Mothers are a significant part of a child's life. The Bible sees them as someone to be honored, a valuable vessel that brings life into the world, and someone worthy of being blessed. A mother is a teacher, a caregiver, and the one who typically shows a child their first expression of what God's love is.
Specifically, the book of Proverbs, which is also the book in the Bible that talks all about wisdom, has the most to say about mothers. This is a good sign that mothers are an important part of our lives. Many times in the Bible, mothers are mentioned right along with fathers, showing us that one is not more important than the other. They are equal in the eyes of God, even though they are created differently.
Teaching children a Bible verse about mothers for Mother's Day, or any day of the year will be meaningful to their mothers and could be very impactful for the children. Work these into your lesson as a memory verse, make a coloring sheet out of them, teach them motions to go along with them, etc. Whichever way you choose to incorporate them into your lesson will be great!
1. EXODUS 20:12 – "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land your Lord is giving you."
Honoring your mother is one of the ten commandments that Moses gave to the Israelites from the Lord. While these commandments were given to the Israelites, they are great values for everyone to hold close to their heart. The definition of honor can mean different things to different people, but overall, we must respect, love, and take care of our mother no matter what.
Here is a great lesson provided by Children's Ministry Deal to go along with this verse! Mother's Day Children's Church Lesson
2. PROVERBS 31:28 – "Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her."
A part of honoring our mother is recognizing when she is doing what is right and good for her children. Another way to honor a mother is to pray for her, prayers of thankfulness, and blessing for all that she has done for her child. Even if all she could do was give birth to her child, she has done something incredibly beautiful for that child. Some children may not understand the full meaning of the word "arise." This word can also be explained to them as standing, like how we stand to worship God, and some of us may stand when our mother enters the room or comes to the table.
3. PROVERBS 6:20 – "My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching."
Forsake is a word that is not typically used in the language of children or one that is common in society today. Another word to use in place of "forsake" is "ignore." Explain to them that even though this verse starts by addressing a "son," it is a good verse for us to learn and follow in our own lives as well. So essentially, this verse is telling a child not to ignore what their mother has taught them.
4. PROVERBS 17:6 – "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children."
This verse can get a little confusing, BUT "children's children" may also be known as grandchildren! When teaching this verse to children, talk to them about how excited our grandparents can get to see us and how sometimes our grandparents hang our names or pictures on their walls. That is kind of like what this verse means when it says, "a crown to the aged." Also, have them think about a time where someone was "proud" of them. Then have them share that time/story, then they will understand the meaning better and have the context to know what they are saying when they are reciting the verse to their mother.
5. PSALM 139:13 – "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb."
While this verse describes God and the work He did of creating each one of us, it acknowledges the part their mother played in creating them. Explain to them that God created each of them, and He created them long before they were in their mommy's belly, and he picked their mommy especially for them. God chooses each of us specifically for our parents, and He helps each of us grow in our mommy's bellies. Teach them that when they see that word "womb," it also means their mommy's belly.
6. EPHESIANS 6:1 – "Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."
This is a great Bible verse to teach children. It is a specific instruction given specifically to children to obey their parents. This verse is easy to teach to even the younger children, as it is short and does not have any big or foreign words to them. Discuss with them different ways to obey their parents, have suggestions for them, and talk with them about what obeying our parents looks like.
7. ISAIAH 66:13 – "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."
This verse is a part of a chapter in the book of Isaiah in the Bible, where Isaiah, the prophet in the Old Testament, was telling us what the Lord said to him. Talk with the children about how their mother has comforted them. Explain that God gave us our mothers and that He wants us to know that He will comfort us just like that too. Mothers are a great reminder to us of the love and comfort of God. They are unbelievably valuable to each one of us and can help us when we are sad, scared, or lonely, just like God can.
8. 1 TIMOTHY 5:1-2 – "…. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity."
Explain that this verse is a part of a letter that Paul wrote to Timothy, a Pastor. Explain that it is a great verse to explain that we should not only treat our mothers good, but we are also to treat other people's mothers, fathers, and families like we would treat our own. God loves everyone, and He wants us to show the same love He reveals to us to everyone around us, even if they aren't our mother.
9. PROVERBS 23:25 – "May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!"
REJOICE! It is a big word that most children don't use, but it can be easy to explain/show to them. When explaining rejoice, use your voice, your arms, your legs, all your being to show them that "rejoice" is kind of like the word we use today, EXCITED! Talk to them about what makes them excited. Explain to them how our parents love us and that having each one of us as a part of their lives makes them "joyful" or full of joy!
Specifically, the book of Proverbs, which is also the book in the Bible that talks all about wisdom, has the most to say about mothers. This is a good sign that mothers are an important part of our lives. Many times in the Bible, mothers are mentioned right along with fathers, showing us that one is not more important than the other. They are equal in the eyes of God, even though they are created differently.
Teaching children a Bible verse about mothers for Mother's Day, or any day of the year will be meaningful to their mothers and could be very impactful for the children. Work these into your lesson as a memory verse, make a coloring sheet out of them, teach them motions to go along with them, etc. Whichever way you choose to incorporate them into your lesson will be great!
1. EXODUS 20:12 – "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land your Lord is giving you."
Honoring your mother is one of the ten commandments that Moses gave to the Israelites from the Lord. While these commandments were given to the Israelites, they are great values for everyone to hold close to their heart. The definition of honor can mean different things to different people, but overall, we must respect, love, and take care of our mother no matter what.
Here is a great lesson provided by Children's Ministry Deal to go along with this verse! Mother's Day Children's Church Lesson
2. PROVERBS 31:28 – "Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her."
A part of honoring our mother is recognizing when she is doing what is right and good for her children. Another way to honor a mother is to pray for her, prayers of thankfulness, and blessing for all that she has done for her child. Even if all she could do was give birth to her child, she has done something incredibly beautiful for that child. Some children may not understand the full meaning of the word "arise." This word can also be explained to them as standing, like how we stand to worship God, and some of us may stand when our mother enters the room or comes to the table.
3. PROVERBS 6:20 – "My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching."
Forsake is a word that is not typically used in the language of children or one that is common in society today. Another word to use in place of "forsake" is "ignore." Explain to them that even though this verse starts by addressing a "son," it is a good verse for us to learn and follow in our own lives as well. So essentially, this verse is telling a child not to ignore what their mother has taught them.
4. PROVERBS 17:6 – "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children."
This verse can get a little confusing, BUT "children's children" may also be known as grandchildren! When teaching this verse to children, talk to them about how excited our grandparents can get to see us and how sometimes our grandparents hang our names or pictures on their walls. That is kind of like what this verse means when it says, "a crown to the aged." Also, have them think about a time where someone was "proud" of them. Then have them share that time/story, then they will understand the meaning better and have the context to know what they are saying when they are reciting the verse to their mother.
5. PSALM 139:13 – "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb."
While this verse describes God and the work He did of creating each one of us, it acknowledges the part their mother played in creating them. Explain to them that God created each of them, and He created them long before they were in their mommy's belly, and he picked their mommy especially for them. God chooses each of us specifically for our parents, and He helps each of us grow in our mommy's bellies. Teach them that when they see that word "womb," it also means their mommy's belly.
6. EPHESIANS 6:1 – "Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."
This is a great Bible verse to teach children. It is a specific instruction given specifically to children to obey their parents. This verse is easy to teach to even the younger children, as it is short and does not have any big or foreign words to them. Discuss with them different ways to obey their parents, have suggestions for them, and talk with them about what obeying our parents looks like.
7. ISAIAH 66:13 – "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem."
This verse is a part of a chapter in the book of Isaiah in the Bible, where Isaiah, the prophet in the Old Testament, was telling us what the Lord said to him. Talk with the children about how their mother has comforted them. Explain that God gave us our mothers and that He wants us to know that He will comfort us just like that too. Mothers are a great reminder to us of the love and comfort of God. They are unbelievably valuable to each one of us and can help us when we are sad, scared, or lonely, just like God can.
8. 1 TIMOTHY 5:1-2 – "…. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity."
Explain that this verse is a part of a letter that Paul wrote to Timothy, a Pastor. Explain that it is a great verse to explain that we should not only treat our mothers good, but we are also to treat other people's mothers, fathers, and families like we would treat our own. God loves everyone, and He wants us to show the same love He reveals to us to everyone around us, even if they aren't our mother.
9. PROVERBS 23:25 – "May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!"
REJOICE! It is a big word that most children don't use, but it can be easy to explain/show to them. When explaining rejoice, use your voice, your arms, your legs, all your being to show them that "rejoice" is kind of like the word we use today, EXCITED! Talk to them about what makes them excited. Explain to them how our parents love us and that having each one of us as a part of their lives makes them "joyful" or full of joy!