Belt of Truth Sunday School Lesson

Armor of God Children's Ministry Curriculum
Here is our absolutely FREE Belt of Turth Sunday School Lesson. What does wearing a belt of truth mean? A belt is a vital part of any ensemble, whether it’s on a pair of jeans or a suit of armor. It keeps everything in place. Just as a belt holds the rest of the armor in place, the truth of God’s word is what guides all areas of our life. This lesson will show kids that God's truth is our guide in life. They will also state why it is important to learn the truth of the Bible. Take a look at our Armor of God 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Belt of Truth Sunday School Lesson for Kids:


God’s truth is our guide in life.        


Kids will state why it is important to learn the truth of the Bible.


John 8:28-40, The Truth Will Set You Free


“So put on all of God’s armor. Evil days will come. But you will be able to stand up to anything. And after you have done everything you can, you will still be standing.” Ephesians 6:13 (NIrV)


A belt is a vital part of any ensemble, whether it’s on a pair of jeans or a suit of armor. It keeps everything in place. Just as a belt holds the rest of the armor in place, the truth of God’s word is what guides all areas of our life.


Dear God,

Show us your truth and set us free.

In Jesus’s name,




“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 (NIV)

“So put on all of God’s armor. Evil days will come. But you will be able to stand up to anything. And after you have done everything you can, you will still be standing.” Ephesians 6:13 (NIrV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.






Medieval costumes

All the pieces of armor for the Armor of God




Sir Wayne - A Knight

Roger - An armor bearer

Roger is working in his workshop. The Armor is broken up and set about the stage, as if in    various stages of completion. Sir Wayne enters.

WAYNE: I’m looking for the Armor Bearer! Do you know where I can find the Armor Bearer?

ROGER: I’m sorry, did you say you were looking for an Armored Bear?

WAYNE: Very funny. I said Armor Bearer. There are no such things as Armored Bears. Are there? I mean, that would be terrifying.

ROGER: Yes it would. A gang of armored bears, roaming the country side, roaring and     smashing things with their armored weapons.

WAYNE: Okay, stop, you’ll give me nightmares.

ROGER: There are no armored bears here. Just me, your armor bearer.

WAYNE: Nice to meet you, Armor Bearer. I am Sir Wayne.

ROGER: Oh I know who you are, Sir Wayne. It’s an honor to be serving you.

WAYNE: Of course it is. I am, after all, the dark knight of the round table.

ROGER: You are? But Sir Wayne, you haven’t any armor at all. How can you be the dark knight without any armor?

WAYNE: I’m not sure. Is this a riddle?

ROGER: An honest question. Sir Wayne, you need some armor.

WAYNE: Cool. Get me a sword and a shield. And a big, long spear. And that thing with the handle and chain and the ball with spikes on it. What do you call that?

ROGER:(picks up the belt) We will start with this.

WAYNE: Yeah, that’s what I… wait, where’s the ball with the spikes?

ROGER: This, Sir Wayne, is your belt.

WAYNE: Belt? I don’t need a belt! I need armor.

ROGER: Oh, Sir Wayne, you don’t understand. Without a belt, there is no armor.

WAYNE: How come?

ROGER: The belt holds it all together. It keeps things in place. The belt is the anchor around which a great suit of armor is built.

WAYNE: No kidding?

ROGER: The belt is like the truth we find in the Word of God. That truth helps us to keep our lives in order. It keeps us focused on God, and it helps us put everything in its proper place.

WAYNE: Just like a belt keeps my pants up.

ROGER: And it also keeps all your armor in place. (puts the belt on Sir Wayne) Trust me, Sir Wayne, the belt is the place to start. You center your life around the Word of God - I mean,   center your armor around this belt, and it won’t let you down.

WAYNE: Thank you, Armor Bearer. You are wise and clever. And a lot less scary than an     armored bear.

ROGER: I appreciate that. Come back next week, I’ll have some more armor ready.

WAYNE: But no bears!

ROGERS: No bears, Sir Wayne!





A belt

How many of you have ever been in the awkward position of having your pants fall down in public? It’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling, isn’t it? You’re playing hard, running from first base to second, and all of a sudden, your bottoms come loose from your bottom and drop down to your knees. It’s an awkward moment that could easily have been prevented - if only you had worn a belt.

Why did Paul choose the belt to represent God’s truth? Because that truth can keep us from    having awkward moments. The Word of God is truth, and that truth shows us the right way to live. When we make God’s truth our focus, we learn to avoid sin, to treat others with kindness, and to share the truth we believe with others.  

As we begin this series, let’s all make a commitment to learning more about God’s truth. Let’s put the belt of truth around our waist and let it be our guide.






A belt

An empty tissue box

Ping-pong balls


Choose one player for this game. Fill the empty tissue box with ping-pong balls, and attach it to the belt. Put the belt around the waist of the player with the tissue box on their back. The player will have 60 seconds to jump and shake all the ping-pong balls loose from the box. If they can complete the challenge in 60 seconds or less, they win a prize.


For double the excitement, have two players race to see who can empty their box the quickest.


The belt of truth holds our lives together and guides us in the right path.




God’s truth is our guide in life.


Kids will state why it is important to learn the truth of the Bible.


John 8:28-40, The Truth Will Set You Free


When you think of a suit of armor, what comes to mind first? For most of us, it’s probably the metal helmet, or maybe the breastplate of metal. We think of arms and legs covered in metal as well. We can picture all the plates of armor protecting the limbs, the back, the chest, and the head of a soldier. And let’s not forget the big sword and even bigger shield!

For as long as men have been going to war, they’ve been making suits of armor to go into battle. Today’s soldiers wear Kevlar vests and helmets with their camouflage gear, but the idea is very much the same. Soldiers want to come home in one piece, and they are willing to suit up in     armored gear to protect their bodies - and their lives.

In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul introduces us to a very different suit of armor. This armor isn’t designed for the military, but for all God’s children. Paul tells us we are involved in a spiritual battle, and if we want to get out unscathed, we need some special equipment.


The armor of God is our protection against temptation. It is our best defense against those who would try and turn us down the wrong path. We need to put on the full armor of God if we want to live godly lives, and today we’re going to start with the most unlikely piece of all - the belt.

Of all things, why does Paul start with the belt? When we talked about suits of armor a moment ago, I suspect a belt was the last thing any of you thought about, but even the Dark Knight of the comic books, Batman, relies on a belt. The belt holds all of his bat gear, but more importantly, like any suit of armor the belt holds everything together.

The armor of God includes the belt of truth. Truth can be found in the Word of God, and as Jesus teaches in today’s scripture, the truth can set us free.

READ JOHN 8:28-40


Jesus came to make us part of God’s family. The way to become one of God’s children is to learn the truth of God’s Word. God’s Word teaches us what sin is. It teaches us right from wrong and how we can lead a life that pleases God. We do these things not to earn the praise of men like the Pharisees, but to honor God and be a witness to others.

The Pharisees knew the Word of God, but they didn’t understand it. They saw a set of rules to enforce among the people, and they made the people slaves to these laws.

Jesus wanted to show people the truth of God’s Word. The Word of God was not another way to enslave people. It was given to set them free. When we follow the teachings of Jesus, we will not be a slave to the law or to sin. We will be members of God’s family. We will be free.


What happens if you don’t wear a belt? Your pants can slide down, can’t they? That can lead to some rather embarrassing moments, depending on where you are and what you do. Imagine catching a football right near the end zone - then tripping and fumbling the ball because your pants fell down. That would be pretty embarrassing.

The belt of truth can save us from such moments. Knowing God’s truth can help us avoid the embarrassment of sin. Knowing right and wrong, as the Bible teaches, can keep us on the right path. It guides us to follow Jesus and to make wise choices in all situations.

Likewise, knowing God’s truth can help us to be a positive witness for Jesus. The Pharisees were judgmental and cruel. They loved to find fault, and they loved to criticize people who sin. God wants us to be able to teach others about sin without judgment. We are all sinners, after all, and we all make mistakes. Instead of pointing fingers and judging others, we need to share the truth in love. We need to be like Jesus, not the Pharisees, loving others while showing them in words and actions the way to go.

The belt of truth is essential to the Armor of God. It guides us along the straight path, avoiding sin. It shows us how to be the best witness for Jesus we can be. God wants all of us to join his family. He wants to set us free. The belt of truth will set us free, and help us to show others the path to freedom.


Dear God,

Show us your truth and set us free.

In Jesus’ name,




Have you ever had an embarrassing moment because you forgot to wear a belt?


Ephesians 6:13

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Have the kids stand up in a circle close together. Have them all reach their hands into the circle and grab hands with the other kids at random. Then, without letting go of each other, see if the kids can untangle themselves into one big belt or circle.


Read John 8:28-40

What does the belt represent in the armor of God?

What does Jesus say the truth can do for us?

How does knowing the truth keep us from sin?

How can knowing God’s truth help us be a better witness for Jesus?

Why is it important to know God’s truth?


Dear God,

Thank you for revealing the truth in your Word!

In Jesus’ name,





Have you ever had an embarrassing moment because you forgot to wear a belt?


Ephesians 6:13

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Have the kids stand up in a circle close together. Have them all reach their hands into the circle and grab hands with the other kids at random. Then, without letting go of each other, see if the kids can untangle themselves into one big belt or circle.


Read John 8:28-40

What does the belt represent in the armor of God?

How can we learn the truth of God’s Word?

What does that truth teach us about sin?

How can truth help us to be better witnesses for Jesus?

Why is it important to know God’s truth?


Dear God,

Thank you for revealing the truth in your Word!

In Jesus’ name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Armor of God Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from KidsQuestVideos that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on the Belt of Truth.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Belt of Truth Sunday School Lesson:

'Belt of Truth' Sunday School Lesson (Ephesians 6:14) • MinistryArk 

Belt of Truth - Armor of God Bible Study Lesson - Creative Bible Study 

How to Win Against Sin Lesson Two: The Belt of Truth