Introducing Little Ones To God's True Story!
While preschool may be too soon to expect kids to memorize all 66 books of the Bible, we can still introduce kids to those books and help them see how they work together to tell us God's story. In Books of the Bible 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum, little ones will learn that the Bible is God's story and everything in it is true.
Books of the Bible Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “All your words are true.” Psalm 119:160a (NIrV)
1. The Beginning – God In History
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7, The Call of Abram
God not only created people, he has been involved in the lives of people throughout history. The Bible tells the story of many people: Adam, Eve, Abraham, Moses, David, Esther, and more; but when we read it we realize the Bible is really God's story. Little ones will learn that the Bible starts by telling us how the world began.
Objective: Kids will say, “The Bible is God's true story.”
Memory Goal: The Bible has 66 Books, Genesis is the first book
2. Prophecy – Pointing to Jesus
Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7, The Coming Messiah
The people were suffering and needed help. God spoke through special men and women – called prophets – to tell the people that Jesus was coming to save them. Little ones will learn that the Bible is divided into the Old and New Testament.
Objective: Kids will say, “God's true story helps me.”
Memory Goal: The Bible has 66 Books, The Old Testament and New Testament
3. The Gospels – Meeting Jesus
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16, Little Children Are Brought to Jesus
God's Son, Jesus, came to earth to save us and to show us God's great love. Little ones will learn – and be encouraged to memorize – the Gospel books: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Objective: Kids will say, “God's true story reminds me of God’s love.”
Memory Goal: The Bible has 66 Books, Matthew is the first book of the New Testament
4. The Church – Living For God
Scripture: Acts 1:6-10, Jesus Final Instructions
Jesus went back up to heaven. His friends continued to tell people about Jesus and share Jesus' love all over the world. Littles ones will learn that the last part of the Bible tells us how we should live and that Jesus is coming back to earth again.
Objective: Kids will say, “I can share God's true story.”
Memory Goal: The Bible has 66 Books, Revelation is the last book