Samson and Delilah Sunday School Lesson

Samson and Delilah Sunday school Lesson
Use our Samson and Delilah Sunday School Lesson in your Children's Ministry this year! We know this lesson is a fun and easy way to teach kids the story about Samson and Delilah. The story of Samson and Delilah teaches us that if we let pride get the best of us, we will fall. A mighty family of lions is called a pride. A pride of lions can be dangerous, but so can the pride in our own lives. If we don't control our pride, we are in for a mighty fall. By the end of this lesson, kids will learn why we should stay humble before God. If you want more lessons following this theme, check out our Animal Safari 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Samson and Delilah Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


If we let pride get the best of us, we will fall.


Kids will learn why we should stay humble before God.


Judges 16:4-22, Samson & Delilah


“'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” - Zechariah 4:6b


A mighty family of lions is called a pride. A pride of lions can be dangerous, but so can the pride in our own lives. If we don't control our pride, we are in for a mighty fall.


Dear God,

Forgive us for our pride and thinking we can make it on our own. Teach us to be humble and always submit to you.

In Jesus’ name,



“'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” - Zechariah 4:6b (NIV)

“‘Your strength will not get my temple rebuilt. Your power will not do it either. Only the power of my Spirit will do it,’ says the Lord who rules over all.” - Zechariah 4:6b (NIrV)


Put the verse on the big screen and read it aloud with the kids.


Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.




Lion costume or lion puppet




Chet- A jet-setting modern guy

Lion- A lion

Chet and the Lion walk to center stage, side by side. The lion can be a person in a lion costume or lion makeup, or it can be a puppet.

CHET: My name is Chet Lyons.

LION: I’m a lion.

CHET: I’m the king of my domain.

LION: I’m the king of beasts.

CHET: I work 21 hours a day, 7 days a week, makin’ the big bucks.

LION: I sleep 21 hours a day under a tree.

CHET: I have a house by a lake.

LION: I used to live by a lake. Then the baboons moved in, ran us off. I’d rather not talk about it.

CHET: I’m not afraid of anything.

LION: I wouldn’t say I’m afraid, but I make it a point to steer clear of baboons.

CHET: People ask me, do you have a lot of pride?

LION: I’ve got pride!

CHET: Of course I have pride!

LION: Four lady lions, twelve cubs, and an old toothless, the former alpha male.

CHET: How can I not have pride, being who I am?

LION: I’m a lion, it’s what we do.

CHET: I back down from no one.

LION: You've never walked into baboon territory, have you?

CHET: I’m fearless, I tell you! Fearless! I’d stick my head in a lion’s mouth if you dared me.

LION: And I’d bite it off.

CHET: (unnerved) What?

LION: You heard me, fearless. If your pride makes you do something foolish like stick your head in my mouth, I ain’t too proud to bite it off.

CHET: Really?

LION: I’m a lion. It’s what I do!

CHET: Would you excuse me, I have to be… anywhere but here.

Chet walks off, keeping an eye on the lion.

LION: Yeah, go ahead and run. Run home to momma! Just remember kids, pride kills. It kills zebras, it kills wildebeests, it kills antelopes, and just last week it got a baby elephant. That’s a lion joke. Get it?




Bubble gum

Begin the lesson by giving a few sticks of gum to some kids. See who can blow the biggest bubble.

Does anyone know what it means to have a “big head”? A person who has a “big head” is a person filled with pride. But what happens when something blows up and gets bigger and bigger and bigger - like, say, a bubble?

Eventually, it goes “pop.”

Pride will make us fall, and the bigger our pride grows, the bigger our fall will be. But if we remember where our blessings come from and remember to give glory to God, we can avoid that fall.

All good things come from God. Every blessing we have was given to us by the Lord. If we remember that, we can keep ourselves from getting a big head. We can keep ourselves from falling.

Don’t let pride give you a big head. Take everything you have, everything you are given, and give glory to God for those blessings.




5 Bottles of Soap Bubbles


Choose five players. Give each player a bottle of bubbles. Contestants have 90 seconds to blow as many bubbles as they can. The person who blows the most bubbles wins.


Try different challenges: who can blow the largest bubble, the longest string of bubbles in one blow, the bubble that travels the furthest before popping, etc.

Alternately, you could have a bubble blowing contest with bubble gum instead of soap bubbles.


Pride causes us to swell up and burst. We can keep pride from bursting our bubble by staying humble and giving glory to God.



If we let pride get the best of us, we will fall.


Kids will learn why we should stay humble before God.


Judges 16:4-22, Samson & Delilah


Today we’re beginning a fun new series, a safari-themed series that will take us through the wilds of nature to learn some great lessons about ourselves and our God. Our safari begins with one of the wildest animals of all, the king of beasts. Lions have been a fascination throughout time. We love lions because they are fierce, dangerous, and beautiful.

Lions, especially male lions, are unmistakable with their flowing manes that crown their heads. But an interesting fact about lions is that the male, as fierce as he looks, does not often do the hunting. It is the lionesses who stalk and kill most of the prey for their families.

Does anyone know what a family group of lions is called? It’s called a pride. A pride usually includes one alpha male who's in charge, several lionesses, and their cubs. For a lion, pride means family. The pride gives the lion its best chance to survive and thrive in the wild.

Humans have pride too, but for us, pride is a very different thing. Pride can give us confidence in ourselves. Pride can make us feel good. But pride can also be dangerous. When we let pride take over, it can cause us to lose sight of God and things that are important.

Today we’re going to read about a man who had a reason to be proud, but like many who have much to brag about, he became too proud. He believed he was invincible, and his pride led him to do something very foolish.

READ Judges 16:4-22


Samson was chosen by God to lead Israel. He was given unbelievable strength to use as a weapon against Israel’s enemy, the Philistines. For many years, the Israelites lived without fear of the Philistines. They had Samson to defend them, and Samson defended them with a vengeance.

The trouble was Samson became too proud. He believed in his own strength more than he believed in God, who gave him his strength. Samson was told from a young age that God had commanded him to never cut his hair. Samson let Delilah do the one thing that was forbidden, and that’s why the mighty Samson fell.


Pride causes people to fall every day. An athlete’s pride causes him to get lazy, and suddenly he goes from a star to a has been. A politician’s pride leads him to bend the rules. Next thing you know, he’s out of office. A businessman might let pride lead him to break the law and he goes to jail.

Pride can hurt us as kids as well. Pride can keep you from studying for a test - and so you fail it. Pride can keep you from practicing and in turn keep you from excelling in your favorite sports and other activities. Pride can make us lose sight of what God has done for us. Pride can cause us to fall.

If we don’t want to fall victim to our pride, we need to begin by remembering who made us. God gave us our gifts, just as he gave Samson his strength. Every good thing that we have comes not from our own goodness, but from God. We came into this world with nothing, and we will leave with nothing. Anything we enjoy in the meantime comes from God.

Second, we need to thank God for all he’s given us. We need to give him the glory for our successes and triumphs. Do not take credit for the things God has done for you. Be thankful, and let others know that it was God who gave the blessings.

Pride keeps lions safe. It keeps them alive. But pride can be dangerous if you let it rule your life. Remember who made you. Remember where your blessings come from, and give all the glory to God. Be humble; don’t let pride make you stumble.  


Dear God,

Forgive us for our pride and thinking we can make it on our own. Teach us to be humble and always submit to you.

In Jesus’ name,




What’s your favorite jungle animal?


Zechariah 4:6b

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Have the kids take turns doing their impression of a lion.


Read Judges 16:4-22

Who was Samson?

Who gave Samson his strength?

Who convinced Samson to give up the secret of his strength?

How did Samson lose his strength?

How can we keep ourselves from being pulled down by pride?


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we forget where our blessings come from. Help us to stay humble so we won’t give in to pride.

In Jesus’ name,




What’s your favorite jungle animal?


Zechariah 4:6b

Ask the kids what they think the writer was trying to say when he wrote these words. Then ask them how this verse is connected to today’s story.


Get a long wig and some simple props and have your kids recreate the story of Samson and Delilah.


Read Judges 16:4-22

Where did Samson’s strength come from?

Why do you think Samson told Delilah his secret?

Why did God take away Samson’s strength?

What are some things you are proud of?

How can we keep ourselves from letting pride bring us down?


Dear God,

Forgive us for the times when we forget where our blessings come from. Help us to stay humble so we won’t give in to pride.

In Jesus’ name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Samson and Delilah Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Kids on the Move that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Samson and Delilah.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Samson and Delilah Sunday School Lesson:

Samson and Delilah Bible Lesson Plan - DLTK-Bible

"Samson for Kids" (Judges 13-16) Sunday School Lesson

Samson Bible Lesson for Kids - Ministry-To-Children