Most Popular VBS Themes for 2018
What Are the Most Popular VBS Themes?
We asked our 15,000+ member Children's Pastors Only Facebook group what VBS theme they were using for 2018 and this is what they said:
1. Shipwrecked by Group
2. We Haven't Decided Yet!
3. Game On! by Lifeway
4. We create our own VBS
5. MEGA Sports Camp
6. Rolling River Rampage by Cokesbury
7. Amped by Orange
8. Time Lab by Answers in Genesis
9. Victory by Go Fish
10. Babylon by Group
FREE: Pool Party VBS by Children's Ministry Deals
Pool Party is a FREE VBS we made to help anyone on a really limited budget. But, there's a ton of great themes for your vacation Bible school from a variety of curriculum publishers, so pick the one that works best for your kids and your volunteers. And, it's never too early to start planning for VBS. Be sure to checkout our awesome FREE VBS 2018 resources that you can use in addition to any theme you choose.
We hope this helps give you some good ideas for VBS 2018!