Just as many TV game shows are full of talent, so is the church. God has given all of us spiritual gifts, special talents that we can use to serve Him. When we all come together to use our gifts for the Lord, God can bless our community and our world through the church! In You've Got Talent 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn what spiritual gifts are and how they should use them for the Lord.
You've Got Talent Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse:
“There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NIrV)
One Body Many Parts
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Spiritual Gifts Described
Our bodies are made up of many unique parts that serve very different functions. These many parts work together as a whole to help us eat, sleep, play, learn, and enjoy life. The church is like a body in that it is made up of many uniquely gifted people who are meant to come together and serve God.
Objective: Kids will learn that God has gifted them to serve the church.
Gifts That Lead (Evangelism, Teaching, Leadership)
Scripture: Acts 13:13-43, Paul and Barnabas Preach
Some people have gifts that lead. They are teachers, evangelists, and other leaders who can bring people together and lead everyone closer to Jesus. God wants leaders to lead and teachers to teach so others can draw closer to one another and the Lord.
Objective: Kids will learn that some people are gifted to lead and teach.
Gifts That Lift Up (Encouragement, Hospitality, Prayer, Wisdom)
Scripture: Acts 16:11-15, Lydia
Some people have gifts that lift people up. Some are good at encouragement, some are good at making people feel welcome, some are very good at prayer, and some are gifted with wisdom. These people can use their gifts to lift up their fellow believers and others who need Jesus.
Objective: Kids will identify gifts that help encourage others.
Gifts That Work (Service, Helps, Admin)
Scripture: Acts 6:1-7, Seven Men Chosen to Serve
Not everyone can lead or teach. Some are gifted with the talent and passion to do the hard work of ministry - everything from scrubbing toilets to paperwork. These believers are not always seen at work, but they are just as vital and important to the function of the church as anyone.
Objective: Kids will identify the unseen gifts that often happen behind the scenes.
Gifts That Create (Music, Art, Drama)
Scripture: Psalm 8, A Psalm of David
Some people are gifted in creative ways. God wants people who are gifted in music, art, drama, writing, and other creative endeavors to use their gifts for the Lord, whether it's in worship or just their own artistic expression outside the church.
Objective: Kids will identify ways creative gifts can be used for ministry.
Gifts of the Spirit (Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues)
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21, Pentecost
The Bible teaches us about some very special gifts found in the early church. Gifts of prophecy, wisdom, and tongues can be hard to understand, but they also have a purpose in God’s church.
Objective: Kids will learn what gifts of the spirit are and how the Bible says they can be used.
Finding Your Gifts
Scripture: Acts 10:19-48, The Spirit Falls on Cornelius’ House
God has a special plan for us to use our gifts in the church, but how do we find our gifts? Through prayer, reading the Bible, and by talking to older believers, we can discover our gifts and find out where we best fit in the body of Christ.
Objective: Kids will learn that God will help them discover their spiritual gifts so they can use them.
Using Your Gifts
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, One Body with Many Parts
What good is a tool sitting in the box it came in? A tool is only useful if we take it out of the package and put it to work. God wants us to get involved and serve with other believers so the church can share Jesus with everyone.
Objective: Kids will learn that they need to use their gifts for the Lord!