Candy Sunday School Lesson

Candy Sunday School Lesson
FREE Candy Sunday School Lesson! Solomon was the wisest man on Earth, and after trying to find pleasure in earthly things, he found that every one of them was meaningless. Only Jesus can give us something that lasts, eternal life and joy! In this lesson, kids will learn from Solomon and find out that only Jesus can give joy at all times. Nothing in this world can give you lasting happiness, but Jesus can give you joy. You're definitely going to want to check out Candy 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids! This lesson is great for any Children's Ministry, Kids Church, or Sunday School!

Candy Sunday School Lesson for Kids:


Nothing in this world can give you lasting happiness, but Jesus can give you joy.


Kids will learn from Solomon that only Jesus can give joy at all times.


Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. Solomon’s pursuit of happiness in life.


“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” - Psalm 119:10 (NIV)


Solomon was the wisest man on Earth, and after trying to find pleasure in earthly things, he found that every one of them was meaningless. Only Jesus can give us something that lasts, eternal life and joy!


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we try to find joy in the things of this world. Help us to see you first, and give us joy that will never fade away.

In Jesus' name,



“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” - Psalm 119:103 (NIV)

“I trust in you with all my heart. Don’t let me wander away from your commands.” - Psalm 119:103 (NIRV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.




A microphone


1M, 1F


Dave- A TV reporter

Judith- A world record gum chewer

Dave is at center stage with a microphone.

DAVE: Hi, Dave Anchor here in Sioux Falls, New Mexico where we are about to have a word with Judith Hardy, the new world record holder for gum chewing. Judith is a long time gum lover who decided at age 10 she would break the world's record for chewing one piece of gum. Judith didn't just break the record. She obliterated it! Her record finally came to an end at 8:08 AM, shattering Violet Beauregard's old record with her new record time, 3667 days, 1 hour, 13 minutes, and 7 seconds.

Judith enters, pretending to chew gum non-stop.

DAVE: And here she is, ladies and gentlemen, Judith Hardy! Congratulations, Judith.

JUDITH: Thanks.

DAVE: Judith, I understand that as a girl, you loved gum.

JUDITH: Did I ever!

DAVE: And that love of gum inspired you to set the record we are all here to celebrate.

JUDITH: That's right.

DAVE: Tell me, Judith, what kind of gum helped to set this mark?

JUDITH: Chewly's gum, with extra long flavor. Spearmint.

DAVE: Chewly's gum, fantastic. Tell us, Judith, what have you learned from this ten-year journey?

JUDITH: What have I learned?

DAVE: Yes! The world is listening.

JUDITH: Let me tell you what I learned - I don't like GUM!!!!

DAVE: What?

JUDITH: I can't stand it! It's awful! It loses its flavor. It's sticky. It makes your jaw sore. I don't like it anymore!

DAVE: I don't believe it! You don't like gum any more?

JUDITH: I haven't liked it in over nine years!

DAVE: Then why are you chewing gum now?

JUDITH: I'm not! I can't stop my jaw from chewing!

DAVE: You mean--

JUDITH: Look at me!

Judith chews on nothing a moment as she points to her jaw.

JUDITH: Make it stop! Please, make it stop.

DAVE: Look, you're tired, and no one can blame you.

JUDITH: You know how long that long lasting flavor lasted? Twenty minutes! That's it! Done! I've been chewing flavorless gum for 3667 days and 53 minutes.

DAVE: And seven seconds!

JUDITH: Don't remind me!

DAVE: Well, Judith, we still wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment.

JUDITH: Thank you.

DAVE: And so do the makers of Chewly's Gum.

JUDITH: Chewly's?

DAVE: In fact, Chewly's Gum is so proud of you, they want to give you a lifetime supply of gum!

JUDITH: A lifetime supply???

DAVE: Hard to believe, isn't it?

Judith breaks down crying hysterically.

DAVE: Look at her, folks. Look at those tears of joy.

JUDITH: (crying) They're not tears of joy!

DAVE: She loves her Chewly's Gum!

JUDITH: No I don't!

DAVE: So when you reach for gum, reach for the brand that kept Judith Hardy chewing for more than ten years, Chewly's Gum, now with the exciting new flavor of bacon!

JUDITH: Nooooo!!!

Judith runs off stage screaming.

DAVE: (looks off camera) We can edit that part out, right?

Dave exits.




Question for you guys this morning: how long can you chew a piece of gum?

Gum is one of those candies you have to wait for. When you were old enough, Mom and Dad finally let you chew gum, and it was the most exciting thing ever.

And then, the gum lost its flavor.

Sooner or later, every piece of gum, no matter how tasty, loses its flavor. Then all you're left with is warm, flavorless gum and a sore jaw.

Gum is a good reminder that nothing in this world can satisfy us for long. The new toy, the new car, the new album by your favorite artist… they’re all a thrill when you first get them, but eventually, they get old. We lose the flavor for that new thing and we want something newer, hoping that something newer will satisfy us.

Nothing in this world can give us joy forever, but there is one person who can, and that's Jesus. Only Jesus can satisfy the emptiness we all have inside us. He can give us contentment, he can give us peace, and he can give us real joy that can never be taken away.

The things of this world are only temporary. They're here today and in the trash tomorrow. Don't look for joy in temporary things. Find joy in Jesus.




Eleven large gumballs, including one white

A table


Rack up the ten colored gumballs in a pyramid like you are going to play pool at one end of the table.

Choose 2-4 contestants. Each contestant gets one roll of the white gumball to try and knock as many colored gumballs off the table as they can. The person who knocks off the most colored gumballs without also losing the white one wins.


An alternative way to play is to make it a timed contest. Contestants can continue shooting and attempt to knock all the colored balls off the table before time expires, or contestants can compete to see who knocks the most off in the allotted time.

You can also have the players use a candy stick or candy cane as a cue stick!



Nothing in this world can give you lasting happiness, but Jesus can give you joy.


Kids will learn from Solomon that only Jesus can give joy at all times.


Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. Solomon’s pursuit of happiness in life.


How many of you can remember the first time you got to chew gum? Gum is one of those candies you have to wait for, like jawbreakers. Your parents probably refused to let you have gum when you were little, fearing you would just swallow it. And let's face it, you probably would have! But then the day came, and you were so excited when you were handed that very first piece of gum. You put it in your mouth, and you started to chew. You chewed and chewed and chewed until it became soft. You felt the taste of the gum tingling on your tongue. You chewed on the left side of your mouth, and then you chewed on the right. You tried to blow a bubble, even if it wasn't bubble gum. You savored that long sought after experience of chewing gum.

But then something happened, didn't it? What happened to that tasty, soft piece of gum after five or ten minutes of chewing? It lost its flavor. Slowly but surely, the sweet taste went away, and you found yourself chewing not spearmint gum, not cinnamon gum, not fruit flavored gum, but just plain gum. When gum loses its flavor, there's no bringing it back. You toss it out and grab some more gum, or you look for something else to make you happy.

This pursuit of happiness isn't just confined to gum. Every day people look for happiness in the things of this world: money, work, power, fame, possessions, love. Maybe you’ve tried to find happiness in toys, candy, games, sports, or TV shows. And when you get something new, it may make you happy for a while.  But sooner or later that new thing is not so great, and there’s something else you want more.

No man understood this pursuit of happiness more than King Solomon. If Solomon were a kid today, he would have a Wii U AND a Playstation 4, a go cart, an indoor basketball court, an Olympic-size pool, a bowling alley in his basement, and…well, practically anything else that you all could possible dream of! But even though Solomon had enough money to buy anything he wanted, listen to what he had to say about it all.”

READ Ecclesiastes 2:1-11


We were all born into this world as sinners. Our sin separates us from God, leaving us with a hole inside. Most people spend their lives trying to fill that emptiness with things and stuff, but as Solomon discovered, nothing in this world can fill that hole.

God placed that hole inside us for one reason: so we would seek our happiness in him. The hole in our hearts is "God-shaped," and nothing else in this world can fill that hole. You can try to fill it with anything you want. But without God, you will never fill it up. You will always have that empty feeling. The only thing that will fit is God Himself.


There's nothing wrong with enjoying the things of this world. God created this world for our enjoyment. But when we start trying to find satisfaction in created things, we will only make ourselves miserable.

Created things cannot give us joy. Created things cannot give us contentment. And created things cannot give us eternal life. Jesus told his followers not to waste their time on created things, but to look for the one thing that was eternal.

READ Matthew 6:33

If we seek God first, we will receive everything we need. We will also find the solution to fill the hole inside of us. Stop chewing gum that has lost its flavor. Seek God, and let him give you the joy this world never will.


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we try to find joy in the things of this world. Help us to see you first, and give us joy that will never fade away.

In Jesus' name,




What is your favorite flavor of gum?


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Have the kids stand up in a circle.  Hand the child on your right a gumball and ask them what they think the grossest flavor of gum would be.  After they answer have them pass the gumball to the next child and let them answer.  Go around the circle until everyone has held the gumball and given their answer.


Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Who was Solomon?

Who made Solomon the wisest man to ever live?

What did Solomon do to try and make himself happy?

What does Solomon say about all these things that didn't make him happy?

Who is the one person who can give us joy that never fades away?


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we try to find joy in the things of this world. Help us to see you first, and give us joy that will never fade away.

In Jesus' name,




What is your favorite flavor of gum?


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Have the kids stand up in a circle.  Give everyone a piece of bubble gum. Offer a prize to the person who can be the first to blow a bubble.  Have a trash bag or can ready for anyone who wants to spit their gum out.


Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Who was Solomon?

How many things did Solomon try in his pursuit to find meaning in life?

What does Solomon say about all these pursuits?

What are some of the things people use to try to make themselves happy?

Why is God the only solution for the emptiness we have inside?


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we try to find joy in the things of this world. Help us to see you first, and give us joy that will never fade away.

In Jesus' name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Candy Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from SuperChurch that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Candy.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Candy Sunday School Lesson:

New Candy Bible Object Lessons - Ministry-To-Children


Colorful Candy: Bible Object Lesson - Ministry-To-Children



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