John the Baptist Sunday School Lesson

John the Baptist Sunday School Lesson For Kids:
God has a purpose for you life right now.
Kids will learn they can serve God even while they are young.
Luke 1:5-23, 39-45, 76, 80. John the Baptist’s story.
“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”- Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
Sometimes we think that we have to be a grown up to find our purpose. But kids will learn that God has a plan for their lives right now.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving each one of us a purpose. Help us to start serving you now, while we are still kids.
In Jesus’name,
“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”- Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
“I can do all this by the power of Christ. He gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
A desk, three chairs
Mrs. Simpson- John the Baptist’s first grade teacher
Elizabeth- John the Baptist’s mother
John the Baptist, age 6
Mrs. Simpson sits at a teacher’s desk. Two empty chairs are on the other side of the desk. Elizabeth enters.
LIZ: Excuse me, are you Mrs. Simpson?
SIMPSON: You must be John’s mother. It’s nice to meet you.
LIZ: Same here.
SIMPSON: Won’t you sit down?
LIZ: Thank you.
They both sit.
SIMPSON: Thank you for coming in. We here at Nazareth Elementary like to touch base with our parents from time to time. We know that parents like to know how their children are doing.
LIZ: Yes, of course.
SIMPSON: As you know, we are a five star school, with high rankings in both academics and athletics. Our students are challenged to achieve at the highest level in all subjects, and first grade is no exception.
LIZ: So how is John doing?
SIMPSON: Well, see, that’s the problem. John’s not doing anything.
LIZ: He’s not?
SIMPSON: He’s never in my class. He has no interest in any subject except one.
LIZ: What subject is that?
SIMPSON: His cousin, Jesus.
John enters stage right.
JOHN: The kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Behold, the Lamb of God is coming!
SIMPSON: Every day, John comes in to school, and he goes down to Mrs. Breckman’s Kindergarten class. He waits outside, and when Mrs. Breckman takes her kids anywhere, he goes ahead of them.
JOHN: Behold, the Lamb of God is coming! He must become greater! We must become lesser!
SIMPSON: It’s a distraction to her class, and frankly to the whole school. And some of the things he says!
JOHN: I am not the Lord’s Messiah, but one is coming after me, the straw of whose juice box I am not worthy to unwrap!
LIZ: I see the problem, Mrs. Simpson, but I have to tell you, John is only fulfilling God’s purpose for his life.
SIMPSON: Excuse me?
LIZ: God told me before my son was born that he would be a prophet. He would prepare the way for the Messiah.
SIMPSON: And the Messiah is his cousin?
JOHN: Behold, the Lamb of God…is up to bat at kickball!
LIZ: Yes, he is.
SIMPSON: I see. Well, I guess if it’s God’s purpose, there’s no arguing with that. But there is one other issue I’d like to address.
LIZ: Yes, of course.
SIMPSON: Could you please pack him something normal for lunch?
JOHN: Anyone want to trade their Little Debbie for a handful of grub worms?
LIZ: Mrs. Simpson, if I could, believe me I would!
A plate of Rice Krispie treats
How many of you guys like Rice Krispie treats?
Are Rice Krispie treats for kids, or can grown ups eat them too?
If I were to offer these Rice Krispie treats to the adults in the room, do you think they would like them? Or would they rather eat something grown up like spinach and artichoke dip?
Let’s see if you’re right. If any grown ups want a Rice Krispie treat, come on down and get one.
Make sure all your adults are in on this –and have them swarm the Rice Krispie treats!
Looks like even grown ups enjoy the sweet, crispy flavor of Rice Krispie treats.
You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy sweet treats, but guess what? You don’t have to be an adult to know God has a plan for your life. Each one of you was gifted by God so that you could fulfill a purpose. It may be something big. It may be something that appears to be small. Whatever that purpose is, it’s a plan only you can follow.
God is counting on us to find our purpose. He may not reveal that purpose today or even tomorrow, but if you commit your life to Jesus, you will find that purpose sooner rather than later. Don’t wait to give your life to Christ. Give it to him today, and begin to discover all that God has planned for you!
Men’s ties
Choose two teams of four. Let each team choose a team captain - someone who knows how to tie ties. This is a race to see which team’s captain can tie a tie on all three of his or her teammates. The first team to successfully tie three ties - nicely, of course - wins.
For younger kids, have two kids race to put on an adult dress shirt and clip on a clip tie.
You don’t have to be a grown up to do things to serve the Lord.
God has a purpose for you life right now.
Kids will learn they can serve God even while they are young.
Luke 1:5-23, 39-45, 76, 80. John the Baptist’s story.
Let me see a show of hands this morning. How many of you just can’t wait to be grown ups?
Think of all the things you’re not allowed to do right now because you’re kids. You can’t order off the adult menu. You can’t drive. You can’t stay up as late as you want. You can’t buy whatever you want. You can’t earn a lot of money. You can’t skip out of school. You can’t eat pizza every night. Won’t being a grown up at last be just…awesome??
Believe me, being an adult is not all its cracked up to be. Adults have to worry about eating right and staying healthy. Adults have to pay car insurance and car payments. They pay rent, bills, and taxes. They’re lucky to have money for pizza once a week, much less every night.
Still, it will be nice to have the freedom that adults do. You’ll be free to make your own choices about what to do on the weekend. You’ll be free to finally serve God and find your purpose in life. Right?
Actually, that’s one thing you don’t have to wait for. You can serve God now. You can find your purpose now. You can be a bold and loving force for Jesus right now. It doesn’t matter if you’re fifth grade, third grade, Kindergarten, or anywhere in between. God can use you right now!
This new series is going to take a look at some of the kids of the Bible, kids who had a purpose and fulfilled that purpose. We’re going to begin with a guy who was fulfilling his purpose before he was even born. This is the story of John the Baptist.
READ LUKE 1:5-23
Most of the time when we read the Gospel of Luke, we skip right to Mary’s story, how an angel told her she would give birth to the Messiah. But before Gabriel spoke to Mary, he spoke to Zechariah, telling him that his wife, who had never been able to have a child, would give birth to a son.
Zechariah’s son would be Jesus’cousin, a man we know as John the Baptist. He was the prophet spoken of long ago, the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. John was so in tune with his purpose, he was preparing the way for Jesus even before he was born.
Zechariah was silent until the birth of his son, but after John was born, he told everyone what the Lord had said about John.
READ LUKE 1:76, 80
God knew who John the Baptist was before he was born. He knew that John would be a great ambassador, a man who would prepare the people for Jesus and then step out of the way when Jesus was ready to begin his earthly ministry. He knew this because God made John, and he gave him a purpose.
God made everyone in this room. God knew who you were long before your parents even met. He had a plan and a purpose for your life, and even now, he is preparing you to live out that purpose.
You don’t have to wait until you are a grown up to fulfill that purpose. You can begin serving God today. God can use you in this church, in your house, and in your school. You can serve God by serving others, by being a helping hand and a good listener. You can serve God by telling others about Jesus, and by inviting them to church. You can serve God by praying. You can pray for your friends, classmates, family, pastors. Prayer is a very powerful way to serve God, and it’s something you can do even while you are young.
God has plans for your life. He has a purpose, and he had that purpose long before you were born. God can use you, just as he did John the Baptist, to prepare others to meet Jesus. Ask God to show you your purpose. Ask him to use you. Don’t wait until you’re a grown up. Start serving Jesus today.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving each one of us a purpose. Help us to start serving you now, while we are still kids.
In Jesus’name,
Where do you plan to live when you grow up?
Philippians 4:13
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Play charades with the kids, having them act out different careers they might have as adults.
Read Luke 1:5-23, 39-45, 76, 80. John the Baptist’s story
Who was Zechariah?
What did the angel tell Zechariah?
When did John first begin to tell others about Jesus?
What did Zachariah say John would become?
When can you begin to find your purpose?
Dear God,
Take our lives, and do something great with us. Show us how we can serve you starting right now.
In Jesus’name,
Where do you plan to live when you grow up?
Philippians 4:13
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Play charades with the kids, having them act out different careers they might have as adults.
Read Luke 1:5-23, 39-45, 76, 80. John the Baptist’s story
What did the angel tell Zechariah?
When did John first begin to tell others about Jesus?
When can you begin to find your purpose?
How can we discover God’s purpose for our lives?
What are some things you can do right now to serve God?
Dear God,
Take our lives, and do something great with us. Show us how we can serve you starting right now.
In Jesus’name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this John the Baptist Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from Crossroads Kids' Club that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on the John the Baptist.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a John the Baptist Sunday School Lesson:
Bible Lesson: The Message of John the Baptist - Ministry-To-Children
John the Baptist-Matt 3:1-10 (Sunday School Lesson)
John the Baptist Object Bible Lesson - Future Flying Saucers