Bible Lessons Based on Kids' Favorite Fruits
God created a world full of yummy fruits that are sweet to eat and also give us the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to stay healthy. These fruits will show us some of the other great blessings God has given us in this world, as well as ways He wants us to live.
Fruit Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (NIV)
Bananas - The Most Useful FruitScripture: Galatians 5:22-23
Synopsis: Bananas are possibly one of the most well known, and most commonly used fruits. Whether or not it’s your favorite fruit, bananas are used in deserts, breads, pancakes, and even ice cream. Just like the banana can be used in many different ways, God gave us the Fruit of the Spirit to guide us no matter what situation we face.
Objective: Kids will name all of the Fruit of the Spirit.
Apples - Bye, Bye, DoctorScripture: 2 Kings 5:1-15 God heals Namaan
Synopsis: There’s an old saying that an apple a day can keep the doctor away. Apples may not have healing power, but God can heal us physically and spiritually if we put our trust in him.
Objective: Kids will think of one thing they need God to heal or share a time when he did heal them.
Cranberries - Through the FloodScripture: Genesis 6:9-22, The Flood
Synopsis: Cranberries are harvested by a flood. Farmers flood their fields and the cranberries float to the top. A famous flood in the Bible teaches us that God protects those who love him.
Objective: Kids will name something that scares them and ask for God’s protection.
Coconuts - What’s Inside? Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7, Water From the Rock
Synopsis: Coconuts are hard as a rock on the outside, but inside is sweet, delicious milk. God once brought water out of a rock for the Israelites, showing us that God provides for our needs.
Objective: Kids will identify one need they have and pray for God to provide it.
Grapes - Sticking TogetherScripture: Acts 2:42-47, The Fellowship of Believers
Synopsis: You can’t grow just one grape. Grapes always grow in bunches and clusters. God made us to have friends so we can love and support one another.
Objective: Kids will name one friend they are thankful for.
Pineapple - Reaching UpScripture: Exodus 17:8-16, Amalekites Defeated
Synopsis: The pineapple grows out of a strange plant that seems to push the fruit up to the sky. When Moses lifted his arms to the heavens, God defeated Israel’s enemies, showing that He can help us when we trust and obey Him, even if we don’t understand what He’s telling us to do.
Objective: Kids will pray for victory over a sin they want to defeat.
Lemons - From Sour to SweetScripture: Exodus 15:22-26, The Waters of Marah and Elim
Synopsis: Lemons are sour and hard to eat, but a little sugar makes them sweet. When life gets sour, God can make things sweeter.
Objective: Kids will share a difficult time when God made things sweeter for them.
Strawberries - Seeds on the OutsideScripture: Matthew 5:13-16, Salt and Light
Synopsis: Strawberries carry their seeds on the outside. God will give us the courage to wear our faith on the outside so that we can be a witness to the world.
Objective: Kids will choose one friend they will pray for and tell about Jesus.
Kiwi - An Unusual Source of NutritionScripture: Numbers 22:21-39, Balaam’s Donkey
Synopsis: The kiwi is a strange and unusual fruit that yields some surprising nutrition. God sometimes provides direction in unusual ways - like he did when Balaam’s donkey talked.
Objective: Kids will identify some ways God can speak to them.
Watermelon - A Cool TreatScripture: Genesis 33, Jacob Meets Esau
Synopsis: Watermelons are a cool treat for a hot day. God can give us a cool head and help us forgive others when they hurt us, just as he did with Esau and Jacob.
Objective: Kids will identify someone they need to cool down and forgive.
Cherries - Blessings on TopScripture: Acts 3:1-10, Peter Heals a Beggar
Synopsis: Cherries are often the crowning touch to a perfect ice cream sundae. They remind us that sometimes, God blesses us even more than we ask, like when Peter healed the beggar.
Objective: Kids will share one way God blessed or surprised them.
Oranges - Just What We NeedScripture: John 3:1-21, Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
Synopsis: Oranges are packed with Vitamin C that keep us healthy and strong. God provided all our spirit will ever need when he sent Jesus to become our Savior.
Objective: Kids will state why we need Jesus to come into our hearts.