FREE Social Media Christmas Youth Ministry Lesson

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Sample the first lesson from our Social Media 4-Week Youth Ministry Curriculum!

Social Media 4-Week Youth Ministry Curriculum teaches teens that in our clickable, hashtag, selfie media culture, the truth of Christmas still remains the same. Jesus came to earth as a baby to become our Savior.

Social Media Christmas
Social Media Christmas Sample Lesson Overview:

Memory Verse: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2 (NIV)

FACEBOOK: The newsfeed on Facebook is an active record of what's going on with you and your friends. Students will learn that hundreds of years before the first Christmas, the prophets were recording the story of the coming Savior. Isaiah 9:1-7, Prophets Predict Jesus' Birth

Click HERE to see the entire Social Media Christmas series. 

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