Jesus is My Super Friend
Everything about Jesus is SUPER: his strength, his help, his love. Jesus is our super-friend. In SUPER 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum, preschoolers will learn that Jesus is their super-friend.
SUPER Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:14 (NIrV)
Super Strong
Scripture: Luke 8:22-25, Jesus Calms the Storm
When the storm came, the disciples were afraid. They turned to their super friend, Jesus. Jesus stopped the storm and showed his friends his super strength.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “Jesus is super strong.”
Super Helper
Scripture: Mark 8:22-26, Jesus Heals a Blind Man
A blind man asked Jesus to help him when no one else could. Jesus helped the man and gave him the ability to see. We can be a super friend to others by helping people when we see they have a need.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “Jesus is a super helper.”
Scripture: John 13:1-17, Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
The disciples followed Jesus. He was their teacher and leader, but Jesus washed his disciples' feet to show them that he was also their friend. We can be a super-friend by serving other people.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “Jesus is my super friend.”
Super Love
Scripture: John 10:12-18, The Good Shepherd
Jesus wants to be our friend. Jesus loves us so much that he laid down his life for us. If we believe in Jesus and follow him, we can be his friend forever.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “Jesus' love is super.”