Superhero Sunday School Lesson

Superhero Sunday School Lesson Our FREE Superhero Sunday School Lesson is finally here! Teach kids that God wants us to love our parents. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School!  Superman had a wise mom and dad, whom he listened to. God gave us parents to teach us to follow Jesus and do the right thing. By the end of this lesson kids will share something their parents have taught them about Jesus.  Moms and Dads are a gift from God. They give us love, wisdom, and guidance that we will never forget. If we want to be super, we need to honor them and love them in return. Listening and following their instruction is one of the best ways to show them how much we appreciate them. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids! Also, check out our  How to Be a Superhero 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.

Superhero Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


God wants us to love our parents.


Kids will share something their parents have taught them about Jesus.


Ephesians 6:1-3


Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.1 Corinthians 10:31b (NIV)


Superman had a wise mom and dad, whom he listened to. God gave us parents to teach us to follow Jesus and do the right thing.


Dear God,

Thank you for all that Moms and Dads do for us.

In Jesusname,




Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.1 Corinthians 10:31b (NIV)

Do everything else for the glory of God.1 Corinthians 10:31b(NIrV)


Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the boys read the verse aloud, and then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest?


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.






Superhero costume for the Diva; a lab coat, phone, and remote control for Dr. Insidious


1M, 1F


Dr. Insidious - A super-villain
The Supreme Diva - A teenage superhero
Dr. Insidious enters with a remote in one hand and a phone in the other. He lifts the remote to his ear.

I: Hello, Mr. Mayor, this is Dr. Insidious! Your time is up! I’m going to activate the Doomsday device, and then the city will be mine! Do you hear me, Mr. Mayor?…Hello?…Hello?…
Dr. Insidious looks at the remote.
I: Silly me!
Dr. Insidious lifts the phone to his ear.
I: Hello, Mr. Mayor, this is Dr. Insidious! Your time is up! I’m going to activate the Doomsday device, and then the city will be mine! Do you hear me, Mr. Mayor?
The Supreme Diva enters.
DIVA: Put down that device, Dr. Insidious! The game is up!
I: You’re too late, Supreme Diva! It’s ten o’clock!
DIVA: Ten o’clock? Holy cow!
I: That’s right, the city is now mine, and because the mayor refuses to pay--
The Supreme Diva pulls out her phone and dials.
I: Hey, what are you doing? I was talking—
The Supreme Diva holds up a finger to silence Dr. Insidious.
DIVA: Hello, Mom? It’s Christina…Sorry, I didn’t call sooner, but I’m going to be a little late…Yes, I’m still fighting crime…How much later? Not too long. As soon as I defeat Dr. Insidious…Ten or twenty minutes.
I: Twenty minutes?
DIVA: Probably closer to ten…
I: Ten??
DIVA: Okay, love you too. (hangs up) Sorry, you were saying?
I: Did you just call your mom to tell her you would be late?
DIVA: Of course I did! Mom always says, "If you’re going to be late, call." She wants to know that I’m safe!
I: Safe? You’re the Supreme Diva! You have super powers that were given to you by a superior alien race!
DIVA: And I have a Mom and Dad who love me and want me to be safe. That’s why I always listen to what they tell me.
I: Oh yeah? Did your parents teach you to run fast?
Dr. Insidious tries to run past the Diva. She steps on his shoe laces and trips him.
DIVA: No, but they did teach me to tie my shoes!
I: I can’t believe it! Foiled by a do-gooder who still listens to her Mommy!
The Supreme Diva picks Dr. Insidious up and takes him in custody, hands behind his back.
DIVA: The Bible says that if you listen to your parents, you’ll live a long life. You might want to give that some thought, Doctor.
I: Ha!
DIVA: I told you it wouldn’t take ten minutes.




A athletic shoe

Pick three kids, different ages, who are not wearing shoes that tie. See who can tie shoes, and who cant. Ask them who taught them to tie shoes. Ask how many of the kids learned to tie shoes from their parents, and then ask how many things the kids learned from their Mom and Dad.

Moms and Dads do so much for us, its easy to take them for granted. Moms and Dads were there the first time we sat up, stood on our own, took a step, said a word, and fed ourselves. Theyve taught us everything from how to use the potty to how to ride a bike.

Your parents are a gift from God. God gave them the job of raising you and teaching you how to love Him and love others. Your parents will always be there for you, and theyll continue teaching you new things even into your adulthood.

God wants all children, young and old, to respect their parents. Just like Superman, we need to listen to what they say. You may not always agree with them, but more often than not, you will find out they were right all along!  






A table

Three ping-pong balls


Choose two players for this game. Have them stand on opposite sides of the table. Set the three balls in the middle of the table. When you say the word, Go!the two players will attempt to blow the ping-pong balls off the table onto the other players side. The winner is the player who guides the most ping-pong balls to the other players side of the table. Any balls that go off on a neutral side can be put back into play so there are no judgesdeciding who wins.


Instead of doing three balls at once, you can do a best two out of three. Or make it a tournament with 4-8 players using one ball at a time.


God gave us parents to guide us, just as we guided the ping-pong balls to victory.




God wants us to love our parents.


Kids will share something their parents have taught them about Jesus.


Ephesians 6:1-3


Its hard to believe that super heroes have only been around about a hundred years. It was in 1938 that kids first read the story of Superman. A year later, Batman was born, and over the next decade, dozens more caped and masked crusaders emerged from the pages of comic books!

Theres something about super heroes that still touches the kid in all of us, and theres a hero for just about everybody. There are heroes who are more than human like Superman, Wonder Woman, and the X-Men. There are heroes gifted with powers, some intentionally like the Green Lantern and Captain America, and some by accident like Spider-Man and the Hulk. And there are heroes who become super through their own ingenuity like Batman, Ant Man, and Iron Man.

Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some have masks, some have capes. Some use technology, and some are simply amazing. Or astonishing. Even uncanny! But there are some traits that nearly all super heroes share in common. These traits are part of what makes them so super, and they are traits that can make us super too.

The first thing were going to talk about may surprise you. Its not the first thing you think about with super heroes. In fact, some of you may have never realized this about your favorite hero. Some of you may think your Moms and Dads put me up to telling you this. Thats because the first characteristic of a hero isthey listen to Mom and Dad!

I know this sounds made up, but its the truth. Most super heroes are good listeners when it comes to their parents, or at least their parental figures. Whether its Clark Kent, the boy who became Superman, taking life lessons from his adopted Mom and Dad, or Peter Parker taking life advice from his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, heroes know that Moms and Dads have a lot to teach them about being a good person and looking out for others.

The Bible has the same advice for those who want to live for God. Honor your Father and Mother was commandment number five in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, Paul reminds the early Christians that God wants them to honor their parents.



Clark Kent listened to his parents because he knew they were wise. Even though they were human and didnt have his super powers, their wisdom was invaluable to him growing up and as an adult.

God gave us parents to teach us wisdom.  He gave us Moms and Dads to guide us on our journey from babies to adults, and if we are wise, we will continue listening to them well into our adult years. A wise superhero knows that Mom and Dad are always there for them, and when Mom and Dad speak, they sit quietly and listen.


Think about all the things that your Mom and Dad have taught you, things you take for granted every day. Did you get out of bed this morning? Did you dress yourself? Did you feed yourself some breakfast? Did you talk with your family and friends before church? Brush your teeth? All of these things came from Mom and Dad, didnt they?

Mom and Dad are also the people responsible for teaching us about Jesus. Thats why were here today, right? To learn about Jesus. More important than going to church, God wants Moms and Dads to show us how to love God. When we see Mom and Dad read the Bible and pray and share their faith, they show us the way we need to live out our faith. Thats a big job they have, and God wants us to follow them as best as we can.

Moms and Dads work hard to provide a good home for their kids. They make more sacrifices than you will ever know to give you a good childhood and the education they want you to have. Moms and Dads work very hard to teach their kids right and wrong so that they can grow into responsible adults. No wonder the creators of Superman put so much emphasis on Clark Kents adopted parents. Good parents can help anyone grow up to be super.

Moms and Dads are a gift from God. They give us love, wisdom, and guidance that we will never forget. If we want to be super, we need to honor them and love them in return. Listening and following their instruction is one of the best ways to show them how much we appreciate them.


Dear God,

Thank you for all Moms and Dads do for us.

In Jesusname,




Whats your favorite thing to do with your Mom or Dad?


1 Corinthians 10:31b

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Pass a ball around the circle. Whenever you catch the ball, say something you always hear your Mom or Dad say like, Wash your hands,” “Use soap,” “Put your dishes in the sink,or even, I love you.


Read Ephesians 6:1-3

What does Paul say we should do for our parents?

What do you think he means by honoring our parents?

What promise does Paul say is connected to this commandment?

What is one thing your parents have taught you about Jesus?

What is something you can do to thank your parents for all theyve taught you?


Dear God,

Show us how we can honor our parents.

In Jesusname,




Whats your favorite thing to do with your Mom or Dad?


1 Corinthians 10:31b

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Pass a ball around the circle. Whenever you catch the ball, say something you always hear your Mom or Dad say like, Wash your hands,” “Use soap,” “Put your dishes in the sink,or even, I love you.


Read Ephesians 6:1-3

What do you think Paul means by honoring our parents?

Why would honoring your parents lead to a long life?

What are some of the things youve learned from your parents?

What is one thing your parents have taught you about Jesus?

What is something you can do to thank your parents for all theyve taught you?


Dear God,

Show us how we can honor our parents.

In Jesusname,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Superhero Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Superhero Sunday School Lesson:

Kids Bible Lessons - You Can Be a Hero for God! - Creative Bible Study

"Jesus The Ultimate Superhero" Sunday Lesson from Mark 1:29-39

You're a Superhero on a Mission from God - MyLifetree