Daniel and the Lions Sunday School Lesson

Daniel and the Lions Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
God will save us if we are faithful to Him.
Kids will learn that God is mighty to save us.
Daniel 6:1-23, Daniel In The Lion’s Den
“His miraculous signs are great. His wonders are mighty. His kingdom will last forever. His rule will never end.” Daniel 4:3 (NIrV)
The lion is one of the fiercest beasts in the entire world, and it takes skill to tame him. When Daniel was thrown into a den of hungry lions, he didn't need any special lion-taming skills to stay safe. He simply trusted the power of God, the one who created lions!
Dear God,
Thank you for being our strength and our hero.
In Jesus’ name,
“How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation.” Daniel 4:3 (NIV)
“His miraculous signs are great. His wonders are mighty. His kingdom will last forever. His rule will never end.” Daniel 4:3 (NIrV)
Have the kids read the verse together. Read it normally, then in a whisper, then really, really loud!
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
A ringmaster’s costume for Adam
A Biblical costume for Daniel
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Adam - A circus ringmaster
Daniel – A Prophet
Adam enters and takes center stage.
ADAM: Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, gather ‘round, and step right up! The Bible Circus is here to astound you with feats and sights strange and rare! Step right up and be the first to see what God has done for these amazing people. How amazing? What if I told you there was a man who not only tamed the lions, he had a slumber party with them? Introducing first the greatest animal tamer of all time, the amazing, the stupendous… Daniel!
Daniel enters and waves.
ADAM: Ladies and gentlemen, how would you like to spend the night surrounded by hungry lions?
DANIEL: I wouldn’t recommend it. Folks, don’t try this at home.
ADAM: This man went into a lion’s den of his own free will!
DANIEL: I wouldn’t put it that way. I was sort of coerced.
ADAM: Coerced?
DANIEL: Tossed in, I think describes it best.
ADAM: But you did choose entering the lion’s den rather than give up your faith?
DANIEL: Well once again, it was chosen for me, but no, I was not about to give up my faith!
ADAM: And why not?
DANIEL: Because I love the Lord! God is my Creator, and He loves me. And I’m not going to quit praying no matter what the law says.
ADAM: That’s right, folks, the king made a law that said if you bow before any god other than the king, you get fed to the lions.
DANIEL: In all fairness, he was tricked into making that law by my enemies.
ADAM: And you broke that law rather than betray your God.
DANIEL: And that’s when they threw me to the lions!
ADAM: You must have had nerves of steel!
ADAM: Ice in your veins!
ADAM: You were fearless!
DANIEL: No way! I was terrified. But I knew the Lord was with me.
ADAM: And how did you know?
DANIEL: Because God tamed the lions! He shut their mouths, they left me alone, and the next morning, I woke up beside them.
ADAM: You woke up alive!
DANIEL: That’s the only way to wake up!
ADAM: Isn’t that incredible? What a feat of strength!
DANIEL: Believe me, I had nothing to do with it. It was all God.
ADAM: You had faith, Daniel, and God showed He is mightier than the mighty jungle cat!
DANIEL: Actually, lions live in the Savannah, but yes, God is much stronger than that big, scary cat with the sharp, pointy teeth!
ADAM: God is mighty to save those who have faith! Come back next week, kids, and you’ll see another incredible attraction here at… the Bible Circus!!
A box of dog treats
Note: If someone has a dog they can bring in to do a few tricks, you can use that at the beginning of this lesson to show how a dog responds to treats.
If you have a dog at home, you know that dog will do just about anything for a treat. For centuries people have trained dogs to obey voice commands, to do tricks, and follow instructions, and dogs are more than happy to do it.
If you go to the zoo, you might see a lion or a tiger respond to whistles and commands to do what they call training behaviors. These wild animals are given treats when they obey, but don’t think for a moment that they are tame! They are some of the deadliest killers on planet Earth, completely untamed!
Daniel did not sleep in a den full of tame, content animals. The lions were kept hungry so they would devour anyone who even set foot in their territory. That makes the miracle of Daniel’s story even more remarkable. God was strong enough to shut the mouths of the lions and save His servant Daniel.
When we need strength, God will give that same strength to us as well. If we have faith even a fraction of Daniel’s, we can face any fear knowing that God is behind us and He is mighty to save!
A small step stool
Choose three players for this game. Each player will take a turn stepping up on the step stool and letting out their very best lion ROAR. Let the audience choose who did the best impression of a lion by applause afterwards.
For extra fun, get some simple lion costume pieces, such as a fake mane or fake paws, and make the players dress the part.
God is our greatest strength, even in a lion’s den!
God will save us if we are faithful to Him.
Kids will learn that God is mighty to save us.
Daniel 6:1-23, Daniel In The Lion’s Den
Back in the late 19th century, there was no Internet. There was no TV, there were no movies, and they didn’t even have radio! When people had free time, they entertained themselves with books and the occasional trip to the theater – when they could afford it. But once a year, the whole town lit up with excitement when the circus came to town!
The circuses of the late 1800s were a sight to behold. Trains up to a mile long would pull into town. Giant canvas tents sprang up overnight. Posters were slapped on every wall in town, advertising the amazing acts waiting to be seen. Circus men like P.T. Barnum, James Bailey, and Adam Forepaugh scoured the globe for one-of-a-kind attractions. Parents and children of all ages packed inside the tents to see acrobats, trapeze artists, bareback riders, daredevils, animal acts, and even wrestling shows.
From the very beginning, one of the most popular attractions was the lion tamer. Fans received a chill as the giant cage was set up in the center ring, preparing the stage for man and beast. The lions and tigers would be released into the cage, and the bold, brave lion tamer would thrill the fans by getting the vicious killers to sit up and roll over like kittens. It took nerves of steel for a man to train these wild beasts, to step into the cage with them every night, and in the dramatic finale, to stick their hand or head into the lion’s mouth!
Today, we begin our Bible Circusseries with a lion’s tale. This isn’t the story of a brave lion tamer, but a man who was tossed into a den of lions expecting to die. This is the story of a man of great faith who looked death in the face and discovered that God is stronger even than the king of beasts!
Daniel was a prophet who had served God for many years. He rose to great prominence in the kingdom of Babylon as an advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar, and he continued to serve the kings of Persia when Babylon was defeated. King Darius trusted Daniel more than any other man in his court, and it was out of jealousy that Daniel’s enemies wrote the unfair law that sent him to the lions.
There was never a question what Daniel would do. The question was, would God protect his servant? God showed that He is greater than any king, and stronger than any beast. God shut the mouths of the lions and the mouths of Daniel’s enemies. Daniel’s adventure in the lion’s den proved to King Darius, and to us, that God is mighty to save those who believe in Him.
The story of Daniel is a very timely one for us. We’re living in a time when the world is not so friendly to those who believe in our God. There are people who would want us to shut our mouths about our faith. You will find as you grow older that some of your classmates will challenge you to go against what you believe and make some choices that go against God’s Word. True, no one is ever likely to threaten you with being tossed into a den of lions, but peer pressure can be a very, very difficult challenge to overcome.
No one wants to feel like an outcast. That’s almost worse than being fed to the lions. But if you have the faith to stand up to peer pressure, God will give you the strength to stand firm.
God can use your faith to make you a witness to others. God will reveal Himself to your friends just as he did to King Darius. When you have the courage to stand strong, you may give another friend that same courage. You can set an example in faith and in purity for others to follow.
Standing up for God may seem scary at times. I am sure Daniel was quite terrified as he was led off to face the lions. But we can rest assured that if we are following God’s lead, He will not leave us to face our fears alone. The King of Kings was stronger than the king of beasts and greater than the king of Persia. He stands with those who stand for Him, and when we are in danger, He is mighty to save.
Don’t be afraid of the lions. Have faith, and God will be your strength!
Dear God,
Thank you for being our strength and our hero.
In Jesus’ name,
What is the most dangerous wild animal you’ve ever seen in person, at a circus or a zoo or elsewhere?
Daniel 4:3
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Do some strength building exercises together like some push ups, or sit ups, or lunges. Then flex those muscles and hulk it out!
Read Daniel 6:1-23
Who was Daniel?
What unfair law did Daniel’s enemies convince the king to pass?
What happened when Daniel was thrown in the den of lions?
Who really saved Daniel?
What does this story teach us about how God helps his faithful followers?
Dear God,
Give us the courage to always be faithful.
In Jesus’ name,
What is the most dangerous wild animal you’ve ever seen in person, at a circus or a zoo or elsewhere?
Daniel 4:3
Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.
Do some strength building exercises together like some push ups, or sit ups, or lunges. Then flex those muscles and hulk it out!
Read Daniel 6:1-23
Why did Daniel’s enemies convince the king to pass an unfair law?
Why didn’t Daniel stop praying?
Who really saved Daniel?
What does this story teach us about how God helps his faithful followers?
How do we know that God will be our strength when we need Him?
Dear God,
Give us the courage to always be faithful.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Daniel and the Lions Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from The Beginner Bible that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Daniel and the Lions.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Daniel and the Lions Sunday School Lesson:
Sunday School Curriculum-Daniel and the Lions - DLTK-Bible
Daniel and the Lions Bible Lesson Plan - DLTK-Bible
Sunday School Lesson: Daniel in the Lions Den - Ministry-To-Children
Daniel and the Lions Den Story - Daniel 6 Sunday School Lesson