Boldly Go Where Jesus Leads
The astronauts, who will one day travel to Mars, will leave everything they know behind to boldly go where no one has gone before. Kids will learn about trusting God from the story of Abraham who trusted God completely, even when God asked him to do some really hard things.
Journey To Mars Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse:
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
Blast OffScripture: Genesis 12:1-9, God Calls Abram
Synopsis: God called Abram to leave everything behind - his family, his friends, his property - to go to an unknown destination. It was the first leg in a journey that lasted the rest of his life as Abram followed God.
Objective: Kids will state that God wants us to follow him.
Stay on TargetScripture: Genesis 20:1-16, Abraham and Abimelek
Synopsis: It wouldn’t be wise to lie to mission control if we forgot to do all of our preflight checks before taking off for Mars. Abraham learned the hard way that he needed to be honest at all times. Because when we lie, we are showing that we don’t trust God’s plan and we are trying to do things our way.
Objective: Kids will say why being honest is important to God.
Living In SpaceScripture: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7, The Birth of Isaac
Synopsis: Will there one day be people living on Mars? It’s never happened before, but that doesn’t make it impossible! Abraham saw that God can make the impossible happen when his son Isaac was born.
Objective: Kids will identify one thing they have a hard time believing God can help them with.
By Your CommandScripture: Genesis 22:1-19, Abraham is Tested
Synopsis: Those who travel into deep space must follow orders; even if those orders don’t make sense, or are really hard to do. Abraham was willing to sacrifice the one thing he loved most because he trusted God’s command completely.
Objective: Kids will identify something they may have to give up if they want to follow Jesus.
Finish The MissionScripture: Hebrews 11:17-19 and 11:39-40
Synopsis: As cool as Mars may be, it will probably never become anyone’s permanent home. That’s why a mission to Mars would not be complete without a return home. We too, have a permanent home in heaven, but we have to put our faith in Jesus to get us there when our mission on earth is done.
Objective: Kids will be given a chance to talk with their parents or small group leader about what it means to accept Jesus as their Savior.