The Bible's Biggest Construction Projects!
Humans can build many amazing things: buildings, vehicles, works of art. But none of it can compare with the universe that God has created. The crowning work of creation – his favorite “build” - is us. We were built to love, obey, and serve our Creator. In Build It! 4-Week Preschool Ministry Curriculum, little ones will look at some of the big construction projects of the Bible and know that they themselves were built by God.

Build It! Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “God is the builder of everything.” Hebrews 3:4b (NIrV)
Wonderfully Made
Scripture: Psalm 139:13-18, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
The ultimate builder is God. He made the universe and everything in it in 6 days. And he made you! Every hair on your head and freckle on your skin is part of God's wonderful creation.
Objective: Kids will say, “God made me!”
Noah's Ark
Scripture: Genesis 6:11-7:5, Noah Builds an Ark
God had a very special job for Noah: build a big boat before the flood comes. Noah obeyed God and his family and the animals were saved. God has special plans for each of us – to love him, serve him and show his love to others.
Objective: Kids will say, “God made me for something special!”
The Tower of Babel
Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9, The Tower of Babel
The people decided to go their own way instead of obeying God. They built a tower, hoping to go all the way to heaven. God decided to stop them because they were doing things their own way and not God’s way. We were built to obey God and do things God's way.
Objective: Kids will say, “God made me to obey Him!”
The Fiery Furnace
Scripture: Daniel 3:8-28, The Fiery Furnace
The king built a big statue of himself for the people to worship. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego loved God too much to worship anyone but God. The king threw the men into a furnace he had built, but God was with them and protected them! We were built to love God more than anything.
Objective: Kids will say, “God made me to love Him!”