Enjoying Time With The Savior.
If you could sit down with Jesus for a cup of coffee and conversation, what would happen? Meet some of the people who sat down for personal talks with Jesus and see what he had to talk about.

Series Overview:
Memory Verse: “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” - John 15:4 (NIV)
Lesson 1: Just Be – Sometimes we can get so distracted by all we have to do and everything we need to accomplish. Students will learn that Jesus is more interested in having our time and attention focused on him. Luke 10:38-42, Mary and Martha.
Lesson 2: Be Made New – When Nicodemus sat down for a chat, Jesus spoke to him of the need to be “born again.” Students will learn that Jesus desires to make us into new creations. John 3:1-21, Nicodemus.
Lesson 3: Be Filled – The Samaritan woman came to the well looking for water, but found a Savior instead. Students will learn that Jesus longs to fill us with his living water. John 4:1-42, The Samaritan Woman.
Lesson 4: Be Restored – After Jesus rose from the grave, he shared a meal with some of the disciples, using the time as an opportunity to offer forgiveness and a challenge to the disciple who had denied Jesus. Students will learn that spending time with Jesus should include looking back at all he has done and looking forward to all that he will do through you. John 21, Jesus Reinstates Peter.
About This Curriculum:
- Instant Download
- 4-Week Series
- Perfect for 6th-12th Grade Students
- Great for Weekend or Mid-Week Programming
- Includes Both Large Group and Small Group Resources
- Download a sample lesson from this series here.
Each Lesson Includes
- DOWNLOAD. Teacher Prep: Printable lesson overview – with tips and encouragement – to distribute to each leader and teacher on your team.
- UPLOAD. Large Group Teaching Guide: Printable “no prep required” Bible lesson for your Large Group Leader.
- POP QUIZ: Print and distribute this quiz to each of your students. Questions are based on the Upload Bible Lesson.
- COMMENT & SHARE. Small Group Discussion Guide: Print and distribute this guide to leaders and students for use during their small group time.
- INTERACTIVE. Lesson Activity: Three activity options – a group game, a missional activity, and a service project – to pick and choose from each week
- TRENDING. Social Media + Leader Ideas: Resource for leaders. Ideas to help you use social media to keep the discussion with students going throughout the week.
- + Series Graphics, Social Media Graphics, and Printables!
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