Into The Bible Verse 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

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Unleash Your Super Power

Superheroes possess impressive and amazing powers. When we fill our hearts and minds with God's word and draw closer to Him, we are given a whole slew of our own unbeatable superpowers.


Into The Bible Verse Lessons Overview


Force Field – Peace

Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-4, Perfect Peace

Super Verse:Lord, you will give perfect peace to those who commit themselves to be faithful to you. That’s because they trust in you.” - Isaiah 26:3 

Some superheroes can create force fields that protect them from the villain's attacks. When we have God's perfect peace in our lives, it protects us from the stresses and worries that seek to destroy us. 

Objective: Kids will say “God's peace protects me.” 

Super Shrink – Pray

Scripture: James 5:13-18, The Power of Prayer 

Super Verse: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Then that person should pray. Is anyone among you happy? Then that person should sing songs of praise.” - James 5:13

Some superheroes can shrink down really small – even down to the size of an ant. Sometimes our problems can seem really big, but when we bring them to God in prayer, they shrink down so small we can't even see them anymore.

Objective: Kids will say “When I pray, my problems shrink.” 

Super Strength – Joy

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-10, The Reading of God's Law

Super Verse: “The joy of the Lord makes me strong,” - Nehemiah 8:10b. 

Some superheroes have the strength of many men. When we have true joy – the joy of the Lord – we can feel the power of a hundred superheroes. 

Objective: Kids will say “The joy of the Lord makes me strong.”  

Elastic Powers – Faith

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-9, By Faith

Super Verse: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.” - Hebrews 11:1 

Some superheroes can bend and stretch like you've never seen. Faith stretches us to have confidence in things that we cannot see, and brings us closer to the God who sees everything. 

Objective: Kids will say “I want a faith that stretches to the heavens.” 

Invincibility – Life

Scripture: John 3:16-21, God Sent His Son

Super Verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” - John 3:16 

Some superheroes are seemingly indestructible; no matter what happens to them, they keep on living. When we decide to follow Jesus, he forgives our sins and gives us a life that will never end.  

Objective: Kids will say “If I believe in Jesus, I can have eternal life.”  

Flight – Trust

Scripture: Isaiah 40:28-31, Trust in the Lord

Super Verse: “But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.” - Isaiah 40:31 

Some superheroes have the ability to fly. When we are weak and tired, the Bible tells us that we can trust in God and wait on Him. If we do, he will gives us strength and make us soar like an eagle.

Objective: Kids will say “When I come to God, he welcomes me with joyful celebration.”

Invisibility – Love 

Scripture: Matthew 31-46, The Sheep and the Goats

Super Verse: “Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” -Matthew 25:40b 

Some superheroes can make themselves invisible. Jesus tells us to love and serve other people, not so that we can be seen, but so that others can experience God's love. At the same time, we are showing love to God too, even though we can't see him.

Objective: Kids will say “I want to show love to Jesus and to other people.” 

Replication – Tell

Scripture: Acts 1:4-11, Jesus Taken Up to Heaven

Super Verse: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. And you will even tell other people about me from one end of the earth to the other.” -Acts 1:8 

Some superheroes can replicate objects, animals, or even themselves. The follower of Jesus can also replicate; when we go out into the world and tell others about Jesus, He creates more and more followers of Jesus.  

Objective: Kids will say “I want the world to know about and follow Jesus.”  


Each Lesson Includes:
  • Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything.
  • Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!"
  • Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners easily. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest.
  • Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!)
  • Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson.
  • Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together!
  • Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor.  Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :(
  • More! - Yes, there is even more than all of that so that you can easily put together the perfect lesson for your ministry each weekend, which means no more agonizing over how to adjust complicated lesson plans. 

About This Curriculum:

  • Perfect for kids ages 6-12
  • 8-weeks
  • Includes large group and small group resources
  • This curriculum is an instant download
  • Download a free sample here


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Check out our collection of Children's Church Lessons for more great curriculum series for your Kids Church or Sunday School.

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