10 Best Ways to Get Children's Ministry Volunteers - Poll Results
We asked our 15,000+ member Children's Pastors Only Facebook group what the best ways are to recruit Children's Ministry volunteers. This is how they voted:
There's no shortage of blog posts with random lists about how to recruit new Children's Ministry volunteers. But, this list is the most valuable one you'll find, because these are real answers from a large group of real people serving in Children's Ministry. These are the ways that are working and we hope you'll spend the majority of your time recruiting new volunteers using these proven methods.
1. Asking someone in person (overwhelming response).
This screenshot from the poll shows just how big this response was. It was number one by a long shot! This definitely shows that you're probably wasting your time if you're not asking people directly in person to volunteer in the Children's Ministry.
2. Getting student volunteers from the Youth Ministry.
3. Current volunteers getting others to serve with them.
4. Senior Pastor asking for Children's Ministry volunteers from the stage.
5. Intentional prayer that resulted in people volunteering without being asked.
6. Asking parents while dropping off their children.
7. Children's director making the announcement on stage and including very specific info...how many volunteers needed, etc.
8. Bulletin Inserts.
Since this made #8 on the list we just made 7 brand new totally free bulletin inserts to help you get Children's Ministry volunteers. Download them today!
9. Sharing my vision and heart for the kids ministry with individuals.
10. Facebook.
That's the top ten! Surprisingly, things that didn't make the list were:
- Email blasts
- Letters or postcard mailings
- Requiring parents to serve
Here's a short video from Jeremy with some additional thoughts on how to recruit Children's Ministry volunteers at your church.