Sad Face - Sadness: How To Be SadScripture: John 11:1-44, Lazarus dies and is brought back
Synopsis: Sad emojis come out when we are sad, or when people we love are sad. Jesus shows us that it’s ok to be sad, and it’s ok to cry when we are sad or when our friends are sad. He also shows us that he has the power to comfort us when we are sad, we just need to pray to him and tell him when we are sad.
Objective: Kids will share something that makes them sad or has made them sad in the past and say how Jesus can help when they are sad.
Laughing Face - Laughter: How To LaughScripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1 and 3:4 and Ephesians 5:4
Synopsis: There’s nothing like a good laugh shared with friends. If there’s laughter, there’s usually a happy reason. The Bible tells us that just like there are times to be sad and cry, there are also times to laugh. We should remember though that our laughter is a gift from God and we shouldn’t use it to laugh at others or at bad jokes.
Objective: Kids will share how they can react if they are around friends who want to tell a bad joke or make fun of someone else.
Angry Face - Angry: How To Be MadScripture: John 2:13-17, Jesus clears the temple.
Synopsis: Angry emojis let us know that someone is upset. God wants us to get angry about sin in our lives and to use that anger to clean it out!
Objective: Kids will say what some good things are to be angry about and what are some wrong reasons to be angry.
Wacky Face - Crazy: How To Be Crazy (for Jesus)Scripture: Joshua 6:1-16, The Fall of Jericho
Synopsis: Crazy faces are used to cheer people up, but sometimes they make people think we are strange. Joshua and all of the Israelites had to feel strange walking in circles around Jericho, but they remind us that it’s okay to look “crazy” in the eyes of the world if we are following God.
Objective: Kids will think of one way they can stand out for Jesus to their friends.
Cool Face (sunglasses) - Pride: How To Stay HumbleScripture: Proverbs 16:18, Esther 6:1-12 Haman has to honor Mordecai
Synopsis: We all like feeling cool, and sometimes, feeling cool makes us feel like we’re better than others. God wants us to stay humble and to put others first and he warns that just when we think we’re cool, is when we are most likely to embarrass ourselves.
Objective: Kids will think of one way they can be humble in the way they talk or treat others.
Heart Eyes - Love: How To Love OthersScripture: Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
Synopsis: The Heart Eyes Emoji is a special one reserved for the people we love. Jesus taught us that we should be willing to show love to everyone we meet, not just the people we like.
Objective: Kids will think of a way to show love to someone this week.
Happy Hands - Praise: How To Thank God Scripture: John 20:11-18, Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Synopsis: Happy hands are a way of showing we are excited, thrilled, and thankful. There’s no greater reason to have happy hands than this: Jesus is alive and wants to be our Savior and friend forever.
Objective: Kids will be challenged to accept or renew their commitment to Jesus.