate.
    • Parental Involvement: Look for ways to engage parents with take-home activities, family discussions, or tools that reinforce the lessons at home.
    • Age-Appropriate Content: Ensure the lessons and activities are tailored to the developmental stages of the children attending. Different age groups may require different approaches.
    • Volunteer Training Resources: Does the curriculum provide guides or training for your volunteers? Having well-prepared leaders makes a big difference in how smoothly the program runs.
    • Engaging Worship and Music: VBS music can leave a lasting impression. Make sure the curriculum includes worship songs and music videos that kids will enjoy and remember long after VBS is over.
    • Follow-Up and Next Steps: Consider how the curriculum encourages ongoing faith development. Does it offer follow-up activities or resources after VBS ends?

    With these key elements in mind, you'll be well on your way to selecting a curriculum that works for your church and creates an unforgettable VBS experience for kids!

    What to Avoid

    • Overly Complex Materials: Steer clear of curriculums that are too complicated or hard for volunteers to implement smoothly. Simplicity is key!
    • Outdated Content: Kids change with the times, so avoid materials that feel out of touch with today’s children and their interests.
    • Heavy Administrative Load: Choose programs that don’t require a lot of prep work or paperwork—this can burn out volunteers before VBS even starts.
    • One-Size-Fits-All: Avoid curriculums that aren’t flexible. You’ll want to be able to adapt lessons to fit the unique needs of your group.
    • Overly Long or Boring Lessons: Kids have short attention spans, so avoid lessons that are too lengthy or lack engaging activities. You want to keep the energy high and the kids involved.

    All of these tips will guide you through the process of choosing the right VBS curriculum. While it might feel overwhelming at first, this guide will help you confidently make the best choice for your church!

    Adapting Your VBS Curriculum to Your Church’s Needs

    Customize your VBS curriculum to suit different age groups, learning styles, and other needs specific to your community. Make your VBS fun and interactive with exciting games, uplifting music, and creative crafts.

    VBS Games

    Find games for all ages and themes to enhance your VBS curriculum. 

    VBS Music

    Download the summer’s trending worship songs.

    VBS Crafts

    Explore our blogs and Pinterest boards for craft ideas to delight and engage kids.


    VBS Skits

    Discover skits to engage your young audience.

    Want to make VBS extra special for your kids? Use this FREE VBS Certificate of Completion template to celebrate your kids and their week learning about Jesus.

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    Mobilizing Your VBS Team and Resources

    Throughout this guide, we’ve emphasized the importance of picking the right theme and curriculum. But let’s be real—the true success of your Vacation Bible School hinges on the strength of your team. A solid, dedicated team is essential to creating a fun, well-organized experience for the kids in your church and community. Here are some key roles to consider for your VBS team:

    Roles and Volunteers

    Here are 3 simple steps to follow to organize and mobilize your VBS team:

    1. Determine Roles

    A well-organized team is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of your event. Creating an Excel spreadsheet is one easy way to manage your VBS volunteers. Color coding can help everyone quickly see their roles and responsibilities at a glance.

    Small Groups

    Putting volunteers in small groups is key! Kids really benefit from having that one-on-one attention. These groups usually consist of a few kids with a dedicated volunteer who guides them through activities and lessons. Small group leaders should be patient, nurturing, and able to create a fun atmosphere. This role is one of the most important for your Vacation Bible School!

    Large Group

    Large group activities often highlight VBS, bringing all the kids together for singing, storytelling, and fun games. Volunteers here need to be energetic and charismatic—someone who can keep a crowd engaged and excited!

    Need some ideas for fun activities to keep the kids entertained? Check out our blog post, “12 VBS Activities Your Kids Will Love,” for some easy and exciting suggestions!

    Speaking of activities, are you having trouble coming up with fun activities to occupy your VBS kids? Check out our blog post, “12 VBS Activities Your Kids Will Love” for 12 fun yet easy activities and games.

    Team Leads

    Having team leads for different areas is a must to keep everything running smoothly. These folks will oversee volunteers, coordinate activities, and solve any hiccups that come up. They’re the go-to people for their groups!

    Games and Crafts

    Games and crafts are a huge part of the VBS experience. Volunteers in this area should be creative and organized, ready to manage a bunch of kids at once. It’s a good idea to prep materials ahead of time to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

    Nurse’s Station

    Don’t forget about the nurse’s station! It’s important to have a place for any health concerns or minor injuries that might pop up. Make sure someone with medical training staffs this area and has a well-stocked first aid kit. Clear protocols for emergencies are a must!

    Check-in Team

    The check-in team is the first friendly face participants, and their parents will see. Volunteers here should be welcoming and efficient to make the registration process smooth and inviting. They’ll also handle attendance records and hand out any materials needed for the day.

    Snack Prep

    You can’t have VBS without snacks! Volunteers need to prepare and distribute snacks efficiently, making sure all the kids get their fair share. And don’t forget to keep an eye on dietary restrictions and allergies!

    Set Up/Tear Down Team

    Lastly, the setup and tear-down team is responsible for preparing the venue before VBS starts and cleaning up afterward. This role needs volunteers who are physically capable and detail-oriented to make sure everything is handled and stored properly. Depending on your space, you might need this team every day or just at the start and end of the week.

    2. Recruit Volunteers

    When it comes to recruiting volunteers for VBS, it’s all hands on deck! Don’t hesitate to ask everyone in your church to join the VBS team. While you’ll likely want your regular Kids Ministry team to take on key roles, there are plenty of opportunities to bring in new volunteers as well. Plus, this is a fantastic way to showcase your Children’s Ministry and potentially recruit new team members!

    If you’re not sure where to start finding engaged and helpful volunteers, read our blog “3 Fresh Ways to Recruit VBS Volunteers” for inspiration.

    3. Provide Necessary Training

    As your Vacation Bible School gets closer, think about hosting a training event for your volunteers. It’s the perfect chance to walk them through all the processes and policies, help them understand their specific roles, and get everyone pumped for the amazing week ahead! Keeping everyone on the same page will set the stage for a smooth and successful experience for both the team and the kids.

    Set Up Your Volunteers for Success

    Hold training sessions to equip your volunteers with the resources they need. Gather everyone for a group meeting to check in on how things are going and give them an overview of the event. Take a moment to recap what it means to be a kids' ministry volunteer and walk them through emergency procedures and proper conduct.

    Have team leaders dive deeper into their specific duties, responsibilities, and expectations so everyone knows what to expect! 

    Create VBS Volunteer Survival Kits

    Your volunteers are here to help, so show them you’ve got their backs! Provide them with things like meals, snacks, and any important info they’ll need.

    Volunteer Survival Kits Can Include:

    • Hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, and basic toiletries
    • Craft supplies like paper, pens, markers, and kid-safe scissors
    • Line ropes, whistles, and other tools to help keep kids organized
    • Water bottles and snacks for quick energy boosts

    Snacks: Prepare survival kits with hearty snacks to keep everyone energized throughout the day.

    Meals: Don’t forget about meals! Budget for some good food for your volunteers because a hangry volunteer isn’t going to be a happy volunteer. Even if it’s just a quick meal or fast food, make sure there’s something substantial for them to eat before or after the day’s events.

    Daily meetings: Finally, hold a quick meeting every day before the kids arrive. This is the perfect time to communicate any last-minute details or changes and answer any questions your volunteers might have. You can also address any issues that popped up the day before. And don’t forget to end each meeting with a prayer to kick off the day on a positive note!

    With these tips, you’ll have a well-prepared team ready to make your VBS a fantastic experience for everyone!

    Suggested Volunteer Resources


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    Creating and Managing a Successful VBS Budget

    I bet at some point while reading this VBS guide, you thought, “This all sounds great, but how are we going to pay for it?” Budgeting is definitely important, but it’s not the end of the world. There are plenty of ways to pull off a fantastic VBS without breaking the bank!

    Start by checking out your church’s overall budget—figure out how much you can allocate to Vacation Bible School. Team up with your pastor and church leadership to set some clear financial goals. Break down your total budget into categories like supplies, decorations, and activities. Prioritize what you really need, and do a little research to get accurate cost estimates. And don’t forget to include a contingency fund for any unexpected expenses to keep stress at bay.

    If your budget is tight, consider reaching out to your congregation for donations and take advantage of free online resources to keep costs low. Keep a close eye on your spending by tracking all expenses and comparing them to your budget regularly. Be open with church leadership and volunteers about the budget plan to promote transparency and accountability. You’ve got this!

    Here are 9 awesome fundraising ideas to help cover the cost of your Vacation Bible School:

    1. Church Budget Allocation: Request funds from your church’s annual budget to support VBS.
    2. Special Offerings: Organize a special offering specifically for VBS contributions.
    3. Fundraising Events: Plan fun events like bake sales or car washes to raise money.
    4. Sponsorships: Reach out to local businesses for sponsorship and support.
    5. Crowdfunding: Set up campaigns on platforms like GoFundMe to gather donations online.
    6. Grants: Look for grants from foundations or community organizations that support educational initiatives.
    7. Donation Drives: Run drives within the church for needed items and supplies.
    8. Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses to secure donations or discounts.
    9. Merchandise Sales: Sell VBS-themed items to raise funds while promoting your event.

    Managing the VBS budget doesn’t have to be terrible. Keep your budget on track by outlining all your projected expenses and breaking them down into categories. You can use budgeting software or even a simple spreadsheet to help you stay organized. It’s a good idea to have a team oversee the budget and hold regular check-ins to review it together.

    Remember to set spending limits and get approval for any big purchases. Keep all your receipts for accurate record-keeping. Be ready to adjust the budget as you go based on actual spending or changes in plans. Keep church leadership and key stakeholders in the loop by regularly sharing updates on the budget status. You’ve got this!

    Transform Your Space: Decorating on a Church Budget

    Have a small budget but still want to create a fun space for VBS? Get creative with budget-friendly decorating ideas. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Create a Checklist: Organize your decorations and supplies by event area to streamline setup and teardown.
  • Research: What Do You Already Have? Take inventory of existing supplies and identify what you still need.
  • Supply Drive: Engage your congregation in supporting the event by donating supplies.
  • Organization: Stockpile and organize supplies in designated sections for easy access.
  • Suggested Products

    Check out our Pinterest page for great VBS decor ideas, too!

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    Spread the Word: 15 Effective VBS Advertising and Communication

    Now that you’ve got your Vacation Bible School all set up, it’s time to get the word out! There are plenty of ways to spread the excitement, but first, think about who you want to reach. Knowing your audience will help you pick the best methods. Here are some ideas to get you started:

    1. Signs: Put up bright, eye-catching signs in visible spots around your community to grab attention.
    2. Print Materials: Use brochures and posters to share all the details in a fun and informative way.
    3. Social Media: Tap into platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to quickly reach a wider audience without breaking the bank.
    4. Sunday Announcements: Keep your congregation in the loop by making regular announcements during church services. And don’t forget to hand out this FREE VBS invitation coloring page to kids on Sunday mornings—it's a fun way to spread the word!
    5. Emails: Send out friendly email invites and updates to your church mailing list to keep everyone informed.
    6. Local Newspaper Ads: Consider advertising in local newspapers to reach a broader audience in your community.
    7. Flyers at Local Spots: Drop off flyers at popular places like restaurants and gyms where families hang out.
    8. Direct Mail: Hand-deliver invitations to homes in your neighborhood to make sure they reach potential attendees.
    9. Coloring Page: Include a VBS invitation coloring page for kids, which not only promotes your event but also gives them something fun to do!
    10. Community Events: Set up a booth at local fairs, farmers' markets, or community events to connect with families and share information about VBS.
    11. Church Website: Make sure to feature your VBS prominently on your church’s website with all the details and a registration link.
    12. Text Messaging: Use a text messaging service to send quick reminders and updates to church members about VBS.
    13. Parent Meetings: Host an informational meeting for parents to discuss the program and answer any questions they might have.
    14. Personal Invitations: Encourage church members to personally invite friends, neighbors, and family members. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool!
    15. Video Promotions: Create a short, fun video promoting your VBS and share it on social media or during church services.

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    Create an Inclusive Safe Space for All

    Vacation Bible School should be a warm, safe, and inclusive environment where kids of all ages feel welcome and valued. Here are several strategies your church can implement to foster this kind of atmosphere:

    1. Welcoming Atmosphere 

    A welcoming atmosphere doesn’t just magically appear; it takes some effort to make sure kids and families feel right at home. Here are a few easy ways to create that vibe:

    • Friendly Greeters: Have some cheerful folks at the doors to welcome families as they arrive. A warm smile and a friendly “Hi!” can really set the tone.
    • Train Your Volunteers: Make sure your volunteers know how to help out parents and kids. Whether it’s giving directions or just being there to chat, a little support goes a long way.
    • Enthusiastic Hellos: Encourage your team to greet each child with excitement. A simple, enthusiastic “Hello!” can make a big difference and help kids feel special.

    By making an effort to create this welcoming atmosphere, you’ll ensure that everyone feels comfortable and ready to join in on the fun!

    2. Think of Everyone

    When you’re planning your activities, keep in mind that your group is made up of kids from different cultures. It’s all about creating fun experiences that everyone can enjoy! Also, think about how to support kids with special or unique needs.

    For example, if there are kids in your community who don’t speak English, it’d be great to offer translation services so they feel included. That’s just one way to make things more welcoming.

    And don’t forget about alternative activities for kids with disabilities who might not be able to join in on all the games. By considering these things, you’ll help make sure every child feels right at home and can have a blast at VBS!

    Here are some special accommodations to consider:

    • Safe spaces
    • Headphones for loud noises
    • Adequate volunteer support
    • Allergy awareness

    3. Provide Clear Signage

    Having clear signage is essential for guiding both attendees and volunteers throughout the event. Here are some helpful signs to include:

    • Welcome Signs: Create welcoming signs with easy-to-follow directions for drop-off. Make it simple for families to know where to go!
    • Directional Signs: Use signs with arrows to help kids and volunteers navigate during transitions. This keeps things running smoothly and minimizes confusion.
    • Station Signs: Place visible signs at each area or station so everyone knows what’s happening where.
    • Volunteer Labels: Ensure volunteers have clear labels to help attendees identify who to ask for assistance.
    • Bathroom Signs: Remember to put up a “Bathroom This Way” sign to make it easy for everyone to find the restrooms.
    • Volunteer Maps: Provide a map for volunteers that highlights where everything is located, ensuring they know the layout.
    • Goodbye Signs: Finish on a high note with a sign inviting everyone back on Sunday!

    With clear signage, you’ll help everyone feel more comfortable and make the event run smoothly!

      Create an Inclusive VBS for Those with Special Needs and Other Accommodations

      Make your VBS welcoming for children with special needs by preparing for their unique requirements.


      • Safe spaces
      • Headphones for loud noises
      • Adequate volunteer support
      • Allergy awareness

      When possible, get as much information from parents ahead of the event. This will allow you to better prepare. 

      VBS Success: Real Stories from Churches and Communities

      Read inspiring testimonials from churches that have hosted successful VBS events.

      Castle Of Courage VBS - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

      "Everyone from our kids to our volunteers loved this VBS. They enjoyed the lessons and the crafts. It was an easy VBS to put together and really make our own." - Jennifer.

      What A Mess VBS - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

      "Our church used this for our VBS this year! It was the best year yet. Great songs and material." - Anna

      Castle Of Courage VBS - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

      "The Castle of Courage VBS is great! Wonderful lessons and hilarious skits!" - Aimee P.

      FREE VBS Planning Guide - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

      "I've read other documents on how to run a VBS and this is one of the best. It included very useful information on how to plan for a successful VBS!" - Aaron T.


      Explore more VBS resources and make your next VBS the best one yet!

      Explore More VBS Resources from CMD

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