Solomon Sunday School Lesson

Solomon Sunday school Lesson
Our Solomon Sunday School Lesson is the resource you need in your Children's Ministry! We all know how important wisdom is, but there is a difference between being smart and being wise. Wisdom is not just knowledge. It’s knowing how to make good choices based on learning and experiences. God is the greatest and best source of wisdom! True wisdom comes from God, and God alone. Through the story of Solomon, kids will learn that this true wisdom is a gift from God. You're also going to want to check out our Sunday Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Solomon Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


Wisdom comes from God. 


Through the story of Solomon, kids will learn that true wisdom comes from God.


2 Chronicles 1:1-13


“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” - Proverbs 9:10


Wisdom is not just knowledge. It’s knowing how to make good choices based on learning and experiences. God is the greatest and best source of wisdom! 


Dear God,

Grant us wisdom so we can make wise choices and be an example for you. 

In Jesus’s name, 



“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” - Proverbs 9:10 (NIV)

“If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the Lord. To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.” - Proverbs 9:10 (NIrV)


Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the boys read it aloud, then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest? 


Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions. (K-2nd)

Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible. (3rd-5th)




A bed




Sabrina- An angel

Roddy- A Christian kid

Roddy enters, stretching and yawning. He kneels down to pray. 

RODDY: God, thank you for this day. Give me a good night’s rest so I can continue to grow and learn more about you. And please, please don’t let me have that dream about Taylor Swift again. She scares me. Amen. 

Roddy crawls in bed. Sabrina. 

SABRINA: Do not be afraid! 

Roddy sits up and screams. 

RODDY: Sorry, you scared me. 

SABRINA: Now you know why we always say, “Do not be afraid.” 

RODDY: Who are you?

SABRINA: I am an angel, and I come with a message from God. 

RODDY: Whoa! You’re a real angel? 


RODDY: Can I like stick my hand through you, like a ghost. 

SABRINA: No, you may not! 

RODDY: Aww, you mean it doesn’t work? 

SABRINA: No, it’s just really annoying. 

RODDY: So what’s the message? 

SABRINA: The Lord is pleased with you. He has sent me to tell you that he will give you anything you ask for. 

RODDY: Anything? 

SABRINA: Anything, though God fully expects that a wise boy like you will make a wise-

RODDY: Bubble gum! 


RODDY: Bubble gum! I want a ton of bubble gum! 

SABRINA: That’s your request? 

RODDY: Oh yeah! I love bubble gum! 

SABRINA: Of all the things you could have, you want bubble gum? 

RODDY: More than anything! So let’s have it! 

SABRINA: Look, I’m not supposed to try to influence you in any way, but I really think you ought to consider something else. Something a little wiser. 

RODDY: Lady, I’m nine years old. I want bubble gum! 

SABRINA: You do realize that if you had all the bubble gum in the world, you would get sick of it, right? 

RODDY: No, I would not. 

SABRINA: Don’t you remember last Christmas? All you wanted to eat were those Krisp Kringle chocolate bars. 

RODDY: Ugh, don’t remind me. I ate so many I go sick…. Ohhhhhh! I get what you’re saying! 

SABRINA: You see? 

RODDY: That’s pretty smart thinking. 

SABRINA: Actually, it’s called wisdom, knowing how to make the right choice. 

RODDY: Sounds like a good thing to have. You don’t suppose God could give me that, do you? 

SABRINA: God is the source of all wisdom. He’d be delighted to share his with you. 

RODDY: All right then. Give me wisdom! 

SABRINA: As you wish. 

Sabrina starts to leave. She stops when Roddy speaks. 

RODDY: And if it’s at all possible, can you get me a pack of the Dr. Pepper Hubba Bubba? 

SABRINA: I’ll see what I can do! 





Who can tell me what these candies are? 

Choose one kid to answer. When they do, give them some candy. Do this with each of the questions in this lesson. 

What colors do M&M’s come in? 

What kind of candy is inside the shells? 

What other kinds of M&M’s are there besides plain chocolate? 

What you all just showed me is your knowledge. You know what M&M’s are, what colors they come in, and what flavors. But knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Let’s try a few more questions. 

Can you eat M&M’s at every meal? 

Should you eat just M&M’s for lunch? 

Why wouldn’t you want to eat candy all the time? 

Wisdom isn’t knowing facts; it’s knowing how to make wise choices. You can’t eat candy all the time because it’s not good for you. It’s important to be wise, and to eat candy in moderation so we do not make ourselves unhealthy. 

The wiser we are, the more good choices we make. There’s no one who can make you wiser than the Lord. God is the source of all wisdom, and when we seek his wisdom in making decisions, he will never steer us in the wrong direction! 




Three raw eggs

A spatula

A wooden spoon

A pair of tongs

Masking tape or cone


Mark a start/finish line on the floor. Set an orange cone 30 feet from the line. 

Choose three players for this game. Let the first player pick a utensil, then the second, then the third. Tell players one and two to choose wisely, but don’t tell them why. 

Give each contestant an egg. Contestants must race from the starting line around the cone and back to the starting line, carrying the egg with their utensil. If they drop their egg, they lose. They may not hold the egg with their hand; it must be handled with the spoon, spatula, or tongs. 


You can pick kitchen utensils that handle eggs more easily for younger kids, like tea spoons and ice cream scoops and spaghetti spoons. 


Knowledge is knowing your kitchen utensil. Wisdom is using it the right way so you don’t lose your egg! 



Wisdom comes from God. 


Through the story of Solomon, kids will learn that true wisdom comes from God.


2 Chronicles 1:1-13


A couple of years ago, a game show appeared on TV that caught the whole country’s attention. It was a very simple quiz show called, “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” On the show adults would have to answer questions that a fifth grade student would be taught about math, English, science, history, and other subjects. 

What amazed people about the show was how many times the adults were stumped! These were questions they should have been taught when they were only ten, but for many of them, the answers were long forgotten. It made the adults looked silly - and that made it fun to watch! 

Our new series has a similar theme. We want to know, are you smarter than a sixth grader? Fortunately for all of you who are not yet in sixth grade, we’re not going to ask questions about facts and knowledge. We’re interested in a different kind of smarts. We’re talking about wisdom. 

A lot of people think wisdom and knowledge are the same thing, but they are not! Knowledge is how much stuff you know. Do you know who our first president was? Do you know what five times five equals? Do you know what pronouns are? 

Wisdom is knowing what to do with your knowledge. Wisdom is making good choices based on what you know. Wisdom is knowing to do the right thing - and doing it! 

We aren’t born with wisdom. It’s something we gain through experience and teaching. There are many places we can gain wisdom, but today, we’re going to start with the best. 


2 Chronicles 1:1-13


King Solomon was the son of King David. He wanted to be a good king like his father, and he wanted to please the Lord. Solomon showed his desire to do the right thing by the sacrifices he made to the Lord. When the Lord offered to give Solomon anything he desired, Solomon chose wisdom. 

Solomon could have chosen wealth, power, just about anything. So why wisdom? Because Solomon wanted to be a good king. He wanted to rule his people honestly, fairly, and justly. Solomon knew he couldn’t do it alone, so he asked God to give him the wisdom he needed to be a good king. 


Solomon’s wisdom served him well. His people trusted his judgment because they saw his wisdom in action. Other world leaders and rulers trusted Solomon and sought him out, hoping to learn from him. God also blessed Solomon with great wealth, greater than any king before or after him in Israel. 

While none of us may ever achieve the fame of King Solomon, we can all tap into the same source of wisdom Solomon used. God gave us his Word, the Bible, so we could learn what his plans are for our lives. By learning what God has to say, we can make better choices. We do the right thing, when everyone else makes the wrong choice. We treat others fairly. We choose honesty over dishonesty. 


Something else happens when we seek God’s wisdom. We become known as wise people. People know they can trust us. They trust our judgment and will ask for our advice. They will see the fair and loving way we treat others. Most important, they will see Jesus in our lives. 

God wants us to ask for wisdom. He wants us to choose wisdom and make good choices with our lives. God wants to use us to show other people that he is the source of all wisdom. It all starts with asking God to give us that gift that he gave to Solomon. 

Ask God to make you wise. Ask for wisdom. Seek his wisdom in the Bible. It’s the first wise choice of many in a lifetime of living by God’s wisdom. 


Dear God,

Grant us wisdom so we can make wise choices and be an example for you. 

In Jesus’s name, 




Who is the wisest person you know? 


Proverbs 9:10

Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions.


Play a quick round of “Wisdom Says.” This is like Simon Says, where you go through a list of movements, but kids are only supposed to mimic the action preceded by the words “Wisdom Says.”


Read 2 Chronicles 1:1-13

Who was Solomon? 

What did God offer to do for Solomon? 

Why did God offer Solomon anything he wanted? 

What did Solomon choose? 

How can we gain the same wisdom Solomon had? 


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us the Bible so we can learn from you. Teach us wisdom as we read your Word. 

In Jesus’s name, 




Who is the wisest person you know? 


Proverbs 9:10

Give all the kids a Bible. Then after you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.


Play a quick round of “Wisdom Says.” This is like Simon Says, where you go through a list of movements, but kids are only supposed to mimic the action preceded by the words “Wisdom Says.”


Read 2 Chronicles 1:1-13

Who was Solomon? 

Why did God offer Solomon anything he wanted? 

Why do you think Solomon asked for wisdom? 

What’s the difference between wisdom and knowledge? 

How can we gain wisdom? 


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us the Bible so we can learn from you. Teach us wisdom as we read your Word. 

In Jesus’s name, 


For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Solomon Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from 5 Minute Family Devotional that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Solomon.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Solomon Sunday School Lesson:

The Wisdom of Solomon Sunday School Lesson - Ministry-To-Children 

King Solomon's Wisdom – Mission Bible Class 

Sunday School Activities for the Lesson "Solomon Asks God 

Solomon Asks for Wisdom Object Lesson | FutureFlyingSaucers.