Jesus is the best gift ever!
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Preschoolers will celebrate this special birthday with a 4-week long birthday party for Jesus! By the end of this series, preschoolers will learn why we celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

Jesus' Birthday Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.” Luke 2:11a (NIrV)
Surprise Party
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, Angel Visits Mary
Mary was very surprised when the angel visited her and told her that she would be the mother of Jesus. Mary soon realized that Jesus would be the best gift that God could ever give us and she welcomed the news with joy. This week preschoolers will make party invitations for Jesus’ birthday party to remind them of what Christmas is all about.
Objective: Preschoolers will be able to tell their family that “Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday!”
The Birthday Boy
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7, Jesus is Born
Christmas is all about the Birthday Boy: Jesus. When Jesus was born though, He didn’t have a huge party with lots of presents. He actually spent His first birthday sleeping in a barn with some stinky animals. But He didn’t mind, because Jesus loves every person on earth so much, He was willing to give up everything.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn “Jesus left Heaven and came to earth because He loves me.”
The Party Guests
Scripture: Luke 2:8-20, The Shepherds
What would a birthday party be without guests? God invited some very unusual guests to Jesus' birthday: a group of shepherds. Those shepherds were stinky and smelly, and busy working, but when they got the invitation to see Jesus, they dropped everything to come and see Him.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “Jesus loves everyone, and we can invite everyone to celebrate His birthday.”
The Gifts
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11, The Magi
Gifts are standard at a birthday party. The wise men didn't bring just any old gifts to Jesus. They brought the best that they had: precious gold and expensive spices of frankincense and myrrh. God gave us the best gift when Jesus came to earth to forgive our sins and show us how much He loves us. The best gift we can give Jesus is to love Him with all our hearts.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “I can love Jesus, because Jesus loves me.”