Object Lesson on Loving Others - Valentine's Day

Use this object lesson on loving others to teach kids why they need to love their neighbor.

Object Needed: Valentine

Big Idea: Love everyone everyday, not just on Valentine’s Day.

We've included the text for this object lesson below and we even recorded a video to help give you ideas for how to teach it.  Enjoy watching!

Loving Others Object Lesson Script

Hello! You know what this is right? It’s a Valentine! Every Valentine's Day hundreds of thousands of these are made and given to friends or loved one. Some people hand make them others like to buy them at the store. I made this one myself, do you like it?

Have you ever felt nervous about giving a Valentine to a friend? It can be pretty scary and you might get embarrassed or not know what to say. But when you give a Valentine to a friend, it makes them feel special and they know that you care about them. You know, what if we told someone that they were special or that we cared about them every day instead of just Valentine's Day? Think of the difference you can make in a person's day.

I know that telling someone you love them or showing that you care can be a hard thing to do. We're afraid of rejection or embarrassment. But God calls us to love one another. Have you ever heard the command to love your neighbor as yourself? While your neighbor isn't just the person who lives next door. Your neighbor can be anybody, could be a bus driver, or your teacher, or maybe it's the friend that you play with down the street. If you love them every day, you’re obeying God's command.

Now I know you give Valentine's to people you like. But what if you gave them to people you didn't like? Doesn't seem to make sense, right? But God says to love your enemies too. Now I'm pretty sure you know who your enemies are, but do you know how to love them? If they said something mean to you, would you say something mean to them back? If you love them you would say something nice instead? If they did something to hurt you, would you hurt them too?

God calls us to love our enemies and pray for them. Praying for them is like sending them a Valentine. And when they see you loving them, they'll see Jesus. So next time Valentine's Day comes around, just remember to love people every day instead of just Valentine's Day.

Looking for more?  Be sure to view our entire collection of 52 Bible object lessons for kids and children's sermons.