Fun Activities that Teach the Lord's Prayer

Fun Activities that Teach the Lord's Prayer

Jesus taught us how to pray. He told us that prayer isn't about having fancy words or saying them enough times so God will hear you. God knows what you are going to pray before you pray it. Prayer isn't about doing it before others so they think you are righteous, but rather it is about talking to God from the heart, saying what you mean, asking for what you need, and trusting that He hears your prayers (Matt 6:5-8). By showing us the Lord's Prayer in Mattew 6:9-13, we have an incredible example of what to model our prayers after. 

In children's ministry, the Lord's Prayer may sound outdated, especially when using an older translation. If you're not careful, it can leave kids wondering what they just prayed. To teach the Lord's Prayer in a way that kids understand, it's essential to break it up into segments, design fun activities around these lessons, and point children to the knowledge of what prayer is. Here are some fun activities designed to teach the Lord's Prayer to our children from preschool to junior high.

How to Talk to God! 

6th-8th grade students

Begin this lesson by having the students locate the Lord’s Prayer in their Bibles, and then reading it over with a partner. Then, have the students take turns rephrasing the Lord's Prayer in their own words. Offer examples, and allow for an open discussion and dialouge. For example, "Our Father who is in heaven" might become "Dear Heavenly Father". As they personalize each section, explain this is like their one-on-one chat with God. 

Next, in pairs, kids share something about themselves, reinforcing that talking to God is as simple as talking to a friend. Point out that just as they listen to their friend's response, God also listens to their prayers.

Wrap up with a game, "Babble", to emphasize that God doesn't require lengthy or special prayers. He knows our prayers even before we voice them! Divide the kids into teams and provide each with a complex sentence to simplify without losing its meaning, for instance, "The librarian put the books on the shelves" from "The lady who was trained in library science placed the stack of literature-filled pages bound together on wooden oak frames designed to hold reading material." The team that does the best job in one minute earns a point. Play several rounds to determine a winner

Getting to Know the Lord's Prayer

 K-5th grade

Design an entire Sunday morning around getting to know the Lord's Prayer! Create four stations and divide the children into groups that can rotate from station to station. Each location will be centered around a section of the Lord's Prayer. Create a banner over each station with the part of the Lord's Prayer written clearly for kids to see. Read each banner to the kids at least once and refer to it during the station activities.

Station #1: "Our Father who is in Heaven. Holy is your name!" At this station, children use nametags to understand God as our Father. Doing this helps children understand the concept of God as our Father in a tangible way. It emphasizes on God's divine perfection and His unfailing love. The activity of writing their names and wearing them highlights the importance of identity and belonging, just as we belong to our Heavenly Father.

Station #2: "God's kingdom come, and God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." At this station, you will demonstrate an object lesson with a dirty shirt, laundry detergent, and a dishpan. Showing the students how to remove stains from a dirty shirt shows how God can cleanse and renew us, just like a dirty shirt is cleaned with detergent. It's a visual demonstration of God's redemptive power and His ability to make things right, even when they seem messy. After completing the object lesson, you can show this video on YouTube: Use a bubble machine and let kids dance to the music and pop bubbles. This activity brings in an element of joy and excitement, reinforcing the anticipation of God's kingdom.

Station #3: "Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." This station starts with a snack, a direct reflection of our daily bread, teaching gratitude for God's provisions. Students will also learn about gratitude and forgiveness through prayer. Have students think about a time when a sibling or a friend upset them, and then guide them in prayer for the ability to show forgiveness and grace the way that Jesus does for us each day.

Station #4: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, because Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen." This station will feature a relay race to teach about God's strength and power. Through the relay race, the kids experience physical fatigue, leading them to understand that just like our physical strength wanes, we may struggle with spiritual trials. But they learn that God is our source of strength, and He is always there to help us resist temptation. It's a practical way to communicate God's power.

Jesus Taught us How to Pray! 


Begin this lesson by showing a video explaining the Lord's Prayer on YoutTube:

Next, explain to the kids that they can talk to God anytime because He's always ready to listen. They can reach out to God if they need help, and they can show their gratitude for the good things He has done. Demonstrate this to them by leading a quick prayer together.

Next, play the telephone game. After the game, remind the students that God perfectly understands all our prayers. According to Jesus, God knows about our prayers even before we say them! So, we never have to worry whether God hears us or not. Our prayers don't need to be fancy; we just need to chat with God because He loves and enjoys hearing from us.

Finally, you can get the kids moving with a praise and worship song ( to express their thanks to God! Be sure to remind them that when we pray, we should thank God for all the wonderful things He has done for us!

Additional Resources

Want a creative visual to accompany your Lord's Prayer lessons? Check out the Lord's Prayer sermon titles from our friends over at Shift Worship. Perfect for visual storytelling, this resource will captivate your audience, young and old alike.

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