Be Strong and Courageous!
"Welcome to the Castle of Courage, our 5-day VBS curriculum where kids learn that true courage comes from trusting God.
At the Castle of Courage, kids will meet King Ardor and the members of his kingdom, including the famous Knights of the Oval Table. These mighty warriors will teach kids that true courage – the kind that helps us face whatever comes our way – comes from trusting God."
Click here to sample the first lesson for FREE.
Choose Your VBS Curriculum Format!
$125 - Digital Curriculum Download Only - Instant access via email as soon as you order.
$185 - Digital Curriculum + Digital Media Pack - Instant access via email to the digital curriculum and you get the Castle Of Courage Media Pack that includes the NEW Stand In Your Love Worship Video, 5 Game Videos & a Countdown video!
$205 - Printed Book + Digital Media Pack - You still get instant access, but we'll also mail you a spiral-bound copy of your curriculum! AND you still get the Castle Of Courage Media Pack!
About This VBS Curriculum:
- Perfect for kids ages 6-12
- 5 days of lessons and activities
- Medieval themed
- Instant download
- Includes editable text files
- Includes large group activities and small group discussions
Each Lesson Includes:
- Make It Stick! Parent Sheets
- Lesson Snapshot
- Memory Verse
- Start The Day
- Skit or Puppet Show
- Large Group Lesson
- Outdoor Game
- Indoor Game
- Object Lesson
- Small-Group Discussion
- Craft Activity
- PowerPoint Game
Castle of Courage VBS Overview:
“Here is what I am commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIrV)
Day 1 VBS Lesson: King Ardor and the Castle Moat
Joshua 1:7-11 & Joshua 3, Crossing the Jordan
King Ardor loves his castle and the people in it. He built a moat around it to protect everyone outside from intruders. God wants to surround us and be our protector. We can have courage knowing that He is with us. When Joshua became leader of the Israelites, he was given assurance that God would be his moat of protection.
Objective: Kids will learn, “I can have courage knowing God cares about me.”
Day 2 VBS Lesson: Sir Laughsalot and the King's Armor
1 Samuel 17:20-49, David and Goliath
With his suit of armor and his mighty sword, Sir Laughsalot laughs in the face of danger. But Sir Laughsalot remembers the story of the young boy who defeated his enemy without armor or sword. David defeated Goliath with only a sling, a stone, and a complete trust in God.
Objective: Kids will learn, “I can have courage knowing God is in control.”
Day 3 VBS Lesson: Lady Whenimhere and the Royal Banquet
1 Kings 19:1-18, God Comforts Elijah
Being a Knight of the Oval Table can be difficult. The knights often return from their quests tired and afraid. Lady Whenimhere is always there to take care of the knights, offering them a royal banquet to restore their health and a listening ear to help them feel better. Elijah was scared and ran into the wilderness when Queen Jezebel had ordered Elijah's death. Even though he was afraid, God gave him the courage to go back and finish the mission God had given him.
Objective: Kids will learn, “I can always talk to God when I’m afraid.”
Day 4 VBS Lesson: Mervin the Magnificent and the Drawbridge
Mark 15:22-30, 37-41; Matthew 28:1-10, Jesus' Death and Resurrection
Mervin the Magnificent is King Ardor's top adviser. Some say Mervin has special powers. That may be why it only took Mervin one day to repair the drawbridge that lets others into the castle. Nothing Mervin can do, however, even comes close to the magnificent thing Jesus did on the cross: He died for our sins and made a way for us into His kingdom forever.
Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus had the courage to be my Savior.”
Day 5 VBS Lesson: Sir Gladihad and the Catapult
Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals 10 Men
Sir Gladihad is a happy guy. He's glad for everything he has – especially his trusty catapult, that sends boulders flying through the air. He knows that gratitude is the key to success. When we are thankful for all that God has done for us, our love and trust in God grow. The more we love God and trust Him, the more our courage grows! Just like Sir Gladihads boulders, our faith in God can send us flying to new heights.
Objective: Kids will learn, “God has given me so many reasons to thank him.”
What's Included In the Add-On Digital Media Pack:
And more! Check out the Add-On Castle of Courage VBS Media Pack
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