Pirate Sunday School Lesson

Check out this awesome pirate themed Sunday School Lesson! Everybody loves pirates! There are pirate themed movies, pirate-themed rollercoasters, pirate-themed video games, etc. This lesson teaches kids that we must guard our minds by remembering our salvation. And kids will learn what salvation is and why it is important to remember what Jesus did. If This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School! If you want even more pirate-themed things, be sure to check out our Armor Of God For Kids - Pirate Themed Lessons. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!
Pirate Sunday School Lesson for Kids:
We must guard our minds by remembering our salvation.
Kids will learn what salvation is and why it is important to remember what Jesus did.
Ephesians 6:10-17. Armor of God.
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” - Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
Salvation is God’s forgiveness for our sins. When we receive salvation, God forgives us of everything wrong that we have done. We need to remember what Jesus did for us so we can guard ourselves against sin.
Dear God,
Thank you for the victory we have in Jesus. Help us to remember our salvation, and show us the way to live as Christians.
In Jesus' name,
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” - Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
“Put on all of God’s armor. Then you can stand firm against the devil’s evil plans. “ - Ephesians 6:11 (NIrV)
Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
For younger kids, have the kids repeat the verse after you a few times to get familiar with it.
A pirate costume and pirate hat
1M, 1F
Rev. Long John Silverware
ANNOUNCER: And now, children, it's time for Pirate Church, with Reverend Long John Silverware.
Rev. Long John enters.
LONG JOHN: Ahoy, mateys! Barnacles and sisters, today we begin a series about the ARRRRRRmor of God. The scallywag Paul wrote that we all need ta be wearin' the full ARRRRRRmor of God. And the full ARRRRRRmor of God begins with the pirate hat of salvation. If ye want to be in the Lord's crew, ye gotta wear yer hat of salvation! What is salvation, ye ask? Why it's the thing that keeps a pirate from ending up in Davy Jones' locker! That's right! When Jesus died on the plank - I mean, the cross - he died fer every rotten, nasty thing ya ever did. (points to one kid) Like the time ye dug up me treasure and run off with it! (points to another kid) And the time ye made them sailors walk the plank! (points to another kid) And the time ye blasted them dolphins with yer cannons. Don't deny it, laddie. I was there! I know you did it on porpoise! Haha, get it? Porpoise? (draws his sword) Come on, laugh when I makes a joke!
He puts his sword away after he gets a laugh.
LONG JOHN: The Lord sent his only son to die on the plank - I mean the cross. He descended to Davy Jones’ Locker, and three days later, he ARRRRRRose from that watery tomb. And if ye believe in Him ye can have fergiveness fer yer sins. That, barnacles and sisters, is salvation!
Takes off his hat.
LONG JOHN: Paul says salvation is like a hat that covers up yet head! Yer hat protects yer head, and yer head is where ye brains are. God wants ya to keep yer salvation in mind at all times so we don't fergets what he did fer us.
He points at the kid with the dolphins again.
LONG JOHN: And so ya DON'T shoot none of his dolphins again! Ya hear me? I got me eye on you. (points at his eyepatch) Not this one! (points to the other eye) The good one!
He puts his hat on.
LONG JOHN: Remember, barnacles and sisters, put on the full ARRRRRRmor of God. Keep yer noggin covered with the hat of salvation, and never ferget what the Lord did fer ye!
Baseball helmet
Today's lesson is about a helmet. Helmets come in all shapes and sizes and colors, and they all serve different purposes. We're going to test one of those helmets out this morning.
Choose one of the kids to come up on stage. Have them put on the helmet. To "test" the helmet, drop the baseball on top of the helmet from three different heights over the child's head. Don't throw, but just let it drop. Each time, ask them if the baseball hurts. After the three drops, ask the child:
Now, would you let me do the same test without the helmet? Why not?
Let the child sit down.
When you're standing at the plate staring down 90 mile an hour fastballs, you want some serious protection. That's why batters wear helmets like these.
Paul says the armor of God begins with the helmet of salvation. Salvation means we are saved from sin by the blood of Christ. God wants us to accept Jesus as our Savior and to keep our salvation always in mind. When we remember what Jesus did for us, we are better able to resist temptation and keep our minds focused on God.
Take up the helmet of salvation, and guard your mind so you can live for Christ!
A blindfold
A helmet (can be the baseball helmet from the object lesson)
A baseball
A tennis ball
A ping pong ball
A golf ball
A small rubber bouncy ball
Choose two contestants for this game. Blindfold the first contestant. Have them sit in a chair, and place the helmet on their head. One by one, drop each ball on their head. Each time you drop a ball, the contestant must guess which ball was dropped on their head. For each correct answer, they get one point. When the first contestant is done, repeat with the second. The student who gets the most correct answers wins.
For younger kids, you can simplify this by just using the baseball and tennis ball. Alternate between the two, mixing it up, and see how many times they guess correctly.
We must guard our minds by remembering our salvation.
Kids will learn what salvation is and why it is important to remember what Jesus did.
Ephesians 6:10-17. Armor of God.
Did you know there's a war going on all around us? We don't talk about it often in church, but there's a war waging all around us between forces we cannot see. On one side is the enemy, led by a lying, conniving, fallen angel who wants to lead us all away from God. On the other side is God's army of angels who watch over us, protect us, and help us to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.
Sounds pretty intense, doesn't it? The Bible says this war has waged since the beginning of time. It starts in the very beginning, with a snake deceiving Adam and Eve. We see the war play out through the Bible, with the climax coming on the cross. Jesus conquered death when he died on the cross, but the battle continues to this day. One side wants to see the whole world receive Jesus as their Savior. The other wants to shut us out of Heaven.
No one understood this war better than Paul. For years, Paul fought for the enemy. When the early church began to spread, Paul dedicated his life to stopping it. He was present when Stephen became the first man to die for his Christian faith. He set out from that execution with orders to capture and arrest more Christians. Then Paul met Jesus face to face. His life was forever changed, and he spent the rest of his days fighting on the side of Christ.
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes about this spiritual war. He tells us what we can expect, and how we can prepare.
READ Ephesians 6:10-17
There are six parts to the Armor of God, and we're going to talk about each one in this series. Today we begin with the final piece that Paul mentions, the helmet of salvation. Jesus won the victory in this war on the cross when he died for our sins. Because Jesus died and rose again, he has the power to forgive our sins and give us eternal life. That's what salvation is - the forgiveness of sins won for us by Jesus Christ!
Paul describes salvation as a helmet. A helmet guards your head and what's inside your head - your mind. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, that's a decision we make with our minds. Wearing the helmet of salvation means we need to remember that decision. We no longer live by the ways of the world. We made a choice to live God's way. When we remember this, we will keep our mind focused on Jesus and we can protect ourselves from temptation and sin!
When a child decides they want to play soccer, they play for fun. They chase the ball, they practice not using hands, and they don't keep score. As they get more serious about that sport, the sport becomes more than play. They identify themselves as a soccer player, and that identity shapes the decisions they make. They plan their summers around soccer leagues and camps. They spend their money on soccer gear and training. They do soccer drills. They exercise. They make better food choices based on that identity - I am a soccer player.
The helmet of salvation reminds us that we are Christians. We no longer give in to the things of this world. Every decision we make is based on our identity as Christians. When we remember our salvation, we say no to peer pressure, we speak up for the weak and defenseless, we spend our time and money wisely. We take every decision and ask, ‘What would Jesus want me to do?’
The helmet of salvation is a gift that reminds us we no longer belong to this world. We are in the Lord's army, and we need to be about his work. Let's ask God to help us keep our salvation in mind and ask for his guidance as we strive to live as Christians.
Dear God,
Thank you for the victory we have in Jesus. Help us to remember our salvation, and show us the way to live as Christians.
In Jesus' name,
Do you have any helmets at home? What kind, and what are they for?
Ephesians 6:11
Have the kids repeat the verse after you a few times to get familiar with it.
Have the kids all stand up and give their best pirate pose while they all give their best pirate yell.
Read Ephesians 6:10-17
What does Paul say we need to wear?
Who is the enemy Paul says we are fighting?
How many pieces of armor are there?
What does the helmet represent?
What does salvation mean? What is it that the helmet is supposed to help us remember?
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus, and that he died for our sins. Help us to remember our salvation so we can protect ourselves from temptation.
In Jesus’ name,
Do you have any helmets at home? What kind, and what are they for?
Ephesians 6:11
Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.
Have all the kids stand up and give their best pirate pose. Then ask a few kids to do their best impression of Captain Long John talking about the full armor of God. Who does the best pirate voice?
Read Ephesians 6:10-17
Why does Paul say we need to wear the armor of God?
Who are we fighting against in this spiritual war?
What are the six pieces of armor?
What does salvation mean?
How can remembering our salvation help us to avoid temptation?
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus, and that he died for our sins. Help us to remember our salvation so we can protect ourselves from temptation.
In Jesus’ name,
For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Pirate Themed Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link).
Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Pirate Sunday School Lesson:
Family Devotions with a Kid-Friendly Pirate Theme
'The Four Points' Childrens Lesson (Pirate Theme) • MinistryArk
DLTK Bible VBS Treasure God