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When we read the Old Testament, it often seems likes a rough and rugged place – like the American Old West. But when we look a little closer, we see that even in some of the wildest events that happened, God had a plan. In Wild West Faith 8-Week Children's' Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn that God’s plan then is the same plan He has now, to let the world know who God is and how much He loves us.
Memory Verse: “The grass dries up. The flowers fall to the ground. But what our God says will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8 (NIrV)
Go West, Young Man
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-8, God Calls Abram
Many people flocked to the Old West because it was a chance to start over in a place where there weren't many people. God called Abram to move to an unfamiliar place and promised to make a great nation from him. Abram trusted God, and knew one day the promise would be fulfilled.
Objective: Kids will learn they can have confidence in going where God leads them.
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