Obey Your Parents Sunday School Lesson

Obey Your Parents Sunday School Lesson For Kids:
Honor Mom and Dad by listening and responding quickly.
Kids will identify one area they can do better at obeying Mom and Dad the first time they ask.
Ephesians 6:1-3, Honor Your Parents
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 (NIV)
Kids will identify one area they can do better at obeying Mom and Dad the first time they ask.
Dear God,
Help us learn to obey our parents the first time.
In Jesus’name,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 (NIV)
“Brothers and sisters, God has shown you his mercy. So I am asking you to offer up your bodies to him while you are still alive. Your bodies are a holy sacrifice that is pleasing to God. When you offer your bodies to God, you are worshiping him in the right way.”Romans 12:1 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids. Read through normally, and then see how fast you can read it as a group.
Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Ratchet & Shifty - Car lovers
Dwayne - A racecar driver
Ratchet and Shifty enter.
RATCHET: Hey guys, welcome to The Car Show. I’m Ratchet, and this is my cousin Shifty.
SHIFTY: We are so excited to have our own car show because my cousin and I love cars.
RATCHET: We love ‘em!
SHIFTY: And on this show, we’re gonna teach you all about cars, starting with my favorite car, the racecar.
RATCHET: I love racecars. They’re so fast!
SHIFTY: Super fast, man!
RATCHET: And today’s guest is a racecar driver. Say hello to Dwayne Backstop!
Dwayne enters.
RATCHET: Thank you for coming, Dwayne.
DWAYNE: Hello, Ratchet and Shifty, thanks for having me on.
SHIFTY: So Dwayne, tell me about your car.
DWAYNE: Well, guys, I seem to be having some trouble with it. It goes really well in the first four gears, but I get it into fifth, and I seem to have some drag on the right side.
SHIFTY: Oh no, that sounds like a drag.
DWAYNE: Well, yes. It’s not going as fast as it can.
RATCHET: You know what this reminds me of? When kids don’t listen to Mom and Dad right away.
SHIFTY: Oh yeah, yeah, I hear you. Like Dad says, “Hey kids, let’s go to the car,”or Mom says, “Hey, kids, time to make your beds.”And the kids just don’t listen.
RATCHET: That’s not how it oughta be.
SHIFTY: Not at all. God wants us to honor our parents.
RATCHET: And that means when they talk, we listen.
SHIFTY: We move fast.
RATCHET: Just like a racecar!
SHIFTY: Don’t finish your game, don’t tell them, “In a minute!”You put it in gear, and you go!
DWAYNE: That’s great advice, guys, but what about my car? How do I fix it?
RATCHET: How should we know? We’re not mechanics.
SHIFTY: We just love cars.
SHIFTY: And our moms and dads.
DWAYNE: Well, that’s just great! How am I gonna win at Daytona this weekend?
SHIFTY: Don’t know, but I know you kids will be winners when you listen to Mom and Dad.
RATCHET: And do it fast!
DWAYNE: You know, my dad knew a lot about how to make cars go fast. I wish I had listened to him.
SHIFTY: Why? What did he say?
DWAYNE: I don’t know. I wasn’t listening!
A smart phone
A VHS tape
Do you know how quickly you can watch a movie these days? It’s as simple as opening an app on my phone and tapping on a movie title. Watch this!
Demonstrate by opening and streaming a movie on your phone. Pick something car-related - like Pixar’s Cars.
You guys don’t know how lucky you have it. When your parents were kids, they watched movies on videotapes. These tapes had to be loaded into a video tape player, and they had to be rewound every time you watched the movie. If you didn’t rewind the movie, you could be waiting five or ten minutes for the tape to rewind before you could start watching!
No one likes to be kept waiting. Not kids, not parents. A great way to honor our parents is to make them NOT wait. When Mom and Dad call, we need to respond. We need to stop what we’re doing and answer them. When they ask us for help, we need to move quickly to do a chore or lend a hand.
Mom and Dad do a lot for you. Let’s honor them the best way we can by listening and responding when they call.
A long wooden board, 8”x 1”
Matchbox cars
Choose four players for this game. Let each player choose a car from the Matchbox cars. Split the players in two teams, and have each pair race their cars down the board, releasing them at the same time. The winners of the first two races will square off in a final, and the winner of that race gets a prize.
If you can’t do an incline race, have the kids push their cars along the floor toward a finish line.
We can honor our parents by moving quickly when they ask us for help.
Honor Mom and Dad by listening and responding quickly.
Kids will identify one area they can do better at obeying Mom and Dad the first time they ask.
Ephesians 6:1-3, Honor Your Parents
Today we’re kicking off a high-powered, top fuel, turbo charged new series. This series is all about cars. There are all sorts of cars in this world. Big cars, little cars, slow cars, and fast cars, and all of them serve a special purpose. You can’t use a racecar to do the job of a garbage truck, and a pickup would not make a good taxicab. All of these cars are specially designed for the task at hand, and all of them have something to teach us about serving.
Today we’re jumping right in with some of the fastest cars on the road - racecars! Auto racing is almost as old as the automobile itself. Ever since we learned to make cars, we’ve been racing them. From the stock cars of NASCAR to the high performance cars of the Indy Racing League, racecars are designed for one thing: speed!
Every inch of a racecar is designed for speed. Take the stock cars of NASCAR. These cars are based on the cars you can buy from Ford, Chevy, and other car makers, but if you look inside these cars, they look nothing like the cars you rode to church this morning. They don’t have radios or music players. They don’t have backseats or air conditioning or power locks and windows. They don’t even have real lights on the front of the car! These cars are stripped down to make them light weight, and they are carefully crafted to make that car go as fast as possible.
Racecar drivers depend on their car to move fast and respond fast. If the car doesn’t respond quickly, the driver can be in a lot of trouble.
How many of you have ever gotten in trouble because you didn't move fast enough? Have you ever ignored Mom and Dad’s call because you were in the middle of something? Moms and Dads expect us to respond when they call, and guess what? God wants us to respond as well. God wants us to honor our parents, and one of the best ways to do that is to answer when they call.
Honoring our parents is so important to God, he included it in the Ten Commandments. As a matter of fact, it’s number five on the list! And God has a good reason for asking us to honor them. God gave us parents to raise us. He gave us Moms and Dads to teach us how to do everything from walking and eating to praising God. Moms and Dads have a huge responsibility, and the best way to honor them is to obey them.
Obedience is more than doing what we’re told. It’s doing what we’re told quickly. When Mom and Dad call, God wants us to jump. He doesn’t want us to leave them hanging. He wants us to lend a hand and do it cheerfully.
Think back to the last time one of your parents asked you to do something. Maybe it was this morning, or maybe last night. Did you listen? Did you hear them and do it the first time? Or did you ignore them?
Maybe you thought you had a good reason. You were in the middle of a chapter on a good book. You were in the middle of a good cartoon. Or you were in the middle of a really intense video game that you just couldn’t bring yourself to pause.
Those excuses don’t work with God. God wants us to show our parents the love and respect they deserve. That means putting a bookmark in the page, pausing the cartoon or game, and jumping into action.
What’s more, God wants us to be cheerful about helping out. We shouldn’t whine or grumble or point out that it should be our brother or sister’s turn to help. God wants us to serve our parents as if we were serving him, with love and cheerfulness.
Your parents do so much for you. They have been here since long before you were born. They were there for every milestone. They were there through every illness. They will continue to be there for you as you grow up. When you think about it, responding quickly to their call for help is a small way to say thank you for all they have done.
Racecars are the fastest cars on the road. God wants us to be our fastest when Mom and Dad call. Don’t tell them to wait. Don’t say, “Just a second!”And don’t ignore them. Jump into action and lend a cheerful hand. It’s a simple and easy way to show Mom and Dad you love them.
Dear God,
Help us learn to obey our parents the first time.
In Jesus’name,
Are you a fan of auto racing? What kind of racing do you like best?
Romans 12:1
Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Test your speed in a game of musical chairs. Play some racing music as the kids race around the chairs, and see who can be the quickest to claim the final chair.
Read Ephesians 6:1-3
What does Paul say we should do for our parents?
What are some of the things your parents ask you to do every week?
Do you always answer when Mom and Dad ask you to do something?
What are some reasons why you don’t listen the first time to Mom and Dad?
What is one thing you can do to become a better listener and responder when Mom and Dad call?
Dear God,
Thank you for our parents. Teach us to honor them with our service.
In Jesus’name,
Are you a fan of auto racing? What kind of racing do you like best?
Romans 12:1
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Test your speed in a game of musical chairs. Play some racing music as the kids race around the chairs, and see who can be the quickest to claim the final chair.
Read Ephesians 6:1-3
Why does Paul say we should honor our parents?
What are some chores your parents ask you to do every week?
What are some reasons why you don’t listen the first time to Mom and Dad?
Why is it so hard to pull yourselves away from other things to help your parents?
What is one thing you can do to become a better listener and responder when Mom and Dad call?
Dear God,
Thank you for our parents. Teach us to honor them with our service.
In Jesus’name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Obey Your Parents Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Here's a video from PursueGOD kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Obeying Your Parents.
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching an Obey Your Parents Sunday School Lesson:
Kids Bible Lesson on Obedience "children obey your parents"
Obey Bible Crafts and Bible Games for Children - Danielle's Place
Children obey your parents - Faith Bible Baptist Church
Obey Your Parents - ChildrenSermons