This Is God’s Mission. Do You Accept It?
Sometimes spies are called to go out on seemingly impossible missions. God has given each of us a mission – to tell the world about Jesus. Although it is a big job that may seem impossible at times, with God leading us, our mission cannot fail. Kids will learn that we are on a mission – to share the good news of Jesus.
Mission Possible Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview
Memory Verse:
“All things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27b (NIrV)
Mission Assignment
Scripture: Acts 9:1-19, Saul's Conversion
Saul was on a mission: to stop the Christians from telling people about Jesus. Then on the road to Damascus, Saul was blinded by a light and given a new mission: To go throughout the world and preach the name of Jesus.
Objective: Kids will learn that God has a mission for each of us.
Incredible Skills
Scripture: Acts 14:8-20, Paul Heals A Crippled Man
Some spies have very special skills that allow them to do seemingly impossible things. Paul also did quite a few impossible things, but it wasn’t because of his skills, it was by the power of God. When Paul healed a man with crippled feet, the people thought Paul was some sort of god. But Paul set the people straight: it was only through the power of Jesus that Paul was able to do any of the incredible things that he did.
Objective: Kids will learn that everything we do should bring glory to God.
New Orders
Scripture: Acts 16:6-15, Paul's Vision & Lydia's Conversion
Although Paul had hoped to go on a mission to Asia, God gave him new orders to go to Macedonia. Because he obeyed, Paul met Lydia, a powerful woman. When Lydia heard Paul's message, she and all of her household put their faith in Jesus.
Objective: Kids will learn that God's plans are better than our plans.
Great Escape
Scripture: Acts 16:16-34, Paul & Silas in Prison
Some people were against Paul's mission to tell the world about Jesus. Some of these people were able to have Paul and Silas arrested and thrown in jail. But Paul and Silas never gave up on their mission; in the end, their jailer and all of his family put their faith in Jesus.
Objective: Kids will learn that we should never give up on the mission to share Jesus.