Jesus Is Unstoppable!
Jesus is all-powerful; there's nothing He cannot do. And Jesus uses His power to protect, heal, provide and forgive us – because of his great love for us. In Jesus Can Do Anything 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn that Jesus cares about me.

Jesus Can Do Anything Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “Finally, let the Lord make you strong. Depend on his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10 (NIrV)
Jesus Can Protect Us
Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus Calms The Storm
Sometimes we get frightened, sometimes we worry. We can trust Jesus to watch over us and take away our fear because of his power and his great love for us.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus cares when I'm scared.
Jesus Can Make Us Better
Scripture: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals 10 Men
Sometimes we get sick, sometimes we get hurt. Sometimes people we know get sick or hurt. We can talk to Jesus and ask him to heal us and heal our friends when they are sick or hurt.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus cares when I'm sick.
Jesus Can Take Care Of Our Needs
Scripture: John 6:1-15, Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Sometimes we are hungry, sometimes we don't have everything we need. We can talk to Jesus and ask him to take care of us. Jesus is powerful enough to feed 5,000 people and he is powerful enough to take care of us.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus knows what I need.
Jesus Can Forgive Us
Scripture: John 8:1-11, Jesus Forgives A Sinful Woman
Sometimes we don’t do what God says. This can happen when we don’t obey our parents or aren’t kind to our friends. This is called sin. We need to have our sin forgiven - which basically means taken away, but there’s only one person who can do that - Jesus! We can trust Jesus to forgive us if we ask because he is the only perfect person who never sinned and he loves us very much.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus still loves me and can forgive me when I disobey.