Bible Lessons Based on Kids' Favorite Apps!
Every day more apps are designed to help us with our lives. God’s already given us the greatest tool for living a good life, the Bible. For every need in life, we can find a story in the Bible that God has given us to help us know what to do.
App Store Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse:
“How can a young person keep their life pure? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9 (NIrV)
Bible App - Open Up The Word
Scripture: Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105
Synopsis: If you could only have one app, this is the most important one. The Bible is God’s Word to help us through anything we face in life.
Objective: Kids will name something they can do to memorize Bible verses.
Angry Birds - Launch Some ForgivenessScripture: Leviticus 19:18, Romans 12:19, Matthew 5:38-42
Synopsis: The angry birds are angry with the pigs and trying to get even. The Bible tells us we should choose to forgive instead of trying to get even.
Objective: Kids will identify what things can make it hard to forgive sometimes.
Candy Crush - A Lot from A LittleScripture: Matthew 25:14-30, The Faithful Servants
Synopsis: In Candy Crush, you have to make do with what you’re given and score the most points. Jesus taught us that if we do a good job with what we have been given, we can be trusted with more.
Objective: Kids will choose one small thing they will do to help or encourage others this week.
Spotify - Making Music for GodScripture: Colossians 3:15-17, Give Thanks Always
Synopsis: Spotify gives us unlimited access to songs! We can encourage each other and praise God when we sing songs to God. Praising God helps us to keep our minds focused on him no matter what we are doing.
Objective: Kids will identify a time or place where they will remind themselves to praise God everyday this week.
Minecraft - Build WiselyScripture: Matthew 7:24-27, The Wise and Foolish Builders
Synopsis: Minecraft builders know they need to use the right resources to build their masterpieces. God wants us to choose wisely and build our lives on Jesus.
Objective: Kids will state why they need to make Jesus #1 in their lives.
Instagram - Picture Yourself with JesusScripture: Psalm 23
Synopsis: People love to post pictures to Instagram of beautiful places they’ve been. In Psalm 23, David describes some places he would have seen as a shepherd. He uses these pictures to show us that God is with us no matter where we go, by the quiet waters or in the darkest valley.
Objective: Kids will name some places that’s it hard to remember that God is with them, and be encouraged that he is there too.
Facebook - Jesus Wants to Be Our SaviorScripture: John 14:1-6, Jesus Is Preparing a Place for Us in Heaven
Synopsis: Jesus is the only way to be saved. He is preparing a place for us and He wants us to spend eternity with Him. Just as easy as accepting a friend request, we just need to accept Jesus as our Savior.
Objective: Kids will be able to say how they can become Christians.
Pokemon Go - Go and Catch ‘Em AllScripture: Mark 16:15-16, Go Into All the World
Synopsis: Jesus told his disciples to go into the entire world and preach the gospel. That means wherever you go - to school, to a friend’s house, on a mission trip - anywhere and everywhere we go we should always be ready to show people that Jesus loves them by how we treat them and by what we say. God is counting on us to “catch 'em all” with our love.
Objective: Kids will pray for one friend they want to invite to church.