UNIT 1: Noah
Sin Has a Price
Memory Verse: “Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory.” Romans 3:23 (NIRV)
Scripture: Genesis 6:5-22, God Calls Noah & Genesis 7:6-12, The Flood
Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve. As the population grew, so did the sin on the earth. But one man, Noah, stood out as faithful to God.
Objective: Kids will learn “Every one of us has sinned.”
The Flood
Scripture: Genesis 7:24-8:12, Noah Sends Out Birds
After 40 days of rain, the earth was covered in water and it was still not safe to come out of the ark. Noah would send birds out to look for signs of hope that the water was receding. Noah had hope because he knew God could be trusted.
Objective: Kids will learn “Even in tough times, God gives me hope.”
The Promise
Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17, God's Covenant with Noah
When Noah and his family's time on the ark was finally complete, God made a covenant with Noah – giving us the rainbow, and the promise that He would never destroy the whole world with a flood again.
Objective: Kids will learn “We can trust in God's word.”
Sin Remains
Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9, The Tower of Babel
The flood had come as a punishment for people's sins. Noah and his family had been saved. It wasn't too long though before people were turning away from God and choosing sin again. This time, they built a tower in order to put themselves in the place of God.
Objective: Kids will learn “There is only one God, and I'm not Him.”
UNIT 2: Abraham
God Made A Promise
Memory Verse: “I will make you into a great nation. And I will bless you. I will make your name great. You will be a blessing to others.” Genesis 12:2 (NIRV)
Answering the Call
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9, The Call of Abram
When God told Abram (who would later become Abraham) that God would bless him with descendants who would grow into a great nation, Abram believed God and obeyed. God wants us to trust that He is in control and that His ways are best.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can always trust that God is in control.”
Try It My Way
Scripture: Genesis 16:1-16, Hagar and Ishmael
God had promised a son to Abraham and Sarah, but they were losing hope. So Abraham and Sarah decided to do things on their own rather than wait on God. They would have been better off waiting and trusting God and doing things His way.
Objective: Kids will learn “I will wait on God's timing.”
Promise Fulfilled
Scripture: Genesis 18:1-15, Three Visitors, Genesis 21:1-7, Isaac's Birth
When God, speaking through the three visitors, told Abraham that in one year he would finally have a son, Sarah laughed. A year later, Abraham and Sarah saw the promise of God fulfilled with the birth of Isaac and Sarah's laughter of doubt was turned into joyful laughter.
Objective: Kids will learn “God always fulfills his promises.”
A Difficult Demand
Scripture: Genesis 22:1-18, Abraham Tested
Abraham was confused. God had promised Abraham a son and now that Isaac was here, God was asking Abraham to sacrifice him. Abraham did not understand, but Abraham continued to trust God.
Objective: Kids will learn “I will trust God, even when I don't understand.”
UNIT 3: Joseph
God is Faithful
Memory Verse: “May you look on me with favor. Save me because your love is faithful.” Psalm 31:16 (NIRV)
Joseph, The Dreamer
Scripture: Genesis 37:12-36, Joseph Sold
Joseph's brothers hated him. First, their father Jacob loved Joseph more than them, and then Joseph told them of dreams where his brothers would serve him. Their hatred led them to throw Joseph into a well, and later sell him into slavery. This was just one of many hardships Joseph would face in his life, but through it all, God was working out his plan for Joseph's (and his entire family's) good.
Objective: Kids will learn “Even in hard times, God is at work for my good.”
From Bad To Worse
Scripture: Genesis 39:1-21, In Potiphar's Home
Joseph became a slave working in Potiphar's home. He worked hard and lived a godly life, and he was blessed. Then one day, Potiphar's wife took all of that away. But through it all, God was still with Joseph.
Objective: Kids will learn “Even when bad things happen, God is still with me.”
Dreams Interpreted
Scripture: Genesis 40:2-23, The Cupbearer and the Baker
In prison, Joseph found favor with the warden and was put in charge of other prisoners. Two of those prisoners – the cupbearer and the baker – each had strange dreams. God gave Joseph the ability to interpret the dreams. Even in a terrible place like prison, God was still using Joseph.
Objective: Kids will learn “No matter where I’m at, I can always serve God.”
A Dream Come True
Scripture: Genesis 41:1-16 & Genesis 41:25-40, Pharaoh's Dreams
When Pharaoh had a disturbing dream, the chief cupbearer remembered Joseph. God gave Joseph the words to say to Pharaoh and was not only taken out of prison but was put into a place of honor. Finally, Joseph could see how God had been working out all of the hard times for something good.
Objective: Kids will learn “God is always working things for good, even when I can’t see it.”
Eyes Wide Open
Scripture: Genesis 44:11-45:8, Joseph Reunites With His Brothers
When Joseph's brothers came to Egypt for food, they did not recognize their brother. But Joseph recognized them. He tested them before opening their eyes to who he really was. A beautiful reunion followed. Joseph's life had many ups and downs, but through it all, Joseph's eyes were open to the fact that God is good and God is faithful.
Objective: Kids will learn, “At all times, God is good and faithful.”
UNIT 4: Mary
Celebrate God's Gift (Christmas)
Memory Verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. ” John 3:16 (NIRV)
The Gift is Announced
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, An Angel Visits Mary
When the angel announced that Mary would have a baby, she was confused. This was not possible. But when the angel declared the baby would be God's gift, the Messiah Jesus. He was the one God would use to save people from sin that came into the world at the beginning. Mary offered herself willingly as the Lord's servant.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate by serving God.”
The Gift is Celebrated
Scripture: Luke 1:39-49, Mary Visits Elizabeth
When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, the child within Elizabeth leaped for joy. Even before John was born, he recognized that Jesus was sent from God. Then Mary celebrated God with a song.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate God’s with my words and my actions.”
The Gift Arrives
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20, The Birth of Jesus
Jesus arrived on earth to humble beginnings – born in a stable among the animals. Then the angels got the celebration going by announcing Jesus' birth to a group of shepherds. The shepherds went to see the baby and then continued the celebration by telling others about the arrival of God's gift.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate by telling others about Jesus and inviting them to come and see.”
The Gift is Priceless
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12, The Magi
The Magi came to see Mary and the baby with expensive gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But nothing they could give the newborn king could match the priceless gift that God gave us by sending Jesus to be our King and Savior.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can celebrate that there is no love greater than God’s love for us.”
UNIT 5: Moses
God Will Save Us
Memory Verse: “Lord, you are the one who saves. May your blessing be on your people.” Psalm 3:8 (NIRV)
God Saves Moses
Scripture: Exodus 2:1-10, The Birth of Moses
Times had changed since Joseph and his family were welcomed in Egypt many years before. The Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves. And now the Pharaoh had commanded that no Israelite boy born could be allowed to live. When Moses was born, his mother devised a plan to make sure her son lived.
Objective: Kids will learn “God watches over me like a loving parent.”
God Sends Moses
Scripture: Exodus 7:10-8:21, Moses Speaks to Pharaoh & the Plague of Blood
God sent Moses and his brother Aaron to confront the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he would not grant the Israelites their freedom. This was the beginning of much trouble in Egypt. God would send many plagues to show that his power and might were greater than the Pharaoh's.
Objective: Kids will learn “God leads me to do things I couldn’t do on my own.”
God Saves His People
Scripture: Exodus 14:10-31, Crossing the Red Sea
Moments after giving the Israelites their freedom, Pharaoh had a change of heart. He and his army pursued God's people to the Red Sea, where God showed that He is mighty to save.
Objective: Kids will learn “God can always save me, even when I don’t see a way out.”
God Shows Us the Way
Scripture: Deuteronomy 5:4-22, The Ten Commandments
The Israelites had been saved from the Egyptians, but they were still slaves to their sinfulness. God provided the Law – the Ten Commandments – to show the people how to live God’s way. The Ten Commandments also helped everyone see that no one was good enough to keep all of God’s laws. God’s laws show that no one is perfect, and we all need a savior.
Objective: Kids will learn “God is perfect, and we are not.”
UNIT 6: Joshua
God Can Be Believed
Memory Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight. ” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIRV)
Twelve Spies
Scripture: Numbers 13:26-14:10, Exploring Canaan
The Israelites were getting close to the land God had promised to give them. Moses sent out twelve men to explore the land and report back. Ten of these spies returned fearful of the people living there. Only Jacob and Caleb trusted that God would continue to be faithful and give them the land.
Objective: Kids will learn “I don’t have to be afraid if I know God is on my side.”
One Leader
Scripture: Joshua 1:1-11, The Lord Commands Joshua
Moses had been the great leader of God's people for many years. After his death, Joshua became the leader. The Lord spoke to Joshua, giving him the confidence to lead the Israelites. Joshua knew that their one true leader was God himself.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can have confidence when I let God lead my life.”
Seven Days
Scripture: Joshua 6:2-20, The Fall of Jericho
The city of Jericho had high walls surrounding the city which could not be penetrated. How would Joshua and his men defeat the city? God gave Joshua an unusual plan so that all the people would know the victory belonged to the Lord.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can have victory because God fights for me.”
More Than Twenty-Four Hours
Scripture: Joshua 10:1-14, The Sun Stands Still
Five kings united to have their armies battle the army of the Israelites. Joshua and his men were strong, but defeating all five armies could not be done in one day. So God performed a miracle – he stopped the sun from setting. He made sure that Joshua and his men had enough time to win the victory.
Objective: Kids will learn “God will always make a way to accomplish His plan.”
UNIT 7: Samson
God Can Redeem Our Mistakes
Memory Verse: “All those who lift themselves up will be made humble. And those who make themselves humble will be lifted up.” Luke 14:11 (NIRV)
The Promise
Scripture: Judges 13:6-25, The Birth of Samson
God sent an angel to Manoah's wife to tell her that she would have a son, and that son was born for a special purpose. Samson would have to live a certain way and follow certain rules to be the man and leader that God wanted him to be.
Objective: Kids will learn “God has a plan and purpose for everyone.”
The Potential
Scripture: Judges 15:9-20, Samson's Power
Samson had the potential to be a great leader but had made some poor decisions. His actions led the Philistines to come and take Samson as their prisoner. They did not realize the extent of Samson's power or the love of a God who never gives up on us.
Objective: Kids will learn “God can still use me, even though I sin.”
The Problem
Scripture: Judges 16:4-22, Samson and Delilah
God had given Samson great power and put him in a position to lead God's people. The problem is that Samson would often go off and do things his own way. Samson went where he shouldn't and met up with a Philistine woman named Delilah. This mistake would cost him his strength and freedom.
Objective: Kids will learn “Even though God always loves me, there are still consequences for sin.”
The Prisoner
Scripture: Judges 16:23-30, The Death of Samson
Samson was a prisoner of the Philistines. The Philistines celebrated by worshiping their false god. Samson asked for strength one last time to show the Philistines that there is only one true God. God came through for Samson just as He had throughout Samson's life.
Objective: Kids will learn “God always comes through for us when we turn back to Him.”
UNIT 8: Peter
The Savior Is Here (Easter)
Memory Verse: “But here is how God has shown his love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (NIRV)
Calling to Follow
Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22, Calling the First Disciples
Simon (who would later be called Peter) was a simple fisherman. One day, Jesus came and offered Simon a new life as a disciple and follower of him. Simon left everything to follow Jesus.
Objective: Kids will learn “I am willing to give it all to follow and serve God.”
Confession of Faith
Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20, Peter's Confession of Faith
Who is Jesus? Jesus was a preacher unlike any other. He performed miracles and healed the sick, but the people did not understand who Jesus really was. When Jesus asked His disciples the question, only Peter recognized who Jesus really was – the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Objective: Kids will learn “I want to know Jesus – the Son of God and my Savior.”
Collapse of Confidence
Scripture: Mark 14:66-15:72, Peter Disowns Jesus
Peter had always been a bold and confident guy, but when Jesus was arrested, Peter became defensive and afraid. He did not understand that Jesus' arrest and later death were all part of the plan. God was still in control.
Objective: Kids will learn “I won't be afraid because God is in control.”
Conqueror of Death
Scripture: Luke 23:44-49, The Death of Jesus & Luke 24:1-12, The Resurrection
Jesus' friends and disciples were devastated when Jesus died on the cross. Three days later, though, they experienced the wonder and joy of his resurrection in power.
Objective: Kids will learn “I can be saved because Jesus conquered sin and death.”
UNIT 9: David
God Knows Me
Memory Verse: “You are all around me, behind me and in front of me. You hold me safe in your hand. I’m amazed at how well you know me. It’s more than I can understand.” Psalm 139:5-6 (NIRV)
God's Choice
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, David Anointed King
God sent Samuel to the house of Jesse to anoint a new king. Samuel assumed the new king would be Jesse's oldest and strongest son. But God chose David, not because of what was on the outside, but because David had a heart for God.
Objective: Kids will learn “God cares more about our hearts than how we look.”
God's Victory
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath
Not one man in Israel's army was willing to face the giant Goliath in battle. When a shepherd boy, David, saw what was happening, he stepped up. He gave Israel the victory with only a sling, five stones, and the Lord on his side.
Objective: Kids will learn “God knows what we need to be victorious.”
Godly Friendship
Scripture: 1 Samuel 20:16-42, David and Jonathan
David and Jonathan were the best of friends. Even though the king was his father, when King Saul tried to kill David, Jonathan stepped in to make sure his friend was not harmed. Sometimes God asks us to step up and make bold decisions.
Objective: Kids will learn “God can give me the courage to do what's right.”
God's Mercy
Scripture: 1 Samuel 24:1-19, David Spares Saul's Life
Saul had once loved David as a son, but his jealousy now drove him to kill David. When Saul unknowingly stepped into a cave where David and his men were hiding, David had the chance to stop Saul once and for all. Instead, David spared his life.
Objective: Kids will learn “God asks me to show kindness to others, even those who aren’t kind to me.”
Godly Compassion
Scripture: 2 Samuel 9:1-13, David and Mephibosheth
When David finally became king, he remembered his promise to Jonathan to take care of his family. Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth was crippled in his feet. King David took him in and cared for him the rest of his life.
Objective: Kids will learn, “God gives us opportunities to show love and kindness.”
God's Grace
Scripture: 2 Samuel 12:1-14, Nathan Confronts David
David had sinned, killing Uriah and taking Bathsheba as his wife. God sent Nathan to confront David about his sin. David repented and asked God's forgiveness.
Objective: Kids will learn, “God knows our sin and offers us forgiveness.”
UNIT 10: Elijah
God Hears Me
Memory Verse: “I love the Lord, because he heard my voice. He heard my cry for his help.” Psalm 116:1 (NIRV)
God Hears Our Needs
Scripture: 1 Kings 17:7-16, Elijah and the Widow
The prophet Elijah was in need of a meal and rest. The widow and her son were in need of a miracle. When God brought them together, they all received exactly what they needed.
Objective: Kids will learn “God provides exactly what I need.”
God Hears Our Prayers
Scripture: 1 Kings 18:17-39, Elijah Versus the Prophets of Baal
The people had turned from God and were following the false god, Baal. Elijah needed to show the people that there is only one true God. Elijah called out to God to show his power and might. And God came through.
Objective: Kids will learn “God hears me when I call out to Him.”
God Hears Our Pain
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-18, God Speaks to Elijah
Elijah was running away for his life. He was sad, scared, and felt all alone. He cried out to God. Once again, God heard Elijah. Elijah's strength was renewed and he was filled with new courage to keep going.
Objective: Kids will learn “God can give me strength to keep going, I just have to ask.”
God Hears Our Joy
Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-15, Chariot of Fire
Elijah had asked God for someone to carry on the work after he was gone. God heard Elijah and provided Elisha. After a life devoted to serving God, the prophet Elijah was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire.
Objective: Kids will learn “God has great things in store for those who serve Him.”
UNIT 11: Esther
God Has A Purpose For Me
Memory Verse: “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIRV)
A New Queen
Scripture: Esther 2:1-18, Esther Becomes King
The king was looking for a queen. Esther was beautiful but she was a foreigner and not someone who “should” have been in that position. But God knew his purpose for her and made sure that Esther was placed in this powerful position – right where God could use her.
Objective: Kids will learn “God will put me in unexpected places when I am willing to serve Him.”
A Tragedy Averted
Scripture: Esther 2:21-22, Mordecai and Esther Save the King
There was a plot to overthrow the king. Because of the position in which God had placed Esther, she was able to intervene and save the king's life. This would prove to be only the beginning of Esther living out her God-given purpose.
Objective: Kids will learn “Serving God is always important whether the task is big or small.”
A Bold Step
Scripture: Esther 4, Mordecai Pleads With Esther
When Mordecai learned of Haman's plot to kill the Jewish people, he pleaded with Esther to go to the king. This was a dangerous thing to do, but as Mordecai understood, God had placed her as queen for such a time as this.
Objective: Kids will learn “When I live my God purpose, God can use me to help others.”
A Hero Honored
Scripture: Esther 6, Mordecai Honored
Mordecai's role in saving the king had all but been forgotten. But when the king was reminded of it, he threw a great parade in Mordecai's honor. Much to Haman's dismay. While we should not live for praise and recognition, when we serve God, He remembers us.
Objective: Kids will learn “I live out my God purpose for God's kingdom, not for my own fame.”
A Purpose Fulfilled
Scripture: Esther 7, Esther Risks It All
Esther took a big risk approaching the king and making a request of him. But she had to do everything she could to save her people. In the end, her bravery was rewarded.
Objective: Kids will learn, “To live out my God purpose, I must act with courage.”
UNIT 12: Paul
God's Love Should Be Shared
Memory Verse: “So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 (NIRV)
From Saul to Paul
Scripture: Acts 9:1-22, The Conversion of Saul
Saul had been trying to imprison and kill the people who followed Jesus, until one day when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus. Then Saul went from trying to stop others from sharing about Jesus, to Paul who would dedicate his life to sharing Jesus with others.
Objective: Kids will learn “God can use anyone to share Jesus. Even me.”
From Bad to Worse
Scripture: Acts 14:8-20, In Lystra and Derbe
When Paul and Barnabas performed miracles in Lystra, the people thought they were gods. Despite their insistence that there was only one God and that they served Jesus, most in the crowd would not believe. Though discouraged, Paul and Barnabas continued to share the love of Jesus with others.
Objective: Kids will learn “There will be times of discouragement, but I will keep sharing Jesus' love.”
From Town to Town
Scripture: Acts 16:6-15, Lydia's Conversion
Paul went from town to town sharing the Good News of Jesus. When Paul wanted to go share Jesus in Phrygia and Galatia, God led them to Macedonia instead. There, they shared the love of Jesus with Lydia, who immediately put her faith in Jesus and became a great help to Paul and to the church.
Objective: Kids will learn “I will go wherever God sends me to share Jesus.”
From Prisoner to Free
Scripture: Acts 16:25-34, Paul and Silas in Prison
Paul and Silas were thrown in prison for sharing Jesus and healing in His name. But even being locked up, could not steal their joy and love for others. When the prison guard saw how Paul and Silas were different from the other prisoners, he wanted to know more. Paul and Silas told him about Jesus, and he and his entire family became believers.
Objective: Kids will learn “People see Jesus when they see my love for others.”