We think of some emotions as good and others as bad. But God made every part of us, and no matter how we are feeling, we can always turn to Him for help.
Emotions Lessons Overview:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5
Anger – James 1:19-27, Listening And Doing.
We all get upset and angry sometimes, but little ones will learn that we need to be slow to anger so our emotions don't get out of control.
Objective: Little ones will learn to be slow to anger.
Fear – Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms The Storm
Most of the time we'll do whatever we can not to feel fear, but little ones will learn that when we are afraid we can tell God what's scaring us and he will comfort us.
Objective: Little ones will learn to talk to God when they are scared.
Disgust – Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
When we see things we don't like or understand we may feel disgust, but little ones will learn that Jesus loves everyone – even people who aren’t perfect.
Objective: Little ones will learn that no one is perfect, and we all need Jesus.
Sadness – John 11:17-44, Jesus Raises Lazarus From The Dead.
No one likes to feel sad, but little ones will learn that sadness can lead us to seek out Jesus, which is the best place we could ever go.
Objective: Little ones will learn to talk to Jesus when they are sad.
Joy – Luke 19:1-9 Zacchaeus meets Jesus and finds JOY.
Joy is the emotion that makes us feel the best, and little ones will learn that when we walk with Jesus he will transform our anger, sadness, disgust and fear into a celebration of JOY.
Objective: Little ones will learn that joy comes from following Jesus.