Children's Ministry Curriculum Publishers

You're probably here because you did a Google search for "Children's Ministry Curriculum Publishers."  Did you know that if you search Google for "children's ministry" that Children's Ministry Deals is the first suggestion that pops up from Google.  That's pretty cool!

Children's Ministry Curriculum Publishers

Children's Ministry Deals is the #2 Children's Ministry curriculum publisher in the United States, yet we're only five years old.  In 5 short years we've been blessed with the largest social media presence of any of the Children's Ministry curriculum publishers, with over 120,000+ email subscribers, 80,000+ likes on Facebook, the largest Children's Ministry Facebook group with 15,000+ members, 39,000+ Pinterest followers, and 19,000+ YouTube channel subscribers.  That's unbelievable!

"Children's Ministry curriculum publishers die when the people creating the curriculum don't truly care about engaging with children." - Nevan Hooker, Founder of Children's Ministry Deals

​Here's some fun facts about the history of Children's Ministry Deals that we think are interesting (we're writing this in third person so it sounds cooler):

  • ​Founded by Nevan Hooker, a Milligan College and Regent University graduate who previously spent six years working at Southeast Christian Church, the 5th largest church in the United States before starting the website and then later starting a Children's Ministry curriculum publishing company called Children's Ministry Deals.
  • Groupon was super popular in 2011, which is what inspired the name Children's Ministry Deals.  
  • Children's Ministry Deals was an instant success when it launched, thanks in part to the very first curriculum series they launched called There's An App for That.  It was wildly popular because it was so current.  It has since been updated into the 2017 version called App Store 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.
  • After the surprise success of the new curriculum, several names were floated as the name of the curriculum being produced by the Children's Ministry Deals team, but eventually it ended up just being referred to as Children's Ministry Deals curriculum or CMD curriculum for short.
  • unFrozen is the most popular Christmas curriculum and program of all-time amassing more than 28,000+ downloads.
  • Children's Ministry Deals loves Chick-fil-a so much that they give away $100 Chick-fil-a gift cards on a regular basis.  If you're a Children's Ministry Deals customer for long enough, you'll eventually win one.  Waffle fries are yummy!
  • Children's Ministry Deals always celebrate April Fool's Day with a fake announcement that typically fools a large number of people.  In 2016 they announced that Ben Carson was taking over as the President of Children's Ministry Deals.  In 2015, they announced that Dave Ramsey loved Children's Ministry Deals so much that he bought the company.
  • What sets Children's Ministry Deals apart from so many other curriculum publishers is that they produce new series every month that are designed to be fun and use things kids are already familiar with to teach lessons from the Bible.  "I heard so many Children's Ministers say that all of their curriculum was missing one key ingredient - fun!  For too long, we've bought into the lie that teaching the Bible should be a boring.  That's simply not true.  Children's Church isn't about sending kids to theology school where they regurgitate facts.  It's about engaging them.  And, the best way to engage them is to use things they already know or like and tie them to Biblical truths," explains Nevan.  "And, that's not easy, because to do that you actually have to be engaged yourself and actually care.  Children's Ministry curriculum publishers die when no one engages or truly cares about actually reaching children.  That is typically what is happening to most traditional publishing companies because they're so old and have been turned into businesses ran according to the world's standards.  They are starting to go out of business because they're no longer actually engaging children."
  • Children's Ministry Deals launches new curriculum series all the time.  You can see what the newest series' are here.

Books of the Bible Children's Ministry Curriculum