Camp Chaos VBS Curriculum - New Vacation Bible School Theme for 2025

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Check Out Your New 2025 VBS Theme!

Introducing our new 2025 VBS theme: Camp Chaos! At Camp Chaos, kids learn how Jesus is our path to peace in a chaotic world. In the external mess we live in, Jesus helps us focus on what's good.

What's New for 2025:

  • KJV Memory Verse Graphics
  • Preschool Lessons!

In a Chaotic World, Jesus is Our Path to Peace.

"Take a deep breath kids *inhales deeply* that's the smell of the great out...wait...nope that's definitely a skunk! IT'S IN MY EYES! Everyone back inside now!

Are you ready for this summer to get a little ... chaotic? Get ready for Camp Chaos VBS! This summer, you and your kids can spend a few days at a campsite in the forest. But watch out -- things are starting to get a little crazy at Camp Chaos. 

Camp Chaos VBS focuses on five of the Gospels’ most chaotic stories. Together, you and your VBS kids will learn how Jesus is our peace in a chaotic world. "


Camp Chaos VBS Overview: A Vacation Bible School Curriculum for 2025

The Bible begins with an image of chaos. 
Genesis 1:1-2
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters."
At this point, the initial ingredients of creation exist in states of formlessness, emptiness, and darkness. In the Bible, waters are often used to symbolize chaos and disorder. Soon God’s creative acts will transform the chaos into order and beauty. But initially, creation exists in a state of mayhem. And where is God?
He is over the waters. He is above it all. 
In these chaotic times, we need to be reminded that our God is above the chaos. This truth is lived out in the words and actions of Jesus. In the Gospels, we learn that…

Jesus Is Our Strength In Chaos - Day 1 VBS Lesson

Key Verse: "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24

Scripture: The Wise & Foolish Builders, Matthew 7:24-27

In this parable, Jesus describes how the firm foundation of His teaching gives us the strength to stand firm in the chaotic storms of life.

Main Idea: Jesus is our Strength in the midst of chaos.

Dress Up Theme: Move Out Monday
Gear up for adventure as we kick off our wild week.

Jesus Cares For Us In Times Of Chaos - Day 2 VBS Lesson

Key Verse: "You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23:5

Scripture: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand, Matthew 14:13-21

Devastated from the news of John the Baptist’s death, Jesus crosses a lake so that He can be alone. He arrives on the other side to find that a demanding, hungry crowd has tracked Him there.

Main Idea: Jesus is our Provider in the midst of chaos.

Dress Up Theme: Your Way Tuesday
Are you a Camper or a Glamper?

Jesus Saves Us From Chaos - Day 3 VBS Lesson

Key Verse: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

Scripture: Jesus Saves a Sinful Woman, John 8:1-11

A crowd of men stand ready to throw stones at a woman caught in sin as they demand a snap judgement from Jesus, forcing Him to choose between law and compassion.

Main Idea: Jesus is our Savior in the midst of chaos.

Dress Up Theme: Wildlife Wednesday
Mountain lions, and tigers, and bears… Oh yes!

Jesus Is Our Peace In Chaos - Day 4 VBS Lesson

Key Verse: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Scripture: Jesus Calms the Storm, Mark 4:35-41

The disciples are finally at peace once Jesus calms the life-threatening storm. But He is peace, even as the storm rages on. Jesus is our only path to peace.

Main Idea: Jesus is our Peace in the midst of chaos.

Dress Up Theme: Thicket Thursday
Get your green game going and be at one with nature.

Jesus Kicks Out The Chaos - Day 5 VBS Lesson

Key Verse: "The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8:6

Scripture: Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter, Mark 5:21-43

A frenzied crowd converges with a funeral procession. Shouting and wailing are soon joined by jeering, laughter, and heckling. But Jesus handles this chaos the same way He handles ours.

Main Idea: Jesus puts the chaos outside.

Dress Up Theme: Frazzled Friday
After a long week of light sleep, and no showers, we are looking pretty rough.


About This VBS:

  • Lessons for kids ages 6-10
  • Lessons for kids ages 2-5
  • 5-days of lessons and activities
  • Includes large group activities and small group discussion
  • This VBS program is an instant download
  • Includes Editable Text Files

Each Lesson Includes:

  • Make It Stick! Parent Sheets
  • Daily Key Verse (5 Total Verses)
  • Skit
  • Large Group Lesson
  • Snack
  • Craft
  • Game
  • Small-Group Discussion

Promotional Graphics Included (with all formats):

  • Invitation flyer
  • T-shirt graphic
  • Editable graphics to make your own designs
  • Posters
  • Title Slide and Blank Background Slide
  • KJV Memory Verse Graphics
  • Leader Name Tags
  • Student Name Tags
  • Certificate Of Completion


Join the Camp Chaos VBS Facebook group to ask questions and share ideas with others who are using Camp Chaos VBS!

Be sure to check out the
Camp Chaos VBS Pinterest board to find
* What a Mess! VBS decorating ideas
* Engaging VBS games and crafts
* Great snack ideas your kids will love!


    Why Choose Camp Chaos for Your Vacation Bible School? Guaranteed to Be Awesome!

    100% Money-Back Guarantee. Our Children's Ministry curriculum is guaranteed to be awesome. If you don't absolutely love this curriculum, just let us know within 30 days and we'll give you a full refund of the purchase price (shipping is non-refundable for physical items), and a big hug. No questions asked.

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