Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson

Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson
Here is our FREE Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson! Teach kids that Jesus is our protector. By the end of this lesson, kids will learn that Jesus is always looking out for them. This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! Some of us wear floaties in the pool in order to feel safe and secure. Kids will learn that they can always trust that Jesus is watching out for them. Jesus has been watching over you since the day you were born. He is watching over you now and will continue to watch over you, day and night, all your life. Jesus is there because he wants you to know him personally and trust him as your Savior. When life gets scary, we can go to Jesus and pray, and God will give you the comfort you need to face any danger. What scares you? What is it that makes you afraid? You can trust those fears to Jesus because he is already watching out for you. Give your fears, and your heart, to Jesus, and get to know the one who can protect you far better than any pair of floaties. Check out our Pool Party 5-Week Summer Children's Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson for Kids:


Jesus is our protector.


Kids will learn that Jesus is always looking out for them.


Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms The Storm


"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord- Acts 3:19 (NIV)


Some of us wear floaties in the pool in order to feel safe and secure. Kids will learn that they can always trust that Jesus is watching out for them.


Dear God,

Thank you for always looking out for us.

In Jesusname,



"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord- Acts 3:19 (NIV)

So turn away from your sins. Turn to God. Then your sins will be wiped away. The time will come when the Lord will make everything new.-Acts 3:19 (NIrV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Give all the kids a Bible. Let the kids race to see who can find the verse first. Let that kid read to the group.





A whistle

Two pairs of floaties

A beach towel

A pool chair




Chuck- An over-enthusiastic lifeguard

Caroline- A swimmer

Caroline enters with a beach towel on her arm. She walks to the chair and lays down the towel.

CAROLINE: Man, what a hot day! That pool is going to feel so good after being out in this hot sun. I cant wait to get in!

Chuck enters from behind Caroline. He is wearing a pair of floaties and a whistle. He carries a second pair of floaties. He blasts the whistle, scaring Caroline.

CHUCK: Just one moment, sister!

CAROLINE: Goodness, you scared me.

CHUCK: Not half as bad as you scare me. As a member of the Bushwood Pool Club Safety Team, I could not help but notice you are not prepared for the pool.

CAROLINE: Sure I am. I have my swimsuit, I have a towel, I put on sunscreen.

CHUCK: Are you sassing me, maam?

CAROLINE: I dont think so.

CHUCK: Maam, look at my arms. Now look at yours. What are you missing?

CAROLINE: Well, it looks like you have floaties.

CHUCK: Thats right, maam. The pool can be a dangerous place, and if you want to hit the water, youve got to be safe.

CAROLINE: But I know how to swim! I am safe!

CHUCK: Maam, if you want to go into this pool, youre going to have to wear the proper safety equipment.

CAROLINE: Im telling you, I dont need them. I am comfortable in the water, and I dont need floaties. I will be fine.

CHUCK: Wow. Ive never met anyone so reckless about safety. Youre not afraid of anything, are you?

CAROLINE: I wouldnt say that. There are things that make me a little afraid, but rather than let fear get to me, I give those fears to Jesus.

CHUCK: Whos Jesus?

CAROLINE: Whos Jesus? Hes Gods Son! He loves me, and hes always watching out for me.

CHUCK: So hes your swim buddy?

CAROLINE: Hes way more than that. Jesus is with me wherever I go, and hes always watching out for me.

CHUCK: And you think this Jesus can protect you in the pool?

CAROLINE: Well, one time he walked on water, and another time he calmed a storm. So yeah, I feel pretty safe.

CHUCK: I cant argue with that, maam. You may swim without floaties at your own risk.

CAROLINE: Thanks, but like I said, I am not afraid. Jesus is watching out for me everywhere I go.




Floaties and a flotation ring

Have the adult leader giving the talk put on the floaties and the flotation ring before coming onto stage.

If you saw an adult show up at the pool dressed to swim like this, what would you think?

You dont often see adults in floaties, do you? Floaties are for kids. Theyre for beginner swimmers who arent as confident in the water.

An experienced swimmer would never wear floaties. But even adults know to put on life jackets when they go out on the lake. Its being smart. Its protecting yourself just in case something goes wrong.

Floaties and life jackets are good protection in the water, but they cant protect you from everything. Thankfully, God sent his son Jesus to be our friend, our comforter, and our protector in times of need. Jesus is always looking out for us. Hes there when we dont realize hes there. And hes there when we dont know we are in danger.

Jesus is our protector. With him on our side, we have nothing to fear. Lets thank Jesus for his amazing love and never-ending protection.





Two floaties and a flotation ring


Choose one team of three people. The players will have 60 seconds to suit up one team member with the floaties and ring. The kids will have to inflate all three flotation devices and then get them on to one of the team members before time expires.


This can also be a race for two teams to get its person suited up first. For younger kids, inflate the floaties and the ring before the game begins to make it easier.


Floaties protect us in the water, but Jesus protects us all the time.




Jesus is our protector.


Kids will learn that Jesus is always looking out for them.


Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms The Storm


Its summer time, and that means everyones in for a nice, long break from school - unless youre in year-round school of course. But even then, summer means a special kind of fun in between classes. It means warm temperatures and sunny days. It means playing outside and enjoying a cool popsicle when you get over-heated. And if youre lucky, it means lots of time spent in the cool, refreshing waters of a swimming pool.

How many of you have a pool? Who knows someone who has a pool or belongs to a community pool? Who here plans to be in a pool as often as you can this summer?

I dont blame you! Pools area lot of fun, and theyre a great way to cool off. Thats why weve decided to declare the next several weeks to be a pool party. No, that doesnt mean well be getting into a pool every week, but it does mean well be using the pool to help us learn a little something about Jesus.

Today, of course, were talking about pool safety. Pools are a lot of fun, but they can be dangerous, especially for kids who arent yet strong swimmers. From an early age, those of you who were going into the water took along some safety protection. You may not have known it at the time, but those cool inflatable arm floaties and that colorful swim ring you played in were designed for your protection. They were given to you so you would be able to play and not be afraid, but more importantly, they were given to you to help keep you safe.

But how do we stay safe out of the water? How can we protect ourselves from other dangers? We have parents and teachers to look out for us sometimes, but not all of the time. Thankfully, we have someone more powerful than Mom or Dad, and more effective than floaties, to keep us safe. We have Gods Son, Jesus.

READ MARK 4:35-41


Jesus disciples were terrified. Many of them had been fishermen, and they knew the dangers of being on the sea in a bad storm. They were afraid for their lives, and they could not understand why Jesus wasnt afraid too!

When Jesus saw the disciplesfear and the waves, he spoke and instantly calmed the storm. Jesus showed the disciples, and us, that he is more powerful than any storm. Jesus is Gods Son, and he has the power to protect us from all sorts of danger. We can feel safe even in a terrible storm because we have Jesus.


The disciples asked Jesus, Why arent you worried? Dont you see were in danger?They couldnt understand why Jesus wasnt afraid. But you know what the better question to ask would have been? Why were the disciples afraid? How could they be afraid, knowing that they were with Jesus?

Calming the storm wasnt Jesus first miracle. In the book of Mark, Jesus has already cast out demons, caused the disabled to walk, and healed the sick, including the disciple Peters mother-in-law! They knew how powerful Jesus was, and yet they were still afraid.

The disciples were still learning to have faith. They were still learning to trust that Jesus was looking out for them. In the coming years, all of them but the one who betrayed him would grow to have an unshakable faith. They would all face prison and even death for Jesus! But that faith grew one day at a time, one step at a time, as they got to know Jesus.

Jesus has been watching over you since the day you were born. He is watching over you now and will continue to watch over you, day and night, all your life. Jesus is there because he wants you to know him personally and trust him as your Savior. When life gets scary, we can go to Jesus and pray, and God will give you the comfort you need to face any danger.

What scares you? What is it that makes you afraid? You can trust those fears to Jesus, because he is already watching out for you. Give your fears, and your heart, to Jesus, and get to know the one who can protect you far better than any pair of floaties.


Dear God,

Thank you for always looking out for us.

In Jesusname,





Whats your favorite place to go and swim?


Acts 3:19

Give all the kids a Bible. Let the kids race to see who can find the verse first. Let that kid read to the group.


Play a game of hot potato with a beach ball. Play music as the kids pass the ball around, and when the music stops, the kid holding the ball is out. Keep going until theres one person standing.


Read Mark 4:35-41

Where were the disciples when the storm hit?

What was Jesus doing when the storm hit?

What did the disciples ask Jesus when they woke him up?

What did Jesus do?

How long has Jesus been watching over each one of us?


Dear God,

Give us comfort when we are scared, and protect us from danger.

In Jesus name,





Whats your favorite place to go and swim?


Acts 3:19

Give all the kids a Bible. Let the kids race to see who can find the verse first. Let that kid read to the group.


Play a game of hot potato with a beach ball. Play music as the kids pass the ball around, and when the music stops, the kid holding the ball is out. Keep going until theres one person standing.


Read Mark 4:35-41

What did the disciples ask Jesus when they woke him up?

How did Jesus calm the storm?

Why do you think the disciples were afraid, even with Jesus in the boat?

How long has Jesus been watching over each one of us?

What should we do when we are afraid?


Dear God,

Give us comfort when we are scared, and protect us from danger.

In Jesus name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Jesus Calms the Storm Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Jesus Calming the Storm. 

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson: 

Sunday School Lesson: Jesus Calms the Storm on the Sea of Galilee 

Peace! Be Still! - Children's Sermons from

Jesus Calms the Storm Sunday School Lesson