Object Lesson on Preparedness - No. 2 Pencil

Use this object lesson on preparedness to teach kids how to get through the many obstacles they will face in life.

Object Needed: No. 2 Pencil

Big Idea: Be prepared for the tests you may face in life.

We've included the text for this object lesson below and we even recorded a video to help give you ideas for how to teach it.  Enjoy watching!

Preparedness Object Lesson Script

Can someone tell me what this is?

It’s a pencil, but specifically what kind of pencil? How many of you have a stack of these in your desk at school? How many of you got cold chills when you saw that #2? Anyone? The #2 pencil is important. Why? Because it’s the pencil required to take any kind of standardized, fill-in-the-bubble tests. You’re going to be using a lot of these pencils from now until the end of college, and you better have them handy at all times! It would be a bad idea to show up on test day without a #2 pencil!

As Christians, we are going to be tested, but this isn’t the kind of test you take with a #2 pencil. Your faith will be tested by people who do not believe in the Bible. You will meet people who believe Jesus was a good teacher, but not the Son of God. You will meet people who do not believe in the creation story. You will meet people who will tell you that God and the Bible are nothing but a myth. How can you as students prepare for that kind of a test? When you have a test coming up in school, what do you use to help you prepare? You use your textbook! And the Bible is the very first place we can look for answers.

There are also many books that have been written about God, the Bible, Jesus, and our faith that will help you answer some of the tough questions for yourself and others. You can also turn to other believers when you have tough questions. Your pastor, your Sunday school teacher, and other adults have all faced questions like these, and they’d be happy to help you search for answers. Don’t forget about your parents. They’ve probably faced these same questions, and they’d love to help you do the same.

The Bible says that all of us will be tested. Even Jesus was tested when Satan tempted him in the wilderness. But you don’t have to be unprepared. Start seeking answers now, and you’ll be more than ready when life throws you a surprise test.

Looking for more?  Be sure to view our entire collection of 52 Bible object lessons for kids and children's sermons.