Why Truth Matters to God!
Sometimes telling a “little” lie may seem like no big deal. But every lie is a BIG lie, with the potential for big consequences. In this series, kids will see that we can avoid a lot of problems simply by telling the truth. Sin entered this world through a lie, and lying is the language of the one who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. The Bible has promised us that truth is what will set us free.
Big Little Lies Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview
Memory Verse:
“So each of you must get rid of your lying. Speak the truth to your neighbor. We are all parts of one body.”
Ephesians 4:25 (NIRV)
BIG Trouble
Scripture: Genesis 20:1-11, Abraham and Abimelech
Abraham was fearful of coming to a strange land, so he lied in order to avoid trouble. But when Abraham lied to Abimelech, it led to big trouble for them both. Lies often happen when we are trying to stay out of trouble, but in the end, our lies often cause way more trouble for us and those around us.
Objective: Kids will learn “Lying creates more problems for us and others.”
BIG Loss
Scripture: Genesis 27:6-29 & 27:41-45, Jacob Poses As Esau
In order to receive his father’s blessing, Jacob lied to Isaac and claimed that he was his brother Esau. When the truth came out, Jacob was forced to flee, leaving his home and his family behind. Lies can destroy our relationships.
Objective: Kids will learn “Lying can weaken our relationships with others.”
BIG Regret
Scripture: Matthew 26:33-35 & 26:69-75, Peter Denies Jesus
After Jesus was arrested, the disciples were afraid that they might be arrested too. When people recognized Peter as a follower of Jesus, Peter repeatedly lied about knowing him – a lie that caused Peter deep regret. Lies are hard to take back and can lead us to big regret.
Objective: Kids will learn “Lying fills us with guilt and regret.”
BIG Cost
Scripture: Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and Sapphira
Just like all sins, lying always has a cost. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death, and Ananias and Sapphira had to pay the price for their lies much sooner than they thought. Their story does not mean anyone who tells a lie will instantly drop dead. But it does show us that anyone who lies - or cheats, or steals, or hates someone or commits any other sin - will eventually die. But Jesus, who is the way, the TRUTH, and the life, has made way for us to be forgiven of the high cost of our sins through his death on the cross.
Objective: Kids will learn “Lying separates us from God, but Jesus made a way for us to be close to God again.”