How to Teach the Fruit of the Spirit with Games  - Children's Ministry Deals

How to Teach the Fruit of the Spirit with Games 

Hands-on learning is arguably one of the best methods for teaching kids new concepts.  American founding father, Benjamin Franklin, put it this way, “Tell me and I forget.  Teach me and I remember.  Involve me and I learn.” When teaching kids Biblical truth, it is important for them to not only hear the truth but put it into practice in their everyday lives.  

James 1:22 (NIV) says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”  Living a life that follows Jesus is one that should be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 (NIV) says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” 

The fruits of the Spirit are important for kids to learn and put into practice! One of the best ways to teach kids is through hands-on games.  Here are nine game ideas to teach the fruits of the Spirit for kids: 

  • Love: Grape Herder
  • Luke 15:1-7, The Parable of the Lost Sheep

    Items needed:

    A bucket

    A bunch of grapes


    Choose one player for this game. Have the player stand in front of a bucket, and hand

    them a bunch of grapes. The player has 60 seconds to get all of the grapes, one at a

    time, from the bunch into the bucket. If any of them miss, they can pick them up and put

    them back in the bucket, but they must get all the grapes into the bucket before time

    runs out to win a prize.


    Have two players race to see who can get all their grapes in a bucket the fastest. Make

    sure both players have the same number of grapes to start with.

    What’s the point?

    God wants us to love everyone as he loves his lost sheep.

    1. Joy: Football Bowling

    Luke 24:50-53, The Ascension

    Items Needed:

    A set of bowling pins (can be plastic, or you can use empty 2-liters)

    A football


    Choose two players for this game. Set up the pins 15-20 feet from the players. Each player will get two tosses to knock down as many pins as they can. If they get a strike, they get two more tosses. If they get a spare, they get one more toss, just as in bowling. Add up the scores according to bowling rules, and the winner gets a prize.


    If it’s too risky to toss the football, have the players roll it like a bowling ball.

    What’s the Point? 

    Happiness can get knocked down by a bad circumstance, just like the bowling pins. Joy is everlasting and can endure difficult circumstances.

    1. Peace: Return of the Orange

    1 Samuel 25:1-35, Abigail Creates Peace

    Items needed:

    Two oranges, cut into their many wedges, Plastic wrap, a table, a basket


    Choose two players for this game. Set the basket between them. Give each player some plastic wrap and a completely dismantled orange. The two players will race to see who can reassemble their orange completely, wrapping it in plastic wrap after they put it back together. The first person to reassemble their orange, wrap it, and set it in the basket wins.


    To add some extra excitement, set the basket for placing the finished oranges on the other side of the room from the players and the table.

    What’s the Point?

    God wants us to share peace with others.

    1. Patience: Wait for it!

    Genesis 21:1-7, The Birth of Isaac

    Items Needed:

    Two baseball caps and two baseballs


    Choose two players for this game. Set the baseball caps on the floor about 5 feet away from the players. Give them each a ball and tell them that when you say go, they will compete to see who can get their baseball to land in their hat first. Remind them they must wait until you say “GO!” Give them a, “Ready…. Set….” Then pause. Keep pausing. Milk it. Let them get tense waiting. Keep reminding them to “Wait for it… Wait for it…” Finally, when you can’t stand it any longer, say, “Go!” Ask them how frustrating it was having to wait for the game to start and if it was hard to have patience. 


    Any quick competition like this will do in place of throwing baseballs. The idea is to make them wait for the start, giving them another illustration about patience.

    What’s the point?

    Patience comes from trusting God.

    1. Kindness: Cherry Fling

    2 Samuel 9, David and Mephibosheth

    Items Needed:

    A bucket (may also need a tarp to protect the area around the bucket from cherry juice)



    Choose two players for this game. Each player will get the chance to throw ten cherries by slinging them from the stem at a bucket on stage. The player who gets the most cherries into the bucket wins.


    This can also be a Minute to Win It game, where one player must toss 10 cherries into the bucket before time expires.

    What’s the Point?

    Be kind to others - and put a cherry on top of their day.

    1. Goodness: Strawberry Roll

    Mark 2:1-12, Jesus Heals and Forgives

    Items Needed:

    Strawberries (may need a tarp to protect from strawberry juice stains)



    Choose four players for this game. Each player will get one strawberry. Mark a starting line on the floor and two lines going straight out from that line, about 20 feet. Have each kid stand at the line to roll their strawberry as far as it will go, trying to keep their strawberry between the lines. Measure distance straight out from the line. And berries that roll outside the lines are out of bounds and disqualified. If everyone gets disqualified on the first roll, let them all try again.


    An alternate game would be to let kids roll a better fruit for rolling - like an orange or blueberry - and then see if they can beat that distance with the strawberry.

    What’s the Point?

    Strawberries are no good for rolling. With God’s help, we can have goodness and do good to others.

    1. Faithfulness: Banana Splat

    1 Samuel 24, David Spares Saul’s Life

    Items Needed:


    A hula-hoop or tape


    Using the hula-hoop or the tape, make a bullseye on the stage. Choose three players. Each player will be given a banana to peel. Be careful to keep the whole peel together. Have the players toss their banana peel at the target, aiming for the center. The one who comes the closest wins.


    An alternate game would be to have kids throw bananas like boomerangs at a target.

    What’s the Point?

    God wants us to stay close to him, like the bullseye on the target, and remain faithful.

    1. Gentleness: Pineapple Ring Toss

    Matthew 11:25-30, Rest for the Weary

    Items Needed:

    Sliced pineapple rings

    A dowel rod mounted on a base with a tarp underneath


    Choose two players for this game. Each player will stand 4-5 feet from the dowel rod and toss six pineapple rings at the rod. The person who gets the most rings to slide down the rod wins.


    This can also be a minute to win it game, with one player trying to get 6-8 rings around the rod before time runs out.

    What’s the Point?

    It takes strength to be gentle, just as the strong pineapple fruit has a gentle, sweet fruit inside.

    1. Self-Control: Apple Tower

    Daniel 1:1-17, Daniel’s Training

    Items Needed:

    10-12 apples


    Choose two players for this game. Have each player start with two apples that they must stack one on top of the other. Once both have done this, give them each another apple to add to their tower. Keep going until one tower falls. The other player is the winner.


    This can also be a minute to win it game, with one player trying to get five apples to stand in a tower before 60 seconds expires.

    What’s the Point?

    It takes a controlled hand to win this game. It takes self-control to say no to sin and stay faithful to God.

    Learn more about the fruit of the Spirit 

    Find these games and even more ideas for teaching kids the fruits of the Spirit here at Children’s Ministry Deals!

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