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Not So Secret Agents 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

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Adventures of the First Christian Missionaries  

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave his disciples a mission. These men and women went from being just Jesus' friends and followers to also being his not-so-secret agents. As God’s agents, they were tasked with telling everyone the good news of how much God loves the world. Even today, those who follow Jesus are his agents, on that same mission – to share the good news of Jesus with the world. In Not So Secret Agents, kids will learn that our faith in Jesus should not be kept a secret.


    Not So Secret Agents Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview

    Memory Verse:

    “I am not ashamed of the good news. It is Gods power. And it will save everyone who believes. Romans 1:16a (NIrV)


    Your Mission. . .

    Scripture: Acts 1:3-12, The Mission

    Before he ascended into heaven, Jesus gave his disciples a mission: to share the gospel throughout the world. That not-so-secret assignment is still the mission of every believer living today. 

    Objective: Kids will learn that our assignment is to share the good news of Jesus.

    . . . If You Choose To Accept It

    Scripture: Acts 2:1-18, 38-47, Pentecost

    Jesus had given the disciples a special mission, to share the gospel throughout the world. However, we can’t complete this mission by our own abilities.  Jesus gave his followers the Holy Spirit, to help them on their mission. If we want to carry out God’s mission for our life, we have to first accept his free gift of salvation and receive the Holy Spirit.  Only with the Holy Spirit’s help can we accomplish God’s plan for our life.

    Objective: Kids will learn God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us on our assignment.

    Fall Into Enemy Hands

    Scripture: Acts 6:1-15; 7:51-60, The Stoning of Stephen

    Stephen shared the good news of Jesus boldly. This angered the religious leaders of the city, and they decided to stone him. Even when facing death, Stephen lived and spoke the good news.

    Objective: Kids will learn that the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to face even the most difficult challenges.

    Fast Getaway

    Scripture: Acts 8:1-25, The Church is Scattered

    As more people started to believe in Jesus, those in authority in Jerusalem tried to stop it. They began to persecute the Christians. Their plan backfired, as Christians left Jerusalem, they traveled far and wide sharing the gospel with everyone. 

    Objective: Kids will learn that God can work out even the worst situations for something good.

    Hit the Road

    Scripture: Acts 8:26-39, Philip and the Ethiopian

    God had a special mission for Philip – travel the road going from Jerusalem to Gaza. There, Philip met an Ethiopian man who was reading scripture, but did not understand what he was reading. Philip was able to explain the good news of Jesus to him, and lead him to become a follower of Jesus.

    Objective: Kids will learn that God can use us to share the good news anytime, anywhere, to anyone.

    Not-So-Top Secret

    Scripture: Acts 10:9-35, Peter and Cornelius

    The first people to believe the good news of Jesus were Jewish. But God's plan was for all peoples on earth to know the good news. God delivered a vision to Peter, to show him this truth. Peter then shared the good news with a man named Cornelius, who became one of the first non-Jewish men to put his faith in Jesus.

    Objective: Kids will learn that the good news is for everyone, even those we don't think deserve it.

    Secret Weapon

    Scripture: Acts 12:1-17, Peter's Escape from Prison

    Herod had ordered Peter arrested for sharing the good news of Jesus, and intended to have him killed. But Peter had a secret weapon – God was on his side. Peter walked out of the prison, unharmed, and ready to continue sharing the good news.

    Objective: Kids will learn that God can do what seems impossible to us.


    Scripture: Acts 14:8-22, In Lystra and Derbe

    When Paul healed a crippled man, the people thought Paul and Barnabas were gods undercover. But Paul and Barnabas never lost sight of where their power truly came from: Jesus Christ.   

    Objective: Kids will learn that in all things, we should give God the glory.



    Each Lesson Includes:

    • Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything.
    • Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!"
    • Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest.
    • Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!)
    • Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson.
    • Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together!
    • Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor.  Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :(
    • More! - Yes, there is even more than all of that so that you can easily put together the perfect lesson for your ministry each weekend, which means no more agonizing over how to adjust complicated lesson plans. 

      About This Curriculum:

      • Perfect for kids ages 6-12
      • 8-weeks
      • Includes large group and small group resources
      • This curriculum is an instant download
      • Download a free sample here
      • Includes NIRV, NIV, NLT, and KJV Memory Verse Graphics
      • Includes Editable Text Files



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