Woman at the Well Sunday School Lesson

Woman at the Well Sunday School LessonTake a look at our FREE Woman at the Well Sunday School Lesson! Kids will learn that God wants us to share Jesus with everybody. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School!  Everybody eats Cheerios. In fact, for many babies, it's one of the first solid foods they eat. Kids will learn that the good news of Jesus is for everyone. The good news of Jesus travels best the same way, one person at a time telling one person at a time. Just like Jesus, who shared the good news with the Samaritan woman, God wants us to share the good news with our friends, our family, our loved ones, our classmates, anyone and everyone who is willing to listen. You can share the good news by inviting someone to church. You can share the good news by doing good things for others. Or you can share the good news simply by sharing a snack with someone. Jesus did it over a glass of water. Maybe one of you will do it over a bowl of Cheerios. Check out our Cereal 12-Week Children's Ministry CurriculumAnd, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Woman at the Well Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


Jesus is for everyone.


Kids will learn that God wants us to share Jesus with everybody.


John 4:1-26, Jesus and the Samaritan Woman


Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.-Psalm 34:8 (NIV)


Everybody eats Cheerios. In fact, for many babies, it's one of the first solid foods they eat. Kids will learn that the good news of Jesus is for everyone.


Dear God,

Thank you for Jesus, and thank you for your love. Help us to share that good news with everyone we meet.

In Jesusname,




Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.-Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who goes to him for safety.- Psalm 34:8 (NIRV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.






A table, a box of Cheerios, a bowl, a baby doll, a few other boxes of cereal




Mel- A cereal salesman

Kate- A new mom

The table is set up on stage with a bowl and some cereal boxes. Mel enters and stands behind the table. Mel talks loudly, like a used car salesman, and wears a cheap suit.

MEL: Hi, Im Mel for Mels Cereal Palace! Are you bored of the same old greasy breakfast? Tired of McMuffins and Croissanwiches and those high fat donuts? Then come on down to Mels Cereal Palace. Weve got cereals for all ages! Weve got crunchy cereals, crispy cereals, and cereals that turn to mush the second the milk hits them. Dont like milk? Well let you taste-test cereals that tastes great without milk. Here comes another customer.

Kate enters.

MEL: Welcome to Mels Cereal Palace. What kind of cereal can we put in your face today?

KATE: Oh, its not for me. Its for my baby, Junior. Hes starting to eat solid foods, and I need a good, whole grain cereal he can snack on.

MEL: Sounds to me like your son needs Cheerios!

KATE: Cheerios? Thats what my Dad eats to keep his cholesterol low. Why would a baby eat Cheerios?

MEL: Are you kidding? Everyone eats Cheerios! Its the first cereal most babies eat!

KATE: It is?

MEL: Look at these little bits of whole grain goodness. Theyre round in shape with a hole in the center, the perfect fit for tiny fingers to pick up and snack.

KATE: Well look at that! But is it good for Junior?

Kate takes some Cheerios and tries to feed them to her baby.

MEL: If its good for your old man with the bum ticker, its good for your baby. Everybody loves Cheerios, and Cheerios are for everyone. (his voice changes, becoming more serious and profound) Cheerios: just like the gospel of Jesus, the good news that Gods Son has come to save the world. Thats not news for kids or adults. Its news for kids and adults. Everyone needs Jesus. (back to salesman mode) And everyone loves Cheerios!

KATE: Then why isnt little Junior eating them?

MEL: Because hes not a real baby, hes a doll.

KATE: My baby? Wheres my real baby?

Kate runs off stage.

MEL: Next time you need a cereal for everyone, come on down to Mels and crack into a box of Cheerios. Mels now has three locations: 125th Street, 125th Street, and 125th Street!




Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies

If you were watching a toddler, and the toddler wanted a snack, which one of these cereals would you give him?

How about some Rice Krispies? Its a good kids cereal. Its healthy. But Rice Krispies are really small, too small for a toddler to get a grip on and put it in his mouth.

What about Raisin Bran? Its larger than Rice Krispies, but the raisins might be a problem for a baby learning to chew and swallow.

What about Cheerios? Its a nice size. Its healthy. And no problem bits for the baby. In fact, I cant think of a better match than Cheerios for toddlers!

Cheerios arent just for babies of course. Kids eat them. Teenagers, young adults, even older adults. Cheerios are a food that stick with you your whole life.

God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the whole world. Jesus died for everyone, young and old. Cheerios may save your heart, but Jesus can do more. He can forgive your sins and give you eternal life.

The good news of Jesus is for everyone: your family, your friends, your neighbors, the whole world. Lets thank God for sending Jesus, and lets remember to share that good news with others!






Hula hoops, an orange cone


Choose two players for this game. Each player gets three hoops and three chances to toss the hoops onto an orange cone ten feet away. The player who makes the most ringers wins. In case of a tie, go to sudden death. Keep tossing until one kid misses and the other one scores.


If you have a smaller ring toss set up, feel free to use that instead of the jumbo set up.


We dont have to jump through, or toss, hoops in order to get to Jesus. He is available for everyone.




Jesus is for everyone.


Kids will learn that God wants us to share Jesus with everybody.


John 4:1-26, Jesus and the Samaritan Woman


Whats the most important meal of the day? Does anyone know?

If our decorations havent given it away already, its breakfast. Eating a good breakfast gets you ready for a busy day at school or at work. It gets your body working. It gives you vital nutrients to help your body start the day. Were going to be spending the next couple of months talking about breakfast and breakfast foods. Were going to talk about cereal.

Everyone loves cereal. Kids love it. Grown ups love it. Youre just as likely to see adults buying good, wholesome cereals like Raisin Bran and Wheaties as you are kids. Youre also just as likely to see adults buying Cookie Crisp, Honey Comb, and all those other sugary cereals. Just because you're a grown up doesnt mean youve lost your taste for your favorite cereals!

Everyone has a favorite, of course, but there are some cereals that are universally enjoyed by kids and adults of all ages. One of those cereals is Cheerios. In 2014 two of the top four best selling cereals were Cheerios. Honey Nut Cheerios came in first, and regular Cheerios in fourth.

Adults love Cheerios because theyre good for the heart. Cheerios can help you get healthy and stay healthy when eaten with a good diet. But Cheerios are a favorite with parents and kids. Parents like it because its low in sugar. Kids love it because it tastes good.

You know who else loves Cheerios? Babies! Cheerios are a very popular snack for toddlers. Theyre easy to handle, easy to chew, and theyre not nearly as expensive as all those other baby snacks.

Cheerios are a reminder that the good news of Jesus is for everyone. Just like heart-healthy, great tasting Cheerios, Jesus is a person that kids, adults, and everyone in between needs to know. Todays scripture shows us very clearly that Jesusmessage is for everyone.

READ JOHN 4:1-26


At first glance this is just another story about Jesus meeting someone and telling her she is loved, but when you look a little deeper, you see this was no ordinary woman. She was a Samaritan, and the Jews did not like Samaritans. Whats more, she was not a woman with a good reputation. She had been married many times, and she was an outcast because of her many husbands.

Most people would not have dared to speak to this woman, but Jesus didnt judge her. He loved her just as much as he loved any of his disciples. As a matter of fact, he loved her as much as he loves each one of us. He told her that he had come to give her a new life.

Jesus didnt come for the religious. He didnt come for goodpeople. He came for everyone. Thats great news for all of us, and great news we need to share.


How many of you have tried a new cereal, one that was so good, you had to share it with someone else? How many of you have recommended a new restaurant? Or a new type of candy?

When you learn about something new, something exciting, you want to pass that news on. Its called word of mouth, and its the best form of advertising any cereal, candy, or restaurant could ever ask for.

The good news of Jesus travels best the same way, one person at a time telling one person at a time. Just like Jesus, who shared the good news with the Samaritan woman, God wants us to share the good news with our friends, our family, our loved ones, our classmates, anyone and everyone who is willing to listen.

You can share the good news by inviting someone to church. You can share the good news by doing good things for others. Or you can share the good news simply by sharing a snack with someone. Jesus did it over a glass of water. Maybe one of you will do it over a bowl of Cheerios.

The important thing is to share Jesus with others. Jesus died for kids and adults. He died for the rich and the poor, the sick and the healthy, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Jesus loves you. He loves the whole world. Lets not keep a good thing only to ourselves!


Dear God,

Thank you for Jesus, and thank you for your love. Help us to share that good news with everyone we meet.

In Jesusname,





Whats your favorite variety of Cheerios?


Psalm 34:8

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Have everyone stand in a circle. Go around the group and see who can catch a Cheerio in his mouth.


Read John 4:1-26

Whom did Jesus meet at the well?

What did Jesus ask the woman to give him?

What kind of water did Jesus offer the woman?

How do we know that Jesus died for everyone?

What are some things we can do to share the good news of Jesus?


Dear God,

Help us to share the good news that you love everyone. Use us to share that love with the world.

In Jesusname,





Whats your favorite variety of Cheerios?


Psalm 34:8

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Have everyone stand in a circle. Go around the group and see who can catch a Cheerio in his mouth. Who can catch the most Cheerios in a row?


Read John 4:1-26

What did Jesus ask the woman to give him?

What kind of water did Jesus offer the woman?

Why was it so unusual for Jesus to talk to the Samaritan woman?

How does this story tell us that Jesus loves everyone?

What are some things we can do to share the good news of Jesus?


Dear God,

Help us to share the good news that you love everyone. Use us to share that love with the world.

In Jesusname,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Woman at the Well Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from GraceLink that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on the Woman at the Well.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Woman at the Well Sunday School Lesson: 

Bible Lesson (John 4) Jesus & the Woman at the Well

The Samaritan Woman at the Well Bible Object Lesson

Living Water - Children's Sermons from Sermons4Kids.com