What Is The Bible Pledge Or Pledge To The Bible?

The pledge to the Bible is a popular tool to use with children to help them understand what the Bible is and how they should view it. If you are not familiar with the pledge to the Bible and how it can greatly impact your children’s lives as they begin to study the Bible, then let me encourage you to read on and find out more about the pledge to the Bible. Obviously, the allegiance we pledge to the Bible does not go above our worship and love of Christ. Jesus is our Lord and our savior. He is the King of our lives. This pledge simply states that we will recognize the Bible for what it is, the very Word of God. And as we read it, study it, and learn it, the end goal is not simple head knowledge, but an impassioned heart, a desire to worship God that is driven from our knowledge of who he is and a love for him that burns in our heart that grows and develops as we read, study, memorize, meditate on, and share the Bible.



  • What Is the Pledge to the Bible?
  • Meaning of Pledge
  • Meaning of Allegiance
  • Children Will Learn: The Bible Is God’s Word
  • Children Will Learn: The Bible Is a Lamp for Their Feet and a Light for Their Path
  • Children Will Learn: God’s Words Can and Will Keep Them from Sinning against Him



I pledge allegiance to the Bible,

God’s holy word,

I will make it a lamp unto my feet

And a light unto my path

And will hide its words in my heart

That I might not sin against God.

These words, while simple enough for children to understand, are deep enough to stick with them throughout their lives.

Sure we may need to explain a few concepts to them, but having a child memorize and recite this pledge will plant the seeds of truth in their hearts. As they grow older, this truth will come rushing back to their mind at the right time helping them to understand the meaning behind the pledge.

The pledge started when an individual was called to start a Vacation Bible School movement. He linked a couple pieces of Scripture together and introduced the pledge. This pledge has been used in Vacation Bible Schools for almost 100 years now!



Let’s take a quick look at what it actually means to make a pledge to something. Parents may ask us what it means, so I think it’s good for us to be on the same page.

In general, a pledge is a promise that is being made. Another way of thinking about making a pledge is that the person making the pledge is committing to an undertaking of sorts. To actively engage in the pledge that they just made.

So the neat thing about children making a pledge to the Bible is that they are saying that they will be an active participant in the words that they are pledging. And the pledge to the Bible is full of words that require an active participant. Words such as:

Make it a lamp unto my feet

Hide its words in my heart

That I may not sin against God.

These are powerful phrases that require more than simple words from a child’s mouth. These phrases call the speaker to action. And that is exactly what making a pledge is all about.



Now that we understand the active nature of making a pledge, what is it that we are actually pledging? 

We are pledging our allegiance. Our loyalty. Our devotion. Our heart. Our lives.

So when our children pledge their allegiance to the Bible, they are committing themselves to its teaching and its authority.

When the children understand what it means to pledge their allegiance to the Bible, then imagine them submitting to the Bible’s teaching when it calls for them to “confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

How exciting will that be to know that seeds of truth were planted in their hearts as they learned the pledge to the Bible!



Now what will the children learn about God and the Bible as they learn the pledge to the Bible? What are those seeds that will be planted in their hearts as they commit this pledge to memory? Great question! There are several seeds that will be planted that can grow and flourish in the child’s heart as they continue to grow and mature in the faith. Here are a few of the seeds that will be planted:

Where are they learning this truth? In the first part of the pledge, “I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word.”

As with any seed that is planted, this may not seem like a lot at first. Three simple words. Nothing profound.

But, if they learn this as a child and continue to see it believed and modeled at home and in the church, then when the cultural tsunami of skepticism, disbelief, and higher literary criticism come rushing in, these three simple words will come rushing back to their minds and they will be able, Lord-willing, to stand firm in their beliefs that the Bible is God’s holy word.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says it as clear as pie, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”



This seed that will be planted from the memorization of the pledge to the Bible can help guide children as they grow older and begin making more and more decisions for themselves. 

As children grow older, the opportunity to make decisions for themselves comes rushing in at a much higher frequency. They will be confronted with choices that they never knew existed. Where are they going to go for wisdom and direction when confronted with those choices?

The prayer is that this seed planted in their minds and hearts will drive them to seek direction from the word of God. Hopefully they will know that the Bible will illuminate the dark, mysterious path before them, and will help guide them in their decision-making process.

Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path.”



There is NO better time to teach a child about this concept then…well, honestly, as soon as they are able to speak and listen! This is such an important concept for children to learn.

Our desire is to raise children who fear God, who love God, and who recognize that they need God’s help to live a life pleasing to Him. So to be able to teach them at a young age to trust in God’s promises and to not rely on their own strength to live a life of obedience to his Word will help keep them from leading a legalistic life.

We don’t want children to grow up thinking they just need to try harder to stop sinning. We want them to grow up recognizing that God’s word, hidden in their heart, can transform them to be people who say no to sin and yes to righteousness.

Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

So what do you think? Do you see the pledge to the Bible as a helpful resource to help the children in your church grown in their understanding of the Bible and who God is?

If so, you can download our Bible Pledge Coloring Page for FREE :-)