What were the first Christians like?
This series is an in-depth look at the book of Acts. Acts is short for “Acts of the Apostles.” Apostles were those who had witnessed Jesus firsthand and began spreading his word and building the first churches through the Holy Spirit, even though sometimes they faced big challenges.
Acts Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview
Memory Verse:
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. ” Acts 1:8
Jesus’ Parting Gift
Scripture: Acts 2:1-12, 36-40, The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
Jesus had promised that the Holy Spirit would come to be a guide and advocate, but the apostles didn’t know exactly how or when it would happen. When it did, people noticed. 3,000 people were baptized all in one day!
Objective: Kids will learn, “Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide and encourage us.”
The First Churches
Scripture: Acts 2:42-47, The Believers Share Their Lives Together
One of the big jobs the apostles had after Jesus left them was to establish the church. The church can mean many things to many people. When Jesus talked about the church, He never meant a building, but a group of people. Even though the early church probably looked a lot different than what we think of as church, there’s still a lot we can learn from it.
Objective: Kids will learn, “Church is about the people, not the place.”
A Tale of Two Gifts
Scripture: Acts 4:36-5:4, Ananias and Sapphira
In these two stories, we see two different kinds of givers. Barnabas sold a field and gave all of the money to the apostles. Ananias and Sapphira, on the other hand, sold some land, but kept some of the money for themselves and lied about it. This sad story illustrates, not that our giving is not about the amount that we give, but the attitude with which we give it.
Objective: Kids will learn, “God intends for us to give with joy, not out of obligation or to glorify ourselves.”
The Good News is Official
Scripture: Acts 8:26-39, Philip and the Man From Ethiopia
Philip wanted to spread the good news about Jesus wherever he went. The Holy Spirit sent him to an Ethiopian official. Philip answered his question about the Bible and he was baptized right then and there!
Objective: Kids will learn, “The Holy Spirit can help me share the Good News.”
Peter’s Wildest Dream
Scripture: Acts 10:9-19, 34-36, Peter Has a Vision
Jewish Jesus followers believed that new followers needed to follow Jewish laws to become Christians. God changed Peter’s heart with a vision. Peter understood that Jesus is for everyone.
Objective: Kids will learn, “The church is for everyone.”
Stephen’s Stand
Scripture: Acts 7:54-60, Stephen Is Killed
Stephen was amazing at spreading the good news of Jesus. So good that it made others upset so that they began plotting to get Stephen arrested. Stephen gave a great speech to the Jewish court that made them so angry that they stoned him.
Objective: Kids will learn, “the Church is meant to strengthen us to face any persecution.”
On a Mission
Scripture: Acts 13:1-5, 49-52
The Holy Spirit set apart Barnabas and Saul for a special purpose. Rather than spread the word right where they were, they were sent off to tell others in distant lands.
Objective: Kids will learn, “The church is a place to send out missionaries to spread the good news.”
Tag Team Teaching
Scripture: Acts 18:1-3, 18-26, Priscilla and Aquila Teach Apollos
Priscilla and Aquila were a couple that befriended Paul. They worked together making tents. Paul’s influence made them want to share Jesus with others. They befriended Apollos and taught him about Jesus.
Objective: Kids will learn, “The church is a place where everyone has a role to play.”