Bible Trivia Sunday School Lesson

Take a look at our Bible Trivia Sunday School Lesson! The Bible is God's Word, and after using this lesson, kids will be able to say what the Bible is and why we can trust it. In this lesson kids will learn trivia about the Bible itself, how many books are included, who wrote it, and why it can be trusted. The Bible teaches us who we are. It tells us that God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. It gives us answers for every situation we will encounter in life. The Bible is the single most important book on our bookshelves. It’s the one that should never gather dust because we need it the most. If you like this lesson, here is the entire Bible Trivia 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!
Bible Trivia Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
The Bible is God’s Word.
Kids will be able to say what the Bible is and why we can trust it.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
“We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes people proud, but love builds them up. Those who think they know something still don’t know as they should. But those who love God are known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 (NIrV)
In this lesson kids will learn trivia about the Bible itself, how many books are included, who wrote it, and why it can be trusted.
Dear God,
Thank you for the Bible.
In Jesus’name,
“We know that “We all possess knowledge.” But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know. But whoever loves God is known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 (NIV)
“We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes people proud, but love builds them up. Those who think they know something still don’t know as they should. But those who love God are known by God.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Three podiums for the host and contestants on a game show
A purse with money in it
An inflatable hammer
2M, 1F
Bob Sunshine - Game Show Host
Phil and Millie - Contestants
Game Show music plays as Bob runs on stage.
BOB: Hey there, everybody, and welcome to the Ultimate Trivia Show. This game isn’t your ordinary game show, folks. This is twelve rounds of intense competition we like to call the Ultimate Trivia Challenge! Let’s meet our first victims - oops, I mean contestants. First, he’s a telemarketer from Cleveland. Please say hello to Phil Brooks!
Phil enters and runs to a podium.
BOB: Next, she’s a dog groomer from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Give it up for Millie Franklin-Johnson!
Millie enters and runs to a podium. Bob walks to his podium.
BOB: Okay, here’s how we play. There will be twelve rounds in the Ultimate Trivia Show, and each round will have its own unique set of rules. Round one is Truth or Penalty. In this round, contestants, you will be asked one simple question. Get the question right, and you win a hundred dollars. Get it wrong, and you will have to pay the penalty.
PHIL: Penalty? What kind of penalty?
BOB: Millie, here is your first question. What book is known as the Word of God?
MILLIE: Oooh, that’s a tough one. Umm…
A buzzer sounds.
BOB: Oh, I’m sorry, Millie, you’re out of time. The answer is the Holy Bible. You haven’t told the truth, you’ll have to pay the penalty. This time the penalty is five bucks.
MILLIE: Oh, I think I have that in my purse. (pulls out five bucks) Here you go, Bob.
BOB: Thanks. Okay, Phil, over to you. Your question is, the Bible is divided into two parts: the Old and New What?
PHIL: Um. I don’t know.
BOB: Oh, I am sorry, Phil. The answer was Testament. You must pay the penalty.
Bob pulls out the inflatable hammer and hits Phil on the head.
PHIL: OWW! Hey, come on! All she had to do was pay five bucks!
BOB: Millie, we’re back to you. How many books are in the Old Testament?
MILLIE: Seven?
BOB: Oh, I am sorry. The answer was thirty-nine. This time, your penalty is you have to give up your shoes.
MILLIE: Is that all? (takes off her shoes) Here, take them. I have a spare in the green room.
BOB: Phil, we’re back to you. How many books in the New Testament?
PHIL: Thirty-nine?
PHIL: I’m sorry, the answer was twenty-seven.
Bob hits Phil with the hammer again.
PHIL: Hey, come on!
BOB: Our contestants are off to a rough start, but I think the show is going great.
MILLIE: Me too.
PHIL: Not me!
BOB: We have to take a break, but when we come back, we’ll get into round two!
Bob hits Phil again with the hammer.
PHIL: I didn’t even answer anything wrong that time!
BOB: You didn’t answer anything right either. Stick around, folks! We’ll be back!
A stack of reference or how-to books
Begin this lesson by going through the books. Ask the kids to read the titles and then guess what the books teach you.
People read books to learn everything: how to deal with the loss of a loved one, how to repair a motorcycle, how to perform magic tricks. Books can teach us a lot about life, skills, the world around us, sports, anything you can imagine.
God gave us a very special book we call the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word, given to men throughout ancient history. He gave these men the words to write so that we could know who God is and that God loves us. The Bible is filled with history, poetry and stories, all of which help us get to know our Creator.
The more we know our Bible, the more we know God. And the more we know God, the more we will know how God wants us to live. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a life that honors God.
Make sure the Bible isn’t just a book sitting on your shelf. Make the Bible the book you read the most!
Buzzers (if available)
Every week, the kids will be playing a quiz game, answering questions about the Bible, specifically answering questions about the lesson from the week before. Choose two players, and give them buzzers (if available) or have them raise their hands to answer. The kid who answers the most questions correctly wins.
Since this is week one, this will be a sort of “pre-test” quiz.
Here are the questions for week one:
What is the first book of the Bible?
The Bible is split into two parts called the old and new what?
What is the longest book of the Bible?
Isaiah and Daniel are two of the five books known as the Major what?
Name one of the four Gospel books that tells the story of Jesus.
In what book can we find the Ten Commandments?
EXODUS (DEUTERONOMY is also an acceptable answer)
What is the last book of the Bible?
The Bible is God’s Word.
Kids will be able to say what the Bible is and why we can trust it.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
How many of you guys like trivia? Do you ever play the trivia games on the video screens at restaurants? How many of you have played Trivial Pursuit with your family at home?
Even if you haven’t played a game called trivia, you’ve played at least one trivia game in your life. Any game that tests your knowledge of music, movies, television, arts, sciences, literature, or history, that’s trivia.
All of us are trivia experts at one thing or another. Some of you are probably experts in Pokemon trivia. Some of you are probably experts in your favorite books and movies. How many Harry Potterexperts do we have? How about Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Are there any Disney movie experts in here? What about Star Wars?
Trivia is a lot of fun, and sometimes, it’s even useful. How many of you know Bible trivia? Who here knows how many books are in the Bible? How many gospels are in the Bible, and where they are found? Can any of you name at least three authors of the Bible?
For the next twelve weeks, we’re going to be learning some amazing trivia about the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God, given to us so that we could have an answer in almost every life situation. The Bible tells us who we are, where we came from, who made us, and how much our Maker loves us. The Bible is our guide to knowing God and knowing how to live in a crazy world full of sin, sadness, beauty, and yes, even game shows. Here’s what Paul, one of the chief writers of the Bible, has to say about the book he helped write.
READ 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
The Bible was written down by men like Paul, but Paul tells us that every word of it is “God-breathed.” In other words, God inspired men like Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Moses, Daniel, Isaiah, Jonah, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and more to write the books that make up our Bibles. We can trust the Bible because the men who wrote it were inspired not by their own imaginations, but by the God they loved and served.
The Bible is filled with stories, many of which have been validated by archaeologists and historians. It is also full of poetry, parables, prophecy, wisdom, and teaching. Every part, from Genesis to Revelation, has a purpose. The Bible tells us who God is. It tells us that we were created by God, and that God loves us. It tells us that God has a plan for us, and if we follow that plan, we can live a life that honors God and leads others to a relationship with Him.
Here are a few more things to know about the Bible. First, the book we call the Bible is actually made up of sixty-six smaller books. These books are divided into two parts.
The Old Testament includes the first 39 books of the Bible. These books were written by the leaders of ancient Israel, men like Moses and Joshua; kings like David and Solomon; and prophets including Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Jonah. It tells the story of Creation and the beginning of the World. It introduces us to God, it shows us who God is, and it tells us how we were separated from God by sin.
The Old Testament also shows us that while God hates sin, he loves us very much. God punishes sin, but he also forgives when we tell him we are sorry. God also loved us enough that he made a plan to save us from sin.
The New Testament begins with God’s plan of salvation. God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins so he could give us new life. There are 27 books in the New Testament. The first four tell the story of Jesus, and the other 23 teach us how we can live for Jesus.
The New Testament was written by men who knew Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were all followers who saw him perform miracles with their own eyes. The Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, was an enemy of Jesus who became one of the leaders in the early church. Most of these men gave their lives for Jesus, just another reason why we can believe that the words they wrote are true.
The Bible teaches us who we are. It tells us that God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. It gives us answers for every situation we will encounter in life. The Bible is the single most important book on our bookshelves. It’s the one that should never gather dust because we need it the most. As we learn more trivia about the Bible in the next few months, I hope it will become the book you read most, now, and for the rest of your life.
Dear God,
Thank you for the Bible.
In Jesus’name,
What is your favorite game show?
1 Corinthians 8:1b-3
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Play the putter game from the Price is Right. You will need a putter, a golf ball, and in lieu of having a green with a hole, use a small cup set on its side. Who can make a hole in one?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
What is the Bible?
How many books are in the Bible?
Who were some of the men who wrote the Bible?
What does the Bible tell us about Jesus?
Why do we need to read the Bible?
Dear God,
Teach us to read the Bible every day.
In Jesus’ name,
What is your favorite game show?
1 Corinthians 8:1b-3
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Play the putter game from the Price is Right. You will need a putter, a golf ball, and in lieu of having a green with a hole, use a small cup set on its side. Who can make a hole in one?
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
How many books are in the Bible?
Who were some of the men who wrote the Bible?
What does the Bible teach us about God and us?
How do we know we can trust the Bible is true?
Why do we need to read the Bible?
Dear God,
Teach us to read the Bible every day.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Bible Trivia Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from ShareFaith Kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Bible Trivia.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Bible Trivia Sunday School Lesson:
Bible Trivia for Kids: Questions & Quiz Game for Children
270 Bible Trivia Questions + Answers (New & Old Testament)
Bible Quiz - DLTK-Bible
Bible Quiz Questions For Kids: 20 Q & A - What Christians Want To Know
Printable Bible Quiz Questions and Answers