Teach Students About Gaining Spiritual Strength!
Just like getting into physical shape, becoming spiritually strong requires our time, our commitment, and our determination.

CrossFit Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” -1 Timothy 4:8 (NIV)
No Pain, No Gain – Paul instructed Timothy to set an example for the other believers. Students will learn that God is calling them to lead by example even if it's painful at times. 1 Timothy 4, Instructions to Timothy
Feel The Burn – Paul told the Romans to have a sincere love and to cling to what is good. Students will learn the importance of loving even our enemies – until they “feel the burn.” Romans 12:9-21, Instructions on Love
Push Your Limits – Paul “became all things to all people” so that they would come to know Jesus. Students will be challenged to look beyond the limitations they place on themselves and on God. 1 Corinthians 9, The Rights of an Apostle
See Results – Paul told the Galatians that those who live by the Spirit will bear fruit. Students will learn as they commit themselves to God, he will display the Fruit of the Spirit in their lives. Galatians 5:16-26, Life By The Spirit
About This Curriculum:
- Instant Download
- 4-Week Series
- Perfect for 6th-12th Grade Students
- Great for Weekend or Mid-Week Programming
- Includes Both Large Group and Small Group Resources
- Download a sample lesson from this series here.
Each Lesson Includes:
DOWNLOAD. Teacher Prep: Printable lesson overview – with tips and encouragement – to distribute to each leader and teacher on your team.
UPLOAD. Large Group Teaching Guide: Printable “no prep required” Bible lesson for your Large Group Leader.
POP QUIZ. Print and distribute this quiz to each of your students. Questions are based on the Upload Bible Lesson.
COMMENT & SHARE. Small Group Discussion Guide: Print and distribute this guide to leaders and students for use during their small group time.
INTERACTIVE. Lesson Activity: Three activity options – a group game, a missional activity, and a service project – to pick and choose from each week
TRENDING. Social Media + Leader Ideas: Ideas to help you use social media to keep the discussion with students going throughout the week.
GRAPHICS. Series Graphics, Social Media Graphics, and Printables.
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