Doughnuts Sunday School Lesson

Doughnuts Sunday School LessonCheck out our Doughnuts Sunday School Lesson! Teach kids that the 10 Commandments can help us lead a good life. God wanted his people Israel to live as sweet a life as possible, so he gave them 10 commandments for being “sweet” to him and “sweet” to others. The Ten Commandments are not simply a list of do nots.They are a recipe to make life sweeter than any doughnut. I pray that each of you will memorize this recipe. Then all of you will see just how sweet life can be when we follow Gods lead. By the end of this lesson, kids will be able to share what the 10 Commandments are. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids! Here is our Doughnuts 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum.

Doughnuts Sunday School Lesson for Kids:


The 10 Commandments can help us lead a good life.


Kids will share what the 10 Commandments are.


Exodus 20:1-20; The 10 Commandments


“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8 (NIV)


God wanted his people Israel to live as sweet a life as possible, so he gave them 10 commandments for being “sweet” to him and “sweet” to others.


Dear God,

Thank you for teaching us the way to live.

In Jesusname,




“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8 (NIV)

Never stop reading this Book of the Law. Day and night you must think about what it says. Make sure you do everything written in it. Then things will go well with you. And you will have great success.Joshua 1:8(NIrV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.






A counter, an apron, doughnuts




Doughnut Dave - A podcaster

Murray - The doughnut maker

Murray is on stage behind a counter covered in doughnuts. Doughnut Dave enters.

DAVE: Yo, whats up, kids? Im Doughnut Dave, and youre listening to the Doughnut Man, right here on the Kids Podcast Network! Thanks for tuning into my first episode.

MURRAY: Welcome to Doughnut Hut. How may we serve you?

DAVE: Check it out, kids! Were in a real doughnut shop with a real doughnut man!  

MURRAY: Kids? What kids? I dont see any kids.

DAVE: Hey, Doughnut Man, how many different kinds of doughnuts do you have?

MURRAY: Well, we have chocolate iced, strawberry iced, glazed, powdered sugar

DAVE: Whoa, dude! Thats a lot of doughnuts!

MURRAY: We have crullers, Bavarian cream, Long Johns, Lemon filled

DAVE: Say, Doughnut Man, could I get a dozen?

MURRAY: A dozen? Sure, you can get a dozen!

DAVE: How about a dozen minus two?

MURRAY: Well, I suppose you can. But its cheaper to get a dozen than ten. You see

DAVE: Thats okay with me, Dude, do you know why?

MURRAY: Dude? Are you calling me a dude?

DAVE: I sure am, Dude! I want ten doughnuts so I can show kids how sweet life can be!

MURRAY: Okay, but believe me, twelve is sweeter than ten.

DAVE: But ten is the number of commandments that God gave us!

MURRAY: God? Ten Commandments? What does that have to do with doughnuts?

DAVE: Are you kidding? The Ten Commandments make life as sweet as any doughnut!

MURRAY: They do?

DAVE: The Ten Commandments teach us to be sweet to God and sweet to others.

MURRAY: Are we talking glazed doughnut sweet? Chocolate iced sweet?

DAVE: And when were sweet to God and others, life becomes sweeter for us too.

MURRAY: So thats why you want a dozen minus two?

DAVE: Thats right, my good man!

MURRAY: Hey, it makes no difference to me. You want sweet doughnuts, Ill give you sweet.

DAVE: And God will give all of us a sweeter life when we do one thing.

MURRAY: Eat doughnuts!

DAVE: Follow the Ten Commandments!

MURRAY: I was gonna say that.





A recipe book with a recipe for doughnuts

Bring one of the kids up front. Have them read the directions for making doughnuts.

How many of you have made doughnuts at home? Doughnuts can be complicated or simple. They can be big or small. They can have a hole in the middle or they can be the hole itself. The most important thing is that a doughnut needs to be sweet. When we follow the directions, we can make the sweetest doughnuts youll ever taste.

God has given us a recipe for a sweet life. Its called the Ten Commandments, and these ten commandments teach us about loving God and loving others. Some people see them just as a list of things were not allowed to do. God is trying to steer us away from doing things that will hurt others. He wants us to do good. He wants us to respect him, and he wants us to be kind to other people.

The Ten Commandments are easy to learn, and when we start to live them, life will become sweeter for us as well. Ask God to help you learn the Ten Commandments. Youll be amazed how sweet life can be!





A blindfold



Pick three kids to play this game. Blindfold each one in turn, and give them a bite of one doughnut. The kids must guess what type of doughnut it is, and if they get it right they win a prize.


Keep it simple for little kids - powdered sugar, chocolate, glazed, etc. Mix it up for older kids. Try lemon, or Boston cream. Or see if they can identify the doughnut shop (chain or local) that made the doughnuts.


Following the Ten Commandments can make our lives sweeter.




The 10 Commandments can help us lead a good life.


God wanted his people Israel to live as sweet a life as possible, so he gave them 10 commandments for being “sweet” to him and “sweet” to others.


Exodus 20:1-20, The 10 Commandments


Everybody has their favorite foods, and we all have preferences for some things over other things. Some people like steak, and some prefer chicken. Some like veggies, others like fruit. Some like gummi candies, others prefer chocolate. Theres a whole world of variety out there when it comes to food, and theres hardly any food categories we can all agree on. Except maybe one.

Is there anyone in here who doesnt like doughnuts? Its hard to find anyone who doesnt have an appreciation for the yummy, sweet goodness of doughnuts. Doughnuts are perfect for breakfast, or for a dessert to snack on later in the day. No, theyre not especially healthy, but they are so sweet to eat!

Perhaps its the remarkable variety of doughnuts that makes them so popular. There are thick cake doughnuts, fluffy yeast doughnuts, and lighter crullers. There are iced doughnuts, glazed doughnuts, and doughnuts covered in powdered sugar. There are doughnuts with a hole, doughnut holes, and long johns. There are doughnuts filled with jelly, lemon, cream, and custard.

Some specialty doughnut shops have become really creative with doughnuts. These days you can find square doughnuts, croissant doughnuts, doughnuts topped or filled with bacon, doughnuts with peanut butter icing and jelly filling, doughnuts topped with candy or cereal.

Whatever your preference for doughnuts may be, theres no denying one fact: doughnuts are sweet, and eating them makes life sweeter.

Doughnuts are usually sold a dozen at a time, but as you may have noticed, todays lesson is called A Dozen Minus Two.Were not trying to short you on doughnuts, but we are going to use doughnuts to draw your attention to ten things that can make a sweet difference in your life. Im talking about Gods law, the Ten Commandments, that God gave to Moses and his people Israel.



Believe it or not, this passage marks the first time anyone recorded any commands from God about how to live. The Ten Commandments taught us what sin was. They taught us that it is wrong to disrespect God, disobey our parents, to steal, to kill, to covet, or to do any harm to someone else out of jealousy or bitterness.

But the Ten Commandments are more than just a list of do nots.If we learn to follow the Ten Commandments, we will eliminate things from our life that cause us to do harm to others. Instead of hurting other people, we can make life sweeter. We will be more kind to our friends and neighbors. We will be more loving to our families. Most important, we will learn to treat God with respect.

The Ten Commandments make life sweeter because they teach us to be sweeter!


Every morning, at bakeries and restaurants chains around the world, bakers go into work while we are still asleep. Why? Because its time to make the doughnuts. They fire up the ovens, the fryers, and the other devices used for making doughnuts. They follow carefully crafted recipes to make the perfect doughnuts. Then they top them with chocolate icing, powdered sugar, sweet glaze, cinnamon, and any number of ways!

A doughnut recipe is a set of step-by-step instructions that lead to a sweeter breakfast. The Ten Commandments are step-by-step instructions to a sweeter life. By learning what we need to do to honor God, we will focus more in putting God first and keeping ourselves from chasing false gods. Likewise, by learning what not to do to our parents, our siblings, our friends, and even people we dont know, we can focus more on doing good to them.

Whats more, being sweet to others makes life sweeter for us. God will bless us for the love and kindness we show others, and that love and kindness is usually returned. Our sweet behavior will inspire others to be kinder and more loving to the people around them, making our schools, our community, and our world a sweeter place to be.

The Ten Commandments are not simply a list of do nots.They are a recipe to make life sweeter than any doughnut. I pray that each of you will memorize this recipe. Then all of you will see just how sweet life can be when we follow Gods lead.


Dear God,

Thank you for teaching us the way to live.

In Jesusname,




How many doughnuts have you eaten at one time? (The most ever!)


Joshua 1:8

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Play a ring toss game, using actual doughnuts (if you have them) or ring toss toys.


Read Exodus 20:1-20

What are the Ten Commandments?

Who gave the Ten Commandments to Moses?

What are some of the Commandments?

How can knowing the Ten Commandments make life sweeter for other people?

How can they make life sweeter for us?


Dear God,

Help us to learn and obey your commands.

In Jesusname,





How many doughnuts have you eaten at one time? (The most ever!)


Joshua 1:8

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to todays story.


Play a ring toss game, using actual doughnuts (if you have them) or ring toss toys.


Read Exodus 20:1-20

Who gave us the Ten Commandments?

Why do you think God gave us these commands?

What do these commands teach us about loving God?

How can knowing the Ten Commandments make life sweeter for other people?

How can they make life sweeter for us?


Dear God,

Help us to learn and obey your commands.

In Jesusname,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Doughnuts Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Children's Ministry Deals that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Doughnuts.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Doughnuts Sunday School Lesson: 

30 Best Doughnuts Children's Ministry Curriculum Ideas 

Life Lesson from a Donut | Youth Ministry | Donuts, Doughnuts, Recipes 

Life Without Jesus Is Like A Donut / Thanksgiving