Discover the great things that Jesus is growing within you.
Kids will learn all about the Fruit of the Spirit through the stories and teachings of Jesus – the great “Farmer” who is able to grow those qualities within us.
Farmer's Market Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse:
“But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind.” Galatians 5:22-23
Love Kids will learn to love others, even those who are different, through the parable of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37.
Joy Kids will learn that we can have joy in all circumstances through the Beatitudes. Matthew 5:1-12.
Peace Kids will learn we can have peace in all circumstances through the story of Jesus calming the sea. Mark 4:35-41.
Patience Kids will learn the value of being patient through the story of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Matthew 4:1-11.
Kindness Kids will learn the power of kindness through the story of Zacchaeus meeting Jesus. Luke 19:1-10.
Goodness Kids will learn the importance of doing good and having a good name through the story of Jesus and the Pharisees. Luke 11:37-46.
Faithfulness Kids will learn the meaning of faithfulness through the parable of the Prodigal Son. Luke 15:11-32.
Gentleness Kids will learn about gentleness through the parable of the Good Shepherd. John 10:11-18.
Self-Control Kids will learn that self-control is a great way to share the gospel through Jesus's teaching about turning the other cheek. Matthew 5:38-42.
About This Curriculum:
- Perfect for kids ages 6-12
- 9-weeks
- Includes large group and small group resources
- This curriculum is an instant download
- Download a free sample here
Each Lesson Includes:
Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything.
Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!"
Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest.
Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!)
- Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson.
Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together!
Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor. Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :(
Guaranteed to Be Awesome
100% Money Back Guarantee. Our Children's Ministry curriculum is guaranteed to be awesome. If you don't absolutely love this curriculum, just let us know within 30 days and we'll give you a full refund, and a big hug. No questions asked.
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