Galatians 5 Sunday School Lesson

Galatians 5 Sunday School Lesson
Check out our FREE Galatians 5 Sunday School Lesson! Teach kids that we need to live by the Fruit of the Spirit. By the end of this lesson, kids will learn about the Fruit of the Spirit and why they are important. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! God has a recipe for our lives. He wants us to live by the Fruit of the Spirit so other people will know by our actions that we love Jesus. Of coursethe real purpose of fruit is not simply to provide food but to create seeds to spread that fruit to other places. The Fruit of the Spirit spreads when people see the Fruit at work in our lives. When people see we have godly fruit and not worldly fruit, they will see the difference God can make in a person’s life. The Fruit of the Spirit can convince others that they need Jesus in their own hearts. Fruit is healthy and gives our bodies the vitamins and nutrients it needs. The Fruit of the Spirit makes our hearts healthy. It sets us apart from the world, and it can make us a witness to others. It takes time and patience to cultivate these fruits, but when we let God grow these fruits in our hearts, God will use us to bring glory to his name. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids! Here is our Cooking With Jesus 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.

Galatians 5 Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


We need to live by the Fruit of the Spirit.


Kids will learn about the Fruit of the Spirit and why they are important.


Galatians 5:16-26, Fruit of the Spirit


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)



God has a recipe for our lives. He wants us to live by the Fruit of the Spirit so other people will know by our actions that we love Jesus.


Dear God,


Teach us to live by the Fruit of the Spirit so people will see Jesus in our lives.


In Jesus’ name,





“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)


“We are God’s creation. He created us to belong to Christ Jesus. Now we can do good works. Long ago God prepared these works for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10 (NIrV)



Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.



Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.






A tray of Fruit pizzas






The Chairman - Show host

Marge - Super Chef School Cafeteria - A school lunch lady


The Chairman enters.

CHAIRMAN: Hello, kids! Welcome to Super Chef America, the show where we show you how to be a Super Chef! Today on Super Chef America, we have a special treat for you. We are going to learn how to make squid ink ice cream with Super Chef Japan, Chef Morimoto!

A stage hand runs on with an index card and hands it to the Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: Hmmm. It seems Super Chef Japan will not be able to make it today. His plane was delayed in a tsunami. So here instead is Super Chef School Cafeteria, Chef Marge!

Marge enters.

MARGE: Hello, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: Chef Marge, you are a chef here in America?

MARGE: Yes, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: All of our Super Chefs have their own specialty. Super Chef Japan, Super Chef China, Super Chef France, Super Chef Italy. What is your specialty?

MARGE: I'm Super Chef School Cafeteria.

CHAIRMAN: School Cafeteria?

MARGE: That's right, Mr. Chairman. There's not a mystery meat or a Sloppy Joe recipe I don't know.

CHAIRMAN: Mmmm, Sloppy Joe. Sounds tasty. Are you making Sloppy Joes today?

MARGE: Actually, I decided to show the kids something really sweet. We're going to make fruit pizzas!

CHAIRMAN: Fruit pizza! Sounds tasty! But not as tasty as Sloppy Joes.

Marge pulls out a tray of ready-made fruit pizzas.

MARGE: Fruit pizza is very simple to make. All you need is a crust and some fruit toppings.

CHAIRMAN: That's it???

MARGE: That's all.

CHAIRMAN: No cheese?

MARGE: No cheese.

CHAIRMAN: No pizza sauce?

MARGE: No pizza sauce.

CHAIRMAN: No anchovies?

MARGE: Gross! No!

CHAIRMAN: Wow, Chef Marge, those look tasty. Look at all the fruit you got on those pizzas!

MARGE: It's amazing how much you can put on those crusts.

CHAIRMAN: Tell us, Chef Marge, what was your inspiration for this dish?

MARGE: I was inspired by the Fruits of the Spirit. Paul wrote about them in Galatians and he says that, as Christians, we need to live by the Fruits of the Spirit every day.

CHAIRMAN: What are the Fruits of the Spirit?

MARGE: Well, there's love, and joy, peace and patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

CHAIRMAN: Sounds like a recipe for a happy life.

MARGE: These fruit pizzas remind me that I need the Fruit of the Spirit every day. And that just like this fruit pizza, the Fruits of the Spirit are pretty tasty.

CHAIRMAN: Sounds like a winning recipe to me! I'm the Chairman, and this has been Super Chef America. See you next time, kids!



For this series, the object lesson will involve having the kids make their own treats. After the kids have made their treats, read the short devotion to them while they eat.



Sugar cookies

Mixed fruit, cut into bite-sized pieces

Whipped topping (optional)



Pick a cookie to be the "crust" for your pizza. Then layer the crust with the fruit toppings you want.


Whipped topping can be used as a base for the fruit to stick to the cookie, or as a final topping on the pizza.



Cooking involves taking different ingredients and foods and combining them to create something new. When we bring fruits together with cookies for a crust, we make fruit pizzas. We can also bring tomato sauce, dough, and cheese together to make a traditional pizza. What other kinds of pizzas can you think of?


We chose to make fruit pizza as a reminder of the Fruits of the Spirit. The Fruits of the Spirit are God’s recipe for living a life that glorifies God. When people see the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives, they see that we are different. They don’t see selfishness and bitterness but love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.


The Fruits of the Spirit will make us a witness to others. They will also give us more joy and more happiness in our own lives. Let’s ask God to show us how we can add these Fruits to our lives every day.






A small carton


A long table



Choose one player for this game. Set the carton on the end of the table, and have the player stand at the other end. The player has 60 seconds to bounce 6 blueberries into the carton on the other end of the table. If he can get 6 berries to bounce into the carton before time runs out, he wins.



You can try different kinds of fruit, including cherries and grapes, instead of the blueberries. You can also reduce the number of berries required to win for younger kids.



God wants us to live with the Fruits of the Spirit.




We need to live by the Fruit of the Spirit.



Kids will learn about the Fruit of the Spirit and why they are important.


Galatians 5:16-26, Fruit of the Spirit



How many of you have ever heard of Fruit Pizza before today? If you haven’t, I bet some of you will make Fruit Pizza a regular snack treat. Fruit Pizza is easy to make and doesn’t require any baking (unless you decide to make the cookies at home!). You use a sugar cookie for your crust, and you pile on the toppings. You can use whipped topping as a sauce or an extra topping, or you can leave it off and just enjoy the fruit.


Pizza is a very versatile recipe, and the types of pizza you can make are only limited by your imagination. You can go traditional and make a pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and pepperoni. You can get fancy and use an olive oil drizzle, buffalo sauce, barbecue sauce, or Alfredo sauce instead of tomato sauce. You can swap out mozzarella for another type of cheese, and you can get really wild with the toppings. You can make Hawaiian pizzas, barbecue pizzas, buffalo chicken pizzas, and breakfast pizzas. There’s even one restaurant in Iowa where you can get - are you ready for this? - a crab rangoon pizza!


So why did we choose fruit pizza for this lesson? Fruit is easy to find, and all kids love fruit. It’s also a pizza you don’t have to bake. And more importantly, the fruit on these pizzas remind us of a recipe that comes from God’s Word: the Fruit of the Spirit.


The Fruit of the Spirit is not actual fruit. Instead, they are “fruits” people can see in our lives when we give our hearts to Jesus. These fruits take time to cultivate and grow in our hearts, but when we learn to grow them, we become great witnesses for the way Jesus can change a person’s heart.


Let’s take a look at Galatians and the Fruits of the Spirit.





The fruit we eat can grow on trees, vines, and other plants. Fruit only grows when a plant has been carefully watered, given lots of sunlight, and good fertilizer. It takes a lot of time and a lot of patience to grow fruit, but when we see the tiny flower buds close up and begin to bring forth fruit, it makes all our hard work in the garden worth it.


Paul laid out a challenge to the Galatians and to us. The Fruits of the Spirit are not things that come naturally to us but can only come from God’s Holy Spirit. When we give our hearts to Jesus, we can begin to grow these fruits in our heart, and when the fruit grows in our life, it makes us a witness to others of the changing power of Jesus.



The fruits of the world are nothing like the Fruits of the Spirit. We are all sinners and, as sinners, we are born selfish and self-centered. The way of the world is to put yourself first and look out for your own interests ahead of others. Worldly fruit is impatient, short-tempered, and unkind. It is quick to get angry and quick to be drug into an argument.


The Fruits of the Spirit are all contrary to our sinful human nature. It does not come naturally for us to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, or self-controlled. If we want these fruits in our lives, we have to depend on God to grow them.


Fruit requires water, sunshine, and fertilizer. The Fruits of the Spirit require cultivation of a different kind. It requires us to pray daily, to read the Bible, to worship the Lord, and to serve others. The more time we spend with God, alone and with other believers, and the more we seek God’s will for our lives, the more these fruits will grow. At first we will look for opportunities to be loving and kind and gentle with others, but over time, these things will come naturally. We will become true witnesses for Jesus because the fruit will grow in our hearts.


Of course the real purpose of fruit is not simply to provide food but to create seeds to spread that fruit to other places. The Fruit of the Spirit spreads when people see the Fruit at work in our lives. When people see we have godly fruit and not worldly fruit, they will see the difference God can make in a person’s life. The Fruit of the Spirit can convince others that they need Jesus in their own hearts.


Fruit is healthy and gives our bodies the vitamins and nutrients it needs. The Fruit of the Spirit makes our hearts healthy. It sets us apart from the world, and it can make us a witness to others. It takes time and patience to cultivate these fruits, but when we let God grow these fruits in our hearts, God will use us to bring glory to his name,



Dear God,


Teach us to live by the Fruit of the Spirit so people will see Jesus in our lives.


In Jesus’ name,






What is your favorite fruit snack?



Ephesians 2:10

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.



Have the kids play a game of Word Ball. Stand in a circle and toss a ball around the circle. Every time someone throws the ball, they need to say the name of a fruit. If they hesitate, stutter, or repeat the same fruit that was just said before, they are out. Who will be the last person standing?



Read Galatians 5:16-26


What two things are “at war” in us?


Which of these things do we need to live by?


What are some of the results of sin?


What are the Fruits of the Spirit?


How do the Fruits of the Spirit show we love Jesus?


Dear God,


Fill our lives with the Fruits of the Spirit so we can be your witnesses to our friends.


In Jesus’ name,





What is your favorite fruit snack?



Ephesians 2:10

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.



Have the kids play a game of Word Ball. Stand in a circle and toss a ball around the circle. Every time someone throws the ball, they need to say the name of a fruit. If they hesitate, stutter, or repeat the same fruit that was just said before, they are out. Who will be the last person standing?



Read Galatians 5:16-26


What two things are “at war” in us?


What are some of the results of sin?


How are worldy fruits different from the Fruits of the Spirit?


How do the Fruits of the Spirit make us witnesses for Jesus?


How can we grow the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives?


Dear God,


Fill our lives with the Fruits of the Spirit so we can be your witnesses to our friends.


In Jesus’ name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Galatians 5 Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Galatians 5. 

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Galatians 5 Sunday School Lesson: 


Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson for Children (Galatians 5:22-23)



Lesson: Seeds, Fruits, and Planting Character (Galatians 5:22-23



Love Bible Lesson for Kids (Fruit of the Spirit) Galatians 5:22-26



Freedom in Christ Object Lesson for Sunday School (Galatians 5:1)