Ice Cream Sunday School Lesson

Ice Cream Sunday School Lesson
FREE Ice Cream Sunday School Lesson! This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School!  By the end of this lesson kids will learn that Sunday is a time to gather and grow closer to God and they will be able to name one way they will grow closer to God. Everyone loves an ice cream sundae, a delightful mix of ice cream, syrup, and other toppings. God wants us to love and cherish Sundays, when we come together to worship Jesus. God doesnt want us to treat church as drudgery. God is our Creator. He gave us this beautiful world full of sweet wonderful things like flowers, sunshine, rainbows, and yes, even ice cream. Whats more, God sent his son Jesus to do the sweetest thing of all. He died for our sins so he could forgive us and give us new life. Be sure to check out our Ice Cream 8-Week Children's Ministry CurriculumAnd, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Ice Cream Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


Sunday is a time to gather and grow closer to God.


Kids will name one way they grow closer to God on Sundays.


2 Chronicles 7:1-10, Solomon Dedicates the Temple


Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.Psalm 34:8 (NIV)


Everyone loves an ice cream sundae, a delightful mix of ice cream, syrup, and other toppings. God wants us to love and cherish Sundays, when we come together to worship Jesus.


Dear God,

Thank you for meeting us on Sunday mornings.  

In Jesusname,




Taste and see that the Lord is good;blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who goes to him for safety.Psalm 34:8 (NIrV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Give all the kids a Bible.  Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.






An ice cream sundae


1M, 1F


Jon and Cassie - Two friends who love ice cream

Jon enters. He stands at center stage, staring at the audience. He screams, AAAAAH!Pause, then he screams again. He screams several times, every time with the same volume and intensity. Cassie enters, carrying an ice cream sundae.


JON: Oh, hey, Cassie.

CASSIE: What are you doing?

JON: Introducing the new theme to these kids.

CASSIE: Really? By screaming at them?

JON: Hey, it wasnt my idea!

CASSIE: Then who told you to scream at them?

JON: No one.

CASSIE: No one told you to scream at them, and yet here you are, screaming at the top of your lungs.

JON: Not at the top of my lungs, no. I dont want to lose my voice. But I can do it if you really want me to.

Jon screams a truly loud and blood-curdling scream.

CASSIE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, lets chill out on the screaming.

JON: Hey, is that an ice cream sundae?

CASSIE: Yes it is.

JON: Can I have a bite? My throat really hurts after that one.

CASSIE: Sure thing.

Jon takes the ice cream and takes a bite.

JON: Wow, this is good.

CASSIE: Isnt it?

JON: So what are you doing with ice cream in the middle of church?

CASSIE: Same as you, introducing the new theme.

JON: You silly, the new theme isnt about ice cream sundaes, its called I Scream.(pause, Jon starting to figure this out) Oh wait a minute! ICE cream! Not I scream, but ICE cream!

CASSIE: Is that why you were screaming?

JON: Im such a goof.

CASSIE: Its okay, Jon, we all make mistakes, and God is quick to forgive us when we do. Thats just one of the many things we learn when we come to church.

JON: Youre right, and Im so glad he does forgive me because I make a lot of mistakes.

CASSIE: This series is all about the sweet life we can have in Jesus, and it begins with one special day. Can you guess what day it is?

JON: International Ice Cream Day?

CASSIE: Wrong.

JON: My birthday?

CASSIE: Come on, Jon, concentrate.

JON: You got me stumped.

CASSIE: Whats this thing in my hand called again?

JON: An ice cream sunOHHHHHH, I get it! Sunday!

CASSIE: Sunday is the day we come together and learn about God. When we come ready to meet Jesus, Sunday can be just as sweet as gathering with friends to eat sundaes.

JON: Id say its even sweeter!

CASSIE: Well, I think weve done our job for this week. Wanna come share an ice cream sundae with me?

JON: Are you crazy? No way!

CASSIE: No way?

JON: I dont want to share one with you. I want one of my own. Do we have any butterscotch?

Jon and Cassie exit.



Ice cream syrups - chocolate, caramel, butterscotch, strawberry, etc.

Let the kids identify each of the different ice cream toppings. Ask the kids who is a fan of chocolate? Caramel? Butterscotch? What other favorites do the kids have?

Ice cream sundaes are a special treat, and theres nothing more fun than building your own. You can pick your own syrup. You can top it with nuts or sprinkles or candy. You can add whipped cream, and if you really want to go all out, you can add a cherry on top.

Sundays are also special days for those who believe in Jesus. On Sunday we gather to remember all the sweet things the Lord has done for us. We sing songs to the Lord, thanking him for his sweetness. And we learn from Gods Word all of the sweet things he has in store for us.

God wants us to savor the flavor of Sundays. He wants us to join together to learn just how sweet it is to trust in Jesus. I hope all of you will make a point of joining us each week in this series as we learn more about the sweet life we can have following Jesus.





Caramel syrup

Butterscotch syrup


Choose three kids to play this game.

Each kid will take a turn wearing the blindfold. When the blindfold is on, give each kid a spoonful of caramel or butterscotch. If they can identify the syrup correctly, they win a prize.


A harder variation for older kids would be a sniff contest. Blindfold the players and see if they can correctly identify chocolate, caramel, and butterscotch by their smell.


Sundays, like sundaes, are sweet because we come together to learn about Jesus.




Sunday is a time to gather and grow closer to God.


Kids will name one way they grow closer to God on Sundays.


2 Chronicles 7:1-10, Solomon Dedicates the Temple


The Bible tells us that we can have a sweet life if we follow Jesus. Over and over, we see the things that Jesus and his Heavenly Father have done for us, and we see that theres nothing sweeter than knowing the Lord. For the next eight weeks, were going to explore the sweet life we can have with Jesus. I cant think of a better theme to help us learn about the sweet life than ice cream!

There are few things in this world sweeter than ice cream, and there are few kids who would say no to ice cream. Whether your favorite flavor is chocolate, vanilla, rocky road, butter pecan, mint chip, cookies and cream, or even sherbet, theres a flavor of frozen treat to suit everyones tastes.

As if the many flavors of ice cream wasnt enough, there are countless ways to eat ice cream. Ice cream can become milkshakes, malts, blizzards, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream bars, parfaits, and todays special treat, the ice cream sundae.

An ice cream sundae is a good idea made better. Sure, that ice cream was pretty good all on its own, but now, youre adding syrup on top. Chocolate, caramel, strawberry, butterscotch, hot fudge take your pick. Ice cream just cant get any better now, can it?

Sure it can! After the syrup comes the whipped cream. Then if you want, you can add nuts, or sprinkles, or even a dusting of Oreo cookies. And to top it all off, what does almost everyone add? A cherry on top!

The word Sundaein ice cream sundae is spelled differently than the day we come to church, but theres something sweet about the day Sunday. Sunday is the time when we come together to learn more about the God who made us and loves us. When we come ready to meet the Lord, Sunday can be a very special day, just like the one in todays scripture.



Before King Solomon, the people of Israel had no place of worship. The Ark of the Covenant, the focus of the peoples worship, had long been kept in a tent rather than a building. Now, finally, the people had a place like the church we call home to meet with the Lord.

In verse one we see that the Lord came to inhabit his temple in a very real and powerful way. Solomon and the people were so moved, they worshipped all day. Not just one day, mind you, but for two whole weeks! The people finally went home, joyful and thankful to have had such an encounter with the Lord.

Meeting Jesus on Sunday should be just as joyful as the encounter Solomon and his people had in the temple. Sunday can be sweeter than an ice cream sundae, filled with the joy that only comes from Jesus.


Lets be honest: I bet some of you in here werent feeling joyful when you got up this morning. You werent thinking about our sweet Savior and how sweet it is to come together and worship him. You were thinking, Im tired! I was so busy yesterday! I have to get up early and go to school tomorrow! Why do I have to get up on a Sunday and go to church?

God doesnt want us to treat church as drudgery. God is our Creator. He gave us this beautiful world full of sweet wonderful things like flowers, sunshine, rainbows, and yes, even ice cream. Whats more, God sent his son Jesus to do the sweetest thing of all. He died for our sins so he could forgive us and give us new life.

When you take the time to remember all the good things God has done, getting up on Sunday becomes less of a chore. It becomes something we look forward to, knowing that were going to have an encounter with the Lord who loves us. Like the Israelites, we can meet the God who sent fire from Heaven and inhabited the temple. We can worship him and go home with the same joy they took away from those two weeks of worship.

Next Sunday, I want you to be excited when you get up. I want you to think of sundaes with an Eand remember all the sweet gifts God has given you. Lets make Sunday a sweet time, when we can remember all the good the Lord has done for us.


Dear God,

Thank you for meeting us on Sunday mornings.  

In Jesusname,




How do you like to top your ice cream sundae?


Psalm 34:8

Give all the kids a Bible.  Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.


Teach the kids to sing the first verse of Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.Can the kids make up any motions to go with the song?


Read 2 Corinthians 7:1-10

Why did Solomon build the temple?

What happened after Solomon finished praying?

Why couldnt the priests enter the temple?

How long did the people continue worshipping God?

What is one way youve grown closer to God on Sundays?


Dear God,

Thank you for our church.

In Jesusname,




How do you like to top your ice cream sundae?


Psalm 34:8

Give all the kids a Bible.  Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.


Teach the kids to sing the first verse of Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.Can the kids make up any motions to go with the song?


Read 2 Corinthians 7:1-10

Why did Solomon build the temple?

What happened after Solomon finished praying?

Why did the people continue worshipping for two weeks?

Have you ever felt like the people of Israel when they finally left the temple, after church?

What is one way youve grown closer to God on Sundays?


Dear God,

Thank you for our church.

In Jesusname,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Ice Cream Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Ice Cream Sunday School Lesson: 

Ice Cream Cone Sunday School Lesson- Psalms 104:34

Bible Snack: Ice Cream in a Bag - Children's Ministry Magazine

8 Cool Ice Cream Snacks for Bible Stories - Children's Ministry Magazine